This fairy has some tea

Chapter 172 Ying Luan Comes

Chapter 172 Ying Luan Comes
It was different when Yinghui came out with a few children.

All of them are radiant, well-dressed, and even their hair is in perfect order.

Especially those few little ones who were ambushed in every corner with their innocence and uncontrollable excitement, if they still couldn't see that these people had solid bodies, then they were blind.

At this moment, I couldn't help but be eager to move.

Even those people who had bamboo solids on their bodies and the strength to protect them, and stayed aboveboard in front of the Spirit Washing Pool couldn't help but look at Yinghui and the others a few more times.

However, most people are still more cautious.

After all, Yinghui is the direct branch of the main family, so it's okay to steal her things, but if someone catches her, takes off her veil, reveals her identity, and goes out to be settled by someone else, then the loss outweighs the gain.

At this moment, it was less than two hours since the Spirit Washing Pool was opened, and most people had already left the Purple Bamboo Forest and gathered in front of the Spirit Washing Pool.

Those who have bamboo on their body, or were robbed by the people who ambush before, or traded with others, have already completed the secondary distribution.

At this moment, there is no solid body on my body, so I really can't stay calm.

Not daring to provoke Yinghui, he decided on a few children.

As soon as Ying Hui stepped out of the purple bamboo forest, he felt countless eyes falling on him, looking up and down.

Some immediately retreated, while others hesitated for a while, and finally retreated.

In the end, there were only three directions left, and he turned his gaze back and forth on himself and the people behind him.

Cultivators are very sensitive to sight, so when these people looked at them, they were very subtle. They all only stared at their toes, and never fell on their faces for a moment.

But Yinghui's perception is too strong, and she noticed it the moment her gaze fell.

Faced with so many malicious stares, Ying Hui was not afraid, and directly aimed at the source of the gaze, staring back one by one, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and immediately two gazes seemed to touch a soldering iron, and quickly withdrew.

Never dare to covet again.

There was only one line of sight left, and after meeting Ying Hui's line of sight, he withdrew for a moment, then turned his gaze around behind her.


With a cold snort, it exploded at the source of the line of sight, which shocked these people immediately.

They originally thought that Ying Hui had been outside for many years and hadn't been taught by Ying's family for a long time. Even if they had good cultivation, they reckoned that they must be weaker in fighting skills.

That's why he dared to ignore Ying Hui's warning.

They didn't even think that it was a warning just now. Their scrutiny was so subtle, how could it be seen through at a glance.

Therefore, they felt that the gaze that Ying Hui had just stared back at was just a coincidence of bluffing.

But who knew that when they stared at the people behind her again, Ying Hui directly gave a warning.

The cold snort rang directly in everyone's ears, but there was no reaction from others. Obviously, no one heard it except them. Only then did these few people know that they were completely exposed.

Immediately, the flags and drums died down, and I never dared to break my mind again.

Ying Hui warned the people who were hiding in the dark, and before they could find a place to set up camp outside the Spirit Pool, another person walked out of the purple bamboo forest.

The visitor had a pretty face, but it was a pity that the tails of his eyes were raised high, and even when he smiled, he gave off a vitriolic feeling.

When she came out, she was not in a state of distress, but her face was full of anger and hatred, which made her face even more fierce. As soon as she appeared, her sharp eyes swept to every corner outside the spirit pool.

When his eyes met Ying Hui who had been standing in front of the spirit pool for a long time, he felt as uncomfortable as eating a fly.

Especially when seeing the happy faces of the people behind Ying Hui, it was even more unpleasant.

I just thought that Yinghui's red-tailed wasp had died a long time ago, and with the few oil bottles that Yinghui brought, one or two bamboo stumps would be very fragrant.

So happy, maybe Yinghui agreed to exchange with others for them.

Thinking about it this way, the awkwardness finally faded a bit, and it was still very annoying to see Ying Hui and the others standing there.

"The eleventh niece came back so early, but Zhu Shi has made up enough?"

As he said that, thinking of Ying Hui's red-tailed wasp dying in front of Ying Hui, Ying Luan's depression dissipated a lot.

"Drag the blessings of Aunt 22, I really got it all together, I finally lived up to the entrustment of these little fellows' elders.

Hey, I remember that when Aunt 22 came in, she was surrounded by many people, why is Aunt 22 left alone now?

Could it be that there was an accident in the bamboo forest?

That's not right, looking at Aunt 22's appearance, she doesn't seem to be in danger either.

Is it..."

Before Ying Hui finished speaking, Ying Luan was already like a cock being strangled by the neck, and asked sharply: "What?
As long as the eleventh niece is free to take care of her own people, she doesn't have to worry about her elders. "

Ying Luan has a good face, if she let others know that all the six foreign aid her father hired for her betrayed her, she will definitely become the laughing stock of the whole family, she can't afford to lose this person.

Therefore, Ying Hui was reprimanded mercilessly.

How could Ying Hui spoil her?

Immediately, she turned cold and said: "Since 22-gu is an elder, she should put more thought into her cultivation anyway, she is a lot of young, but her cultivation is not as good as that of a junior like me, so it doesn't sound good to say it. "

This cultivation level has always been Ying Luan's sore foot, because of her grandfather Ying Yan's face, others have given her some face, and no one has ever ridiculed her face to face.

Immediately, he lost his mind and smashed at Ying Hui with a handful of talismans in his hand.

Ying Hui has been guarding against the other party since he said that sentence.

She knows who Ying Luan is, but why should she always be cautious, why should she always hold back.

If you are reprimanded unscrupulously by someone who is far inferior to you, but you don't even resist, then no matter how high your cultivation is, you are still a target of abuse.

Today, she will use Ying Luan to scare chickens and monkeys, so that everyone, no matter whether it is the branch family, the main family, the side branch or the branch, knows that even if she did not receive the most comprehensive teaching from Ying's parents since she was a child, she is still beyond their grasp exist.

Therefore, when Ying Luan threw out an attacking talisman, Ying Hui's ice silk rope instantly entangled the six people behind him, a blue light flashed under his feet, and the moment the talisman hit, he had already changed places.

"Stay away, remember?"

Ying Hui turned his back to Ying Luan, and smiled gently at several people.

But she didn't know how many people's jaws had dropped in shock just now.

Ying Hui frowned, and his heart turned into a storm.

Based on his knowledge, at the moment when the blue light flashed under Yinghui's feet, it was almost certain that this was not an ordinary spell.

"Supernatural powers?
Was that supernatural power just now?

How could it be supernatural powers?
How old is she?How could it be possible to practice supernatural powers.

This supernatural power has never been mentioned by anyone, and it is not Ying's property at all. Is it because of her chance outside? "

(End of this chapter)

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