This fairy has some tea

Chapter 173 Escape

Chapter 173 Escape
He murmured in his heart, but still couldn't believe it.

He once tried to cultivate a supernatural power because he was eager to win, but only halfway through, he failed. Not to mention wasting a supernatural power jade slip and many spiritual objects, his soul was also slightly damaged.

Therefore, he knows better than others how difficult it is to cultivate supernatural powers during the Qi refining period.

The turbulent waves in my heart can't be calmed down for a long time.

Ying Lu also has a face full of shock and admiration. Although she is young, she has a very tenacious temperament. She is helpless in the master's house, and her aptitude is not top-notch. In order to stand out among the outstanding descendants , I also thought about finding another way to practice one or two magical powers and secret techniques.

But just getting involved was enough to make her flinch.

But Yinghui has already cultivated, how can she not be admired.

Except for the two of them, everyone who knew something about supernatural powers was all dumbfounded.

Naturally, Ying Hui didn't know the turbulent waves he created.

When Ying Luan was about to attack her again, a huge net with white lightning flashed down on Ying Luan's head.

I saw a blue light on Ying Luan's body, and the thunder net was crackling, but no matter what, he couldn't make any progress.

Just as Ying Luan was about to reveal a few points, Ying Hui threw a second-order Yimu God Thunder Talisman directly from his hand.

The cyan divine thunder shone with dazzling lightning, like a knife like a sword, it slashed straight at Ying Luan.

The blue light was only resisted a little, and it broke like a wave of water.

The underage children of the Ying family can't go out at will, so naturally they won't encounter any danger at home.

Even if you come to participate in the spirit baptism, at most you should bring some first-order talismans.

The second-order talisman will never appear in the monthly cases of these younger generations.

Even elders and relatives rarely give these overly lethal talismans to their children.

After all, young people are prone to impulsiveness. If they accidentally use such a powerful talisman, it will be too difficult to end if something happens.

It really hurts children, at most one or two relatively strong defense magic weapons.

Just like Ying Luan, her mouth is foul, her popularity is not very good, and she has offended too many people. To prevent her from being beaten by others, it is also to prevent her from bullying others.

Ying Yan really gave her a lot of treasures with strong defenses, but the offensive ones were only some first-rank top-grade talismans at most.

Ying Hui made up his mind to deal with Ying Luan, knocking out the opponent's defensive treasures one after another.

The talisman Qinghuo appeared in turn, dazzled everyone.

Those who had made the idea of ​​winning all touched their necks one after another, secretly thanking themselves that they were not impulsive, otherwise grass would grow on the grave after half a day.

The effect of killing chickens to scare monkeys can be said to be very significant.

When Ying Luan's last defense was broken, her proud head could no longer be raised.

Seeing Ying Hui's merciless strikes, and the treasures in her hand decreasing little by little, she felt so distressed, and even more flustered, unable to think of how to escape safely once all the treasures in her hand were exhausted.

The idea of ​​retreat has long been born in my heart, but because of my face, I have been hesitating.

It wasn't until the last treasure was damaged that I became really anxious.

Her face was even hotter, and she felt that at this moment, everyone could see her distress, and everyone was waiting to see her being pressed to the ground by Yinghui and beaten severely.

She was so embarrassed that she wanted to bury her head in the ground and never want to see anyone again.

But facing Ying Hui with a smile on her lips, she couldn't care less about the talismans that she squeezed out again. A teleportation talisman appeared in her hand, and she teleported away directly.

She ran away!
I was scared away by Ying Huisheng!
It still cost a random teleportation talisman that was extremely precious and worthy of one's life!

The two of them didn't even have a real fight, it was all the collision of dangerous and powerful talismans and defensive magic weapons.

The onlookers were all dumbfounded, and most of them were lamenting that so many treasures were wasted in the verbal dispute between the two.

Those who are separated from the family show infinite yearning for the direct branch of the main family, praying that they can also awaken their spirit bodies and become the direct branch.

This is also Yinghui's deliberate intention. Special secret techniques such as Luobao Lingshi are bound to be used by her as a trump card. They cannot be easily used, and everyone knows it.

A vertical blue light is enough to show her strength and deter those who despise her from the bottom of their hearts.

As for some talismans, she really could afford to spend them, and it was not a day or two since she wanted to beat Ying Luan.

Since they all want to be beaten, do they want to beat her until she is afraid, until she is timid, and until she no longer dares to fiddle with her in front of her?
It's just that Ying Luan was so emboldened that he didn't even participate in Xiling, and ran away with a teleportation talisman, which Ying Hui couldn't understand.

And everyone also had a deeper understanding of Ying Hui's ferocity from now on.

"I really can't help but clean up."

Ying Hui sighed, but if the other party said something soft, she couldn't continue to strike, but the other party didn't follow the routine and ran away.

Ying Hui was even a little worried that after Ying Luan went out, he would turn black and white and sue him.

"In my opinion, she doesn't look like she was scared of being beaten by you, but she was ashamed and hid."

Ying Shu's merciless complaints can be said to be to the point.

Just listen to her continue: "Don't worry, she will definitely sue for a criminal complaint.

There are only so many people present, no matter what, she is the first to attack, you are forced to defend yourself, and within the clan, you are right to say that the sky is broken.

Don't be afraid of her! "

The two were whispering, and saw a group of people appear again in the bamboo forest.

It's not Ying Ning but who.

Unlike Ying Luan who was lonely when he came out, Ying Ning was surrounded by a mighty group of people, with more than a dozen people with different levels of cultivation, big and small, but after all, the older ones accounted for more of them.

As soon as she came out of the bamboo forest, she saw Yinghui standing in front of the spirit washing pool, the spiritual power around her was turbulent, and there were many burnt marks on the ground, so she guessed it.

There was silence all around, and the six people not far behind Yinghui were full of excitement, and it could be seen that Yinghui must have won.

Immediately let out a smile.

"Sister Eleven came very early."

After saying hello, seeing Ying Hui looking up, he walked over with a smile on his own, while the people behind him waited obediently in place.

Ying Ning glanced around and saw that everyone's eyes fell on the two of them, and waved to set up a sound-proof barrier, saying:
"Sister Eleven, do you know if our deal still counts?"

"You're impatient. It's not cheap to trade with me. You really don't want to ask Ying Hui how many of them are there anymore?"

Ying Ning suddenly became worried, "Why don't you ask, but my luck is really bad this time, my two red-tailed hornets encountered bee-eaters several times on the way, one died and the other was injured, the injured one I can no longer find bamboo for me, I am really short of it.

Eleventh sister, if she has anything extra, she must save her younger sister. "

(End of this chapter)

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