Chapter 174

Ying Hui now has 59 bamboo fruits in his hand, excluding the one that opened the spirit washing pool, there are [-] more.

To be honest, there are indeed many.

It's just that Ying Ning can't provide what she needs except mercury fish.

Even if she could get it out, she wouldn't be able to exchange it with a few bamboo stumps.

As for the mercury fish, two cloud herons, a total of six would be enough.

She had already taken one as a deposit earlier, so she gave Ying Ning twelve pieces of bamboo, and exchanged five more.

"I knew Eleventh Sister was extraordinary in strength, it's really admirable to bring so many small ones and get so many bamboos.

I still have a lot of interesting things here, such as the smoky cassock, the Qinziyu storage bracelet, and the space bamboo house. As soon as the bamboo house is released, the bamboo house, which is no more than the size of a fist, will immediately become the size of a normal bamboo house, and it can also be put into the belt, which is very convenient.

Moreover, the bamboo house is a spiritual weapon, with its own defense, it can be used even after the foundation is established.

If Sister Eleven is not interested in these things, just mention what is missing, and I will always find a way to find a replacement for Sister Eleven. "

Needless to say, Yinghui is still not excited about these enjoyable things, so Yingshu can't take it anymore, and keeps sending voice transmissions to Yinghui, asking her to change to a bamboo house.

"Whether it's in Yaoze Realm or Langhuan Realm, there are more opportunities to go out. There are two of us, it's so convenient to have a bamboo house, don't mention your boat, it's nothing, even a lying down Nowhere.

Just change it, for the sake of my hard work, change it. "

Ying Hui couldn't stand being overwhelmed by Ying Shu, so he still asked about the price.

Then, it was a wrangling bargain, and finally, the official transaction was made at the price of ten bamboos.

So in the end, Yinghui only had 38 bamboo fruits left on his body.

Ying Ning just got 22 bamboos from Ying Hui, not only can everyone in the group get one, but Ying Ning can still have some leftovers!

The point is how she sees that winning and returning is still worth it, how can she give up this opportunity to win the big family.

Rubbish and hard, once again listed a bunch of enjoyment prices, what Ying Shu heard was heart-pounding.

Before she could speak, Ying Hui just dropped two words and ran away.

If she didn't run away, she was afraid that she would not be able to keep her remaining bamboo, and she still wanted to save some property for herself in the Langhuan world.

Ying Ning was taken aback by Ying Hui's decisive tone at first, thinking that Ying Hui was upset by her obsession.

Who knew that Yinghui would just run away like a girl, don't make it too obvious that she fled in despair, in Ying Ning's view, it was Yinghui's appearance that she couldn't help but force herself to restrain herself.

I couldn't help but burst out laughing out loud, this eleventh sister is really interesting.

Ying Ning walked out of the restraint, and found Ying Lu again, Zhu Shi, she never had too much, and she could buy one more for one.

Just like Ying Ning, those who exchange items are just like the little boys who did business without money before.

Each one was covered with black veils, which even the consciousness could not penetrate.

Obviously it was well prepared.

No matter who it was, they didn't dare to provoke Ying Hui and them.

Ying Hui even sits directly in front of the Spirit Washing Pool, drawing the ground, and the enchantment rises, blocking all sight and sound, neither being troubled by others nor going to trouble others.

Those who were robbed also ran around like headless chickens, and those who asked for help everywhere, but for some reason, none of them fell in front of Yinghui, and they seemed to avoid it subconsciously.

When the purple aura covering the Spirit Pool finally faded away and finally turned into a rich white color, this chaos finally came to an end.

Ying Hui led the six people to take the first step, holding the bamboo fruit in his hand, it turned into a stream of water, dripping on the thick white spiritual light, and saw that the liquid of the bamboo fruit just dripped, and the white thick fog stretched out strands of water The white smoke tendrils wrapped people up and brought them into the spirit washing pool.

Ying Hui felt that his feet were falling into the clouds, and his eyes were bright white, as if he had ascended to the spiritual world.

Although she is only a qi cultivator, she has not been able to build a foundation in her two lifetimes.

But that doesn't stop her from using her imagination.

Soaring is probably the case.

This feeling was so comfortable that she couldn't help but use the exercises to introduce the white mist into her body like aura.

After wisps of mist penetrated into the body, the whole person became light and drowsy.

She was a little sleepy just now, and the small sachet hanging on her chest released bursts of fragrance, pouring into her nose.

Let Yinghui wake up instantly.

This small sachet was specially found by Ying Duo for her spiritual washing, it can keep the altar clear.

According to Ying Duo, the longer one stays in the spirit washing pool, the longer the spirit washing time, the more the spirit washing mist is introduced into the body, and the greater the chance of awakening the spirit body.

And if you want to stay in the Spirit Pool for a long time, you must stay awake. Once you lose consciousness, you will be sent out by the Spirit Pool in an instant.

This spirit washing pool is said to be a pool, but it is not like an ordinary pool, where a small hole is filled with water.

In fact, the entire Spirit Washing Pool seemed more like a cloud of mist, trapped within the formation.

After each of them entered the formation, they were carried by the cloud and scattered in every corner of the entire space.

It's just that the cloud and mist are as pure white and thick as seen outside, and you can't see your fingers.

Therefore, the entire space seemed to be the only one left.

Ying Hui was groggy, and her mind was a little tired. She didn't know how long she had spent in this space.

The fragrance in the sachet has long been exhausted, but whenever she is about to fall asleep, the stone bead will emit a burst of clarity to wake her up.

And her body also underwent earth-shaking changes.

His body was covered with a thick layer of fat at some point.

The blood is constantly churning in the body, and the skeletal muscles are constantly solidifying.

A kind of tenacious vitality like weeds germinated in her body.

The body under the grease seemed to be glowing with fluorescent whiteness.

The baby fat that has been hanging on the face has gone a lot.

There are more youthful handsomeness.

If it is women's clothing, it should be charming, if it is men's clothing, it is also unparalleled in elegance.

Ying Hui knows that at this moment, her spirit body has already become half, that is, she has achieved a half spirit body, and if she persists, she may become a complete spirit body.

However, she hesitated at this moment.

The spirit body of the Ying family is called the living spirit body.

Taken from the meaning of life and death, continuous and endless.

In general, the difference between this spirit body and ordinary people lies in its super powerful resilience.

Whether it is poisoning or injury, as long as there is still a breath, as long as there is enough time, even if you don't take a panacea, you can recover as before.

(End of this chapter)

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