This fairy has some tea

Chapter 176 Half Spirit Body

Chapter 176 Half Spirit Body

Although the Patriarch felt a little regretful in his heart, he still cheered up and comforted him: "It's normal even if you can't awaken. Being able to stay until the end already shows that you have a strong heart and extraordinary perseverance. , is also a rare opportunity.”

Ying Hui watched the Patriarch speak more and more sadly, knowing that this was a misunderstanding, and quickly explained: "Although Ah Hui is not as good as Zhouyu awakened a complete spirit body, but barely awakened a half-spiritual body, which disappointed the Patriarch. Win is ashamed."

This sharp turn made the owner's regret suddenly stuck.

There was even an inexplicable surprise.

If Yinghui immediately revealed that he was a half-spiritual body after he came out, the Patriarch might not be so excited, and might even be a little disappointed.

But after the misunderstanding that the direct branch was empty window just now, I suddenly felt that even a half-spiritual body was very exciting.

After complimenting them a few times, they led them out of this small mountain depression.

Ying Zhouyu's face was flushed red, and she realized that she was agitated just now, but she lost Yinghui's face.

Yinghui helped herself and others a lot, if she didn't have Yinghui, she wouldn't even be able to walk out of the purple bamboo forest smoothly, let alone awaken her spirit body.

She was talking nonsense just now, isn't it just revenge.

Ying Hui didn't think too much about it, Ying Zhouyu was actually only six years old, she had awakened a complete spirit body, and it was normal for her to speak without so many worries when she was excited.

Looking at Ying Zhouyu's flushed face, I thought she was still agitated.

When being taken back to fly by the owner, he even teased her a few words.

Ying Zhouyu found that Yinghui really didn't take what happened just now to heart. On the one hand, she felt that Yinghui was kind and magnanimous, and on the other hand, she felt ashamed of being a villain.

The mood is very complicated.

However, soon she didn't have the heart to think so much. After awakening the spirit body, coupled with her good aptitude, she was immediately incorporated into the direct branch.

Like Yinghui, Ying Beiling only awakened a half-spiritual body, but the appearance of three spiritual bodies at a time is considered an excellent result for this spiritual washing.

The head of the family was proud of the spring breeze, and divided an independent yard for both of them, but there was no independent hill, but to live with other direct descendants of similar age who had no elders to rely on, such as Yinglu.

The yards of the two are even more close to each other, making them direct neighbors.

As for Yinghui, who is a direct descendant, it is not so troublesome, and the immediate salary is doubled, which is counted as a reward.

By the time Yinghui returned to Zimu Peak, the news that she had awakened her spirit body had already come back.

Ying Duo even sent a sound transmission talisman before she came back, telling her to go to Zifeng.

Ying Hui could only hastily rinsed his body, cleaned the dirt that even the dust removal technique hadn't removed, changed into a clean undershirt, and left the room.

"Miss, why do I feel that you are beautiful again?"

Meng Lan looked at her own lady who was as delicate as a porcelain doll, and felt that even a nine-day fairy was nothing more than that.

The whole person is white and translucent, making Ying Hui's body seem to be glowing with light.

The skin is even more flimsy, delicate and smooth, and the facial features seem to have opened up a bit, without the childishness of a child, and more handsome.

"It's still Menglan who has eyesight, but she's even more beautiful. This is also the effect of the spirit body."

Ying Hui also has a little color, regardless of men and women, how many people in this world can not care about their appearance.

Fuxu was not to be outdone, and when she saw Meng Lan boasting Ying Hui, she smiled happily, and quickly took out the dress she had prepared.

It was a light green plain dress, long enough to drag the floor. The whole body was embroidered with various cloud patterns of the same color sapphire silk. From a distance, it looked like a plain dress without a trace of pattern, but it was only when you looked closely that you could see the thousands of changes in it.

After Ying Hui is dressed neatly, the sash belt turns into a milky white silk sash around the waist, and a white jade necklace with water droplets is tied on it. When walking, there is water vapor constantly swallowing and suffocating on it. fragrance.

"Miss's first appearance after awakening her spirit body, you can't be sloppy, you have to let those who don't have eyes to see, my lady is good everywhere, they are not even worthy of carrying shoes."

Fu Xu dislikes Bai Lian'er very much. Bai Lian'er always likes to dress up, and she is really good looking. She can't compare to Ying Hui, so she always talks about Ying Hui's appearance.

Everyone is the same age, but Ying Hui is still childish, she doesn't even look like a girl, she gets angry when she thinks about it.

In her opinion, the snow jade that her young lady grows is cute, and she is the most beautiful. It is impossible to be like her, and to be like that weak Liu Fufeng's disgusting appearance all day long.

Ying Hui also knew what she was thinking, and let her fiddle with it. When she was dressed properly, she brought the two of them to Zifeng together with Fuxu who seemed to be proud.

Unfortunately, this trip is bound to disappoint the two of them.

Ying Duo did not wait in the room with Su Mengwan and Bai Lian'er, but called Yinghui to the viewing platform.

The father and daughter enjoyed a rare moment of silence, and Ying Duo carefully asked Yinghui about the process of the baptism.

After knowing that the red-tailed hornet died after only one dispatch, he immediately lost his temper.

"Yingcheng's girl is really stupid and bad, don't worry, Ah Hui, father won't let you suffer for nothing!"

Yinghui blushed, hesitated for a while, and told about his sneaky revenge.

"It's your ability to take revenge, and it's even more due, but she can't just let it go by killing you first!"

Ying Hui thinks about it, it is indeed the truth, it just makes her lose a few helpers, and it is really too light to do it by herself.

Since her own father wants to stand up for her, there's no need for her to stop her.

Besides, who knew that she had taken revenge?If you don't cheat at this time, when will you wait?

As for the conflict in front of the Spirit Washing Pool, Yinghui was just self-defense, not revenge.

After handing over the red-tailed hornet with only half of its body left as evidence to Ying Duo, Ying Duo became emotional.

"Father doesn't seem to help you with anything, you have grown into an indomitable appearance.

Not only did you become supernatural powers, but you also awakened your spirit body, and your appearance is even more beautiful, and you have someone like Ying Shu by your side. I heard that your talent for alchemy is also very good.

Your family values ​​you very much, and your grandmother also values ​​you very much. Dad seems to have been left behind by you. Dad has nothing to do with your cultivation.

I can only help you with small things, otherwise it will appear that my father is too incompetent. "

Ying Duo sighed again.

"I know that since I married your mother, people in the family have laughed at me, but as you become more and more outstanding, they envy me instead.

You are fighting for your father, but your father has not become your reliance.

When I was young, I relied on my mother, and when I was older, I relied on my daughter. I failed to set a good example for you, because my father was not good. "

(End of this chapter)

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