This fairy has some tea

Chapter 177 1 Kiss

Chapter 177 A Kiss
With sore eyes, Ying Hui said in a muffled voice, "Father, you are already a very good father.

A good father is not only someone with a high cultivation base, it is a daughter's blessing that I can be your daughter.

On the contrary, it was me who only cared about my cultivation and didn't care about my father all the time. "

But Ying Duo laughed: "Daddy is in his prime, where does he need your care and care, as long as you don't dislike him for embarrassing you.

What you have been doing all along has been excellent. Concentrate on cultivation and focus on the Tao. This is the path you should take.

Dad has had enough of the hardships of love between children, but he doesn't want you to follow Dad's old path.

You just need to remember that no matter what happens in the future, Dad hopes that you will think of Dad first.

Daddy will also work hard to be your and Huahua's backing. "

Ying Hui nodded heavily, and was about to say something more, but was interrupted by a call.

"Uncle, Ah Hui, my aunt asked me to come over and see why you haven't gone in yet."

The last time when Yinghui left the gate, she saw Ying Duo and left, which made Su Mengwan very angry. This time, she waited and waited but no Yinghui came in, so she couldn't wait any longer.

Bai Lian'er was directly sent to call for someone.

Ying Duo patted Yinghui on the head, but did not respond to Bai Lian'er's words, but said to her: "Your mother is still angry because you didn't see her when you left the customs before. Dodge for a while, and come back after Daddy has coaxed your mother well."

"Father, will Mother be even more angry if this is the case?"

"Don't worry, Dad will take care of it."

Ying Duo knew that he had already spent all his time and energy on his wife, and he didn't want Ying Hui to do the same, so he simply separated the two of them completely.

"There is one more thing, I need you to help Dad."

"Father has something to do, Ah Hui will definitely do his best and die!"

The serious expression made Ying Duo laugh again, patted her on the back of the head and said: "It's not a big deal, it's just that my mother and I often quarreled recently, worried that it would affect Huahua, Dad wants you to take care of Huahua for a few days.

She has her own maid, and she is still doing her duty. You just need to ask her occasionally, or let Yingshu take care of her, is that okay? "

"Of course, but I plan to retreat again after I go back. This time the retreat may take a long time. Will it be uncomfortable to let Yingshu take care of her Huahua?"

"No, Ying Shu has been to Zifeng many times before, and I'm afraid she's closer to Huahua than to you, so you can rest assured to close your gate.

Mother Peak is your grandmother's dojo. Although your grandmother is in seclusion, there is still Uncle Zhaohui sitting in it. No one dares to do anything wrong. It is much safer than Zifeng.

After I settle the matter with your mother, I will bring her back.

Now you go back first, Huahua waits for me to find a chance before sending it to you. "

Ying Hui was relieved, and asked Ying Shu for her opinion. After confirming that she was willing to help, she agreed, and the two of them with Fu Xu didn't even give Bai Lian'er a look, and Shi Shi ran away.

Bai Lian'er's face turned green with anger, and she asked loudly, "Ying Hui, didn't you hear? My aunt told you to come over, so maybe you want to treat my aunt..."

Before she could say the last word of honor, her mouth was sealed again. She glared at Yinghui angrily, but found that Yinghui's footsteps didn't stop at all.

A shadow appeared in front of her, and when she looked up, she saw that Ying Duo had come in front of her without knowing when.

She made a whining sound, tears fell as soon as she said that, she wanted to show Ying Duo the true face of Ying Hui's arrogance and domineering.

However, the corners of Ying Duo's mouth curled up slightly, and the pads of his fingers gently rubbed against Bai Lian'er's delicate cheeks, squatting down, and gently wiped away the tears on Bai Lian'er's cheeks.

Over the past few days, Wan'er has become more and more conflicted with Ah Hui, but she gets along with her niece better than her own mother and daughter.

Ah Hui just picked it up, so it's fine if Bai Lian'er spends a long time with them.

But isn't it the same that Huahua doesn't get her mother's meticulous love?
Since Wan'er can't recognize this niece clearly, she can only recognize Wan'er herself.

Ying Duo's eyes were deep, and his fingertips lingered on Bai Lian'er's face without hesitation.

Although Bai Lian'er is only ten years old, girls in the secular world are already precocious, and there are many people who marry and have children at the age of twelve or thirteen. She came from the secular world, so she really knows more about this aspect, and she has reached the ignorant time of love.

Ying Duo and Ying Hui are similar in appearance, although they look a little delicate as a man, but with his tall and straight figure, they are even more handsome.

Especially when he was looking at Bai Lian'er intently, the words that Ying Shu had mentioned in her ear immediately flooded into her ears.

"Speaking of which, my wife is really lucky. In terms of aptitude, looks, and temperament, she is not as good as you, Lian'er, but she just married the master and became the wife of the master Jianji, the direct branch of the cultivating family. What do you want?" have what.

I just pity you, Lian'er, but you have to be wronged to make a living under the hands of your wife.

After all, they are not the biological mother and daughter, the wife only has two daughters, even if she is not close to Yinghui, can she still ignore Huahua?

When Huahua grows big in the future, where will there be a place for you?

It's a pity for your appearance, if you match our master, I think it's a perfect match.

Ma'am is still a lot worse.

It's a pity that our Master is such a good person. "

Bai Lian'er raised her neck tremblingly, she was not tempted, she also found opportunities to get close to Ying Duo, but Ying Duo avoided them all.

At this moment, Ying Duo was finally willing to look her in the eye, and she would never let go of this opportunity.

Thinking of the Baisu Acacia incense that Yingshu gave her in the storage bag, she immediately took it out quietly, rubbing her fingertips slightly, and it was already broken into powder.

The ambiguous warm fragrance lingered on her fingertips, Bai Lian'er raised her hand and gently held Ying Duo's fingertips resting on her face.

He raised his eyes that were glowing with water, and called softly, "Master!"

This is not a call from a niece to an uncle, but a seductive invitation from a woman to a man.

Ying Duo's expression suddenly became dazed, looking at the foggy eyes in front of him, he vaguely saw the eyes that he saw when he was trapped in the secret realm and his life was hanging by a thread.

Those small red lips were even slightly parted, as if sending out a wordless invitation.

Uncontrollably, Ying Duo leaned over slightly, and kissed her gently.

"What are you doing!"

A piercing shriek shattered the beauty.

But Su Mengwan waited and waited and waited for no one, even Bai Lian'er was gone, so she couldn't bear it anymore and went out to find someone herself.

Behind her, followed by a large group of maids.

Her greatest reliance, her most proud lover, put her arms around her niece's waist and kissed her niece in full view.

How did she accept it, how did she endure this great humiliation.

(End of this chapter)

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