This fairy has some tea

Chapter 178 Disputes

Chapter 178 Disputes
Su Mengwan rushed forward with one stride, exhausted all her strength, and pulled apart the two who seemed to have not heard his scream but were still hugging each other tightly.

"Papa" slapped Bai Lian'er heavily with two slaps.

What happened suddenly, Bai Lian'er used Baisu Acacia Fragrance and it was too late to take the antidote in advance. At this moment, she was completely immersed in the effect of that strange fragrance, no different from Ying Duo.

Even, because of her low cultivation base, she may be affected more seriously than Ying Duo.

When Su Mengwan tore the two of them apart, Bai Lian'er was still immersed in the lingering kiss, her lips were crystal clear, even a little red and swollen, one could imagine how intense the kiss was just now.

Even after being slapped twice, the water in his eyes still didn't dissipate, and he still looked at Ying Duo foolishly.

After being interrupted by Su Mengwan, Ying Duo woke up almost immediately, and looked at Bai Lian'er with deep eyes, not knowing when she thought about it, and he was right. , This girl really can't stay.

In order to prevent Bai Lian'er from having the opportunity to justify herself and use the excuse of others to frame her, Ying Duo even quietly blew away the alluring fragrance from Bai Lian'er's body without leaving a trace.

From Su Mengwan's point of view, Ying Duo's eyes looked more like she felt sorry for Bai Lian'er who had been beaten by her.

Get stimulated again and again.Instead, her sanity began to return, and the shock and anger of being double-betrayed by her niece and husband just now dissipated a little.

Ying Duo is her husband and her lifelong support, no one can take Ying Duo away from her.

Su Mengwan quickly recalled the bits and pieces of these days, and then suddenly realized that at some point, Bai Lian'er was constantly provoking the relationship between herself and Ying Hui.

And it was precisely because of this that there were constant disputes between her and Ying Duo.

It's not that she didn't want to be patient and win for the sake of her husband, after all, she is also her own daughter, but every time she loses her temper, Bai Lian'er will fan the flames in her ears, and she will quarrel with Ying Duo again.

It seemed that the two hadn't had sex for a long time.

But he still only cared about fighting against his own daughter.

It turned out that Bai Lian'er did this on purpose!

Bai Lian'er must have used this time to pester Ying Duo.

She looked at Bai Lian'er's face again, she was [-]% similar to herself, she said she was a niece, but she was more like her own daughter.

Even though he is only in his early ten years old, he is already beautiful and slim, even his breasts are slightly protruding, completely different from Yinghui's immature child.

The watery eyes are full of greenness, which is the youthful vigor that he has lost.

She must be seducing Ying Duo with an appearance similar to her own but a younger body than her own!
My husband must have been seduced by Bai Lian'er and used her as his substitute because I have been too petty these days.

Su Mengwan thinks that she has already guessed the whole truth, she is sure that Ying Duo must love her, otherwise, as a descendant of the Ying family, master Jianji, how can he fall in love with a young girl who doesn't have what kind of beautiful woman he wants? little girl.

In the final analysis, he just regarded Bai Lian'er as his substitute.

After figuring this out, Su Mengwan's hesitation that her reliance was taken away by someone instantly dissipated a lot.

As long as he admits his mistakes on his own initiative, is as tender and affectionate as before, no longer provoked by Bai Lian'er, and no longer makes petty temper, Ying Duo will still reconcile with himself as before.

So what if she was young, so what if she looked like herself, as long as she was alive, Bai Lian'er, the substitute, would never be able to become the rightful master.

No, not to mention replacing her, even as a substitute!

Su Mengwan's tears slid down her face like broken pearls, she clutched her chest and bit her lip, her voice was gone from the sharpness just now, only endless sadness and desolation.

"Husband, you, how could you treat me like this, woo woo woo, Lian'er is still a child, she is only as old as Ah Hui, you are trying to kill me..."

Su Mengwan was full of hatred in her heart, just to highlight her kindness, she could only use Bai Lianer's age as an issue, trying to suppress Ying Duo's feelings for Bai Lianer first, and then find a chance to deal with Bai Lianer.

In the end it was Ying Duo's beloved wife who fell in love with each other desperately and married back. Seeing Su Mengwan's appearance, Ying Duo couldn't bear to provoke her anymore.

Although Wan'er is kind-hearted and did not blame Bai Lian'er for this situation, but after what happened today, Wan'er will definitely not protect Bai Lian'er unconditionally as before.

Without Wan'er's protection, it would be much easier for him to send Bai Lian'er away.

Although Wan'er will be sad for a while, but in the future, she will definitely make up for it twice. Without this outsider's instigation, if she reconciles in the middle, the four members of her family will definitely be able to really get close.

"I'm sorry Wan'er, it was my fault just now, I mistook Lian'er for you, I couldn't help it for a while, I'm sorry for you, it's none of Lian'er's business, don't blame her, it's because I'm sorry for her, I have treated her lightly, and I will make it up to you in the future."

Ying Duo and Su Mengwan have been married for many years, and they understand Su Mengwan's temperament very well. The more he excuses Bai Lian'er, the more angry she will be, and the more she will think that she is partial to protecting Bai Lian'er.

Since Wan'er still doesn't blame Bai Lian'er in her heart, let him add more fire.

At this time, Bai Lian'er had already woken up from the dizziness, and the moment she just woke up, she heard Ying Duo's words, and her heart was as sweet as honey for an instant.

When Ying Duo touched his cheek just now, his mind was clear, and there was no possibility of misidentification, so saying that was just coaxing Su Mengwan, after all, she still has a place in the name.

As for the kiss just now, although he used some tricks, Ying Duo didn't show any signs of strangeness at this time, he must have wanted to get close to him a long time ago.

She raised her eyes shyly, and glanced at Ying Duo foolishly, her eyes were full of affection.

In the future, with Ying Duo protecting him, how could he continue to be angry with his aunt, and when he gave birth to a son and a half in the future, coupled with his own qualifications, even his aunt would give in to him.

Bai Lian'er thought about it, and said shyly to Su Mengwan: "Auntie, don't blame the Master, Lian'er will do her duty in the future and serve you and the Master well."

Su Mengwan found that not only Ying Duo was protecting Bai Lian'er, but Bai Lian'er herself had changed her name, she didn't even call her uncle, she came in as a little concubine.

It's really hard to guard against, and it's hard to guard against house thieves.

Su Mengwan forced herself to let out a smile, and said: "Lian'er has a heart, my husband, since it was a misunderstanding, let's forget it, let's go back to the room first, it doesn't look good for a large group of people standing outside."

(End of this chapter)

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