Chapter 179
But Ying Duo shook his head and said: "No need, you guys go back first, I still have something to do, I need to go out, by the way, Huahua has been talking about her sister for the past two days, I just told Ahui that I want to send her away. Lived with her sister for a few days, and the two sisters also got close.

Wan'er, what do you think? "

Su Mengwan couldn't care less about Huahua at the moment, she immediately agreed, and didn't ask Ying Duo what's going on, she just sent her out of Zifeng with a smile on her face.

When Huahua was sent to Yinghui's Donglai courtyard, there was still a bit of hesitation on her small face.

She was still young and didn't know what happened, but she knew, and she could sense from other people's conversations that her parents should be angry again.

The child is very forgetful, he is teased by his maid and Yingshu, and Yinghui is attracted by all kinds of novelties, so he forgets all these things and plays happily up.

It has to be said that Ying Duo is really considerate, otherwise, Liu Huahua will continue to stay in Zifeng, and the little girl does not know how much suffering she will suffer in the days to come.

Yinghui saw that Huahua was in a bad mood, and her maid was also hesitating, so he knew that something must have happened to Zifeng again.

Fuxu also wanted to volunteer to make a routine, but was rejected by Yinghui, and directly cast the dream-attracting technique on Huahua's maid. Although the maid's cultivation base was higher than Yinghui's, the strength of Yuanshen could not be compared with Yinghui at all. , Yinghui's dream lure technique was performed very smoothly, making the maid tell everything she knew like a bean.

Hearing that Su Mengwan saw Ying Duo and Bai Lian'er kissing together, Ying Hui immediately frowned.

She never expected that the progress of the matter was so much earlier than their plan.

Originally, according to Ying Shu's prediction, Bai Lian'er would need at least two more fires before Bai Lian'er would make a move. Therefore, although the plan of the two of them changed, Ying Shu was not in a hurry to arrange the next move. .

Only after hearing Ying Duo's defense of Bai Lian'er, Ying Hui realized that there might be something else wrong with it.

Although she doesn't have much contact with her parents, but from her slightly biased subjective opinion, her father Yingduo is really a good man who is dedicated and responsible, not to mention the niece of his beloved wife, or any irrelevant woman. He won't even touch it.

If it's because Bai Lian'er used Bai Su Acacia Fragrance, then Ying Duo would only hate Bai Lian'er for destroying his relationship with his wife, instead of protecting her.

"It seems that this can be regarded as a wrong hit."

Ying Shu sneered, and continued: "I thought your father was a fool with strict wife control, but I didn't expect him to be decisive and come up with such a way, so that your mother will never protect her again no matter what. up.

If you say that Bai Lian'er has neither family nor self-cultivation, whether it's your father or us, it's easy to get rid of her, but we have to worry about your mother and let her go for so long.

Once your father makes this move, although your mother will be sad for a while, she will definitely hate Bai Lian'er, and the quarrel between your mother and daughter that Bai Lian'er provoked before will be resolved. "

Although Ying Hui didn't want to reconcile with her mother, it was obvious that Ying Duo had this in mind before he made this decision.

Knowing what happened, Bai Lian'er didn't need them to do anything anymore, Yinghui went to Zhaohui and brought back the two little herons.

Feed a mercury fish to each of the two pups every few days.

After all six mercury fishes had been eaten, the long beaks of the two little cloud herons changed from iron color to silver white.

Sharp as the sharpest long sword.

It's just that the cultivation base hasn't changed much, and it's still the appearance of the first-order late stage.

After leaving the two well-trained little Yunlus and the blue-eared rabbits for Huahua to play, Ying Hui started the retreat again.

This retreat is to practice her secret technique.

Because she had the Linglong Illusory Heart Chessboard, she transformed all the things she needed on the chessboard in advance this time, so she didn't suffer much.

If it were someone else who practiced the art of stretching feet, he would definitely use wood that is about the same hardness as Wu Leizheng's Yin locust wood to practice his hands and carve his own doll, but there is a chessboard on the chessboard. The pagoda tree is inexhaustible, so I just use the transformed Yin pagoda tree to practice.

The temperament of the prodigal son made Yinghui feel a little dazed, is it true that Yin Huaimu is really worthless.

After thoroughly practicing the technique of stretching feet on the chessboard, Yinghui's spiritual consciousness returned to her body, and as her subordinates rose and fell, the small section of Yin locust tree that was cut off became her appearance.

Ying Hui's subordinates continued to carve three more double dolls one after another.

Only two of the puppets have the same body as Langhuan Jie.

After using various spiritual materials to deal with these four small dolls, she forced a drop of blood into one of the dolls, and after performing several formulas in succession, what was originally tight The little puppet with its eyes closed suddenly opened and escaped into Ying Hui's Dan Mansion.

It took two months, and Yinghui finally managed to practice this secret technique. After taking a life-blood pill, Yinghui's face immediately became much rosier.

She was finally able to take a breath, tidied up her appearance, and then Ying Hui exited the level.

After leaving the customs, Yinghui pushed off all the chores, spent a few days with her, the little guy spent very little time with his sister, but was extremely clingy to her, which made her feel a little guilty.

Take her with you wherever you go.

It's just that there are too many things for her to do, and the time they spend together is still too short, which makes the little guy feel a little lost.

In order for the body in the Langhuan Realm to also obtain a living spirit body, Yinghui needs to start working hard to accumulate essence and blood from now on. First, he bought a large number of medicinal materials for blood production, and then went straight into the alchemy room to refine various kinds of blood. the elixir.

In the beginning, she bought so many blood-generating herbs, and everyone thought she was injured again, and came to greet her one after another. Ying Hui could only shirk her recent intention to try to refine a new elixir, and fooled it.

Ying Xun, Ying Rong and the others were very happy. Since she came back, there was very little time for alchemy. Seeing that Ying Hui wanted a large number of alchemy, they all came to watch.

From time to time, I also refine myself.

Yinghui doesn't know if others are happy or not, she only knows that the Patriarch is very happy.

The pills refined by these little geniuses are naturally much better than those made by ordinary alchemists at home.

There are so many people making alchemy, and they are all blood-generating pills, so it is impossible to keep them for their own use. Naturally, they have to be handed over to the family in exchange for contributions.

The Ying family elixir has always been a little nervous, if they refine more, they can purchase less, and this spirit stone will not be stolen by outsiders, right?

(End of this chapter)

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