This fairy has some tea

Chapter 180 Huahua's Qualifications

Chapter 180 Huahua's Qualifications

However, after a long time, seeing the people forgetting to sleep and eat, the head of the family began to worry that their cultivation would be delayed, so he ran to the alchemy room every now and then, persuading everyone to combine work and rest, leaving everyone speechless.

Fortunately, this kind of life didn't last long. Ying Hui himself had saved enough pills, so he immediately died down. Although Ying Xun and the others still had something to say, everyone knew that cultivation was the most important thing compared to alchemy.

It’s just that the head of the family was entangled in vain. He had just spoken to persuade, and everyone packed up their burdens so obediently. Shi Shiran all left the alchemy room. At first, he thought that his own words suddenly worked. Who knew that everyone left and never came back. , so that the Patriarch was almost annoyed and about to cry.

And Ying Hui also spent a long time in Ying's house, practicing, nourishing, and going to school.

After four years, relying on the rapid recovery ability of her spirit body, she finally saved enough blood to replace the blood in Langhuan's body.

She also learned some formations, drawing talismans, and art of refining weapons. However, she is not very good at drawing talismans, and refining weapons is a little better. After all, she has a complete inheritance of organ puppets, and she has some similarities with weapon refining. It's just that she doesn't dare to be interested, and after all, she still has a lot to learn, so she can't have so much energy.

Also through the inheritance of mechanism puppet art, she also has a relatively deep understanding of formations, especially good at breaking formations.

It's just that through studying alchemy, formations, talismans, and weapon refining, she found that she is still the best in alchemy and formation talents, as well as mechanism puppet talents.

For four years, Ying Hui's cultivation base was pressed again and again, and he still entered the ninth level of Qi training.

As for Yingshu, because Yinghui often buys her food rich in aura, it not only relieves her cravings, but also increases her cultivation.

After four years, his cultivation seems to have surpassed that of Ying Hui, and he has completed Qi refining.

The Fuxu duo who didn't know Yingshu's real identity were amazed, and even secretly sighed in their hearts, no wonder my lady attaches so much importance to Yingshu, and I don't see her practicing. She eats or plays all day long, but her cultivation is as good as riding a rocket. Is it really an unborn genius, better than my young lady's aptitude?
He even put away his dissatisfaction with Yingshu and served Yingshu with sincerity.

These four years have been very peaceful and pleasant for Ying Hui, but for others, it may not be so.

These four years are enough for Huahua to grow from a baby to a girl who knows everything.

It was even a year ago that the spiritual seed was detected, but unfortunately the spiritual root produced was very ordinary, which made people feel a little embarrassing.

Even, her spiritual roots have not even reached the middle and lower levels.

The spiritual root she gave birth to is nine inches three for water, eight inches seven for wind, and three inches one for fire.

If there are only the first two spiritual roots, with her aptitude, although she can't be ranked at the top, she is still outstanding enough.

It's just that the last fire spirit root was hindered, and her aptitude suddenly became inferior.

If her wind spirit root was even better, reaching nine inches, then Ying Mo Taishang's status as an elder would be enough to apply for a spirit-killing pill in the clan for her, kill the fire spirit root, and achieve the highest level. qualifications.

It's a pity that her wind spirit root is a bit off. Even without fire spirit root, she can only be a high school aptitude.

In such a situation, it is not worthwhile for the family to invest in a Mie Ling Pill.

As soon as Mie Ling Pill comes out, those who achieve it must have high aptitude.

Because of this, Huahua's name was not included in the ranking of the Li branch, but Yingduo was still not reconciled, and gave Huahua a non-word.

According to Ying Duo's words, if Huahua has the opportunity to be officially included in the ranking, she can directly add the prefix "雨" to her name and change it to "闻".

Ying Mo has been working on Ying Fei's matter for a long time, but unfortunately he still failed to get the Mie Ling Pill as he wished.

For the family, without a mid-to-high aptitude, there may be an upper-to-high aptitude in the future. They can't easily waste a Mieling Pill on a child who can only reach the mid-to-high aptitude.

Although cruel, it is for the long-term consideration of the family, which is understandable.

But for Fei, if she can't solve the problem of spiritual roots, she may stop practicing Qi for the rest of her life.

Ying Mo only asked her to wait at home with peace of mind. It was time for her to practice and go to ethnology studies, while she left home to search for materials for refining Mie Ling Pill for Ying Fei.

Although Ying Mo's grandmother is iron-blooded, she loves the two sisters very much. Ying Hui has been taken care of by Ying Mo these years, and is even more dependent on Ying Fei wholeheartedly. However, her cultivation base is limited, and she can't go out to search like Ying Mo, so she can only take care of Ying Fei's cultivation, personally take her up and down the family study, and support her.

Don't let others think that their parents and grandmothers are not in the clan, so they can bully her at will.

Ying Duo and his wife have had a lot of trouble in recent years.

After Su Mengwan witnessed the kiss between Ying Duo and Bai Lian'er, it was relatively calm at first, but when Ying Duo was about to send Bai Lian'er out of Ying's house, Su Mengwan strongly opposed it.

According to Ying Shu's analysis, Su Mengwan probably insisted on keeping Bai Lianer by her side because she was worried that Ying Duo would hide in the golden house.

Just watching Bai Lian'er flirt with Ying Duo day after day under her own nose, and treat her more and more spoiled day by day, Su Mengwan almost gritted her silver teeth with hatred.

Then it didn't take long for the news that Bai Lian'er's spiritual root was abolished and her appearance was destroyed.

It was made by Su Mengwan herself!

As soon as this incident happened, it was just a little more talk among others. No one stood up for Bai Lian'er. Even Ying Luan, Bai Lian'er's fake best friend, was caught up by Ying Duo because of her entrapment of Ying Hui. Her father also kept a respectful distance from Bai Lian'er after Ying Cheng became skinny, and he didn't dare to show his head casually.

But this incident shocked Ying Duo greatly.

The wife in his heart has always been gentle and kind, even if there were some conflicts with him later, it was because of Bai Lian'er's instigation, and she made a little temper.

He knew that after what happened between him and Bai Lian'er, she would definitely be angry, maybe she would drive Bai Lian'er out of Ying's house in a fit of anger, or maybe she would ignore Bai Lian'er in the future and let her fend for herself, but he never He thought that such a kind wife in his heart would be so decisive.

Seeing that Bai Lian'er's spiritual root was crippled, covered in blood, her face and eyes were gouged out, leaving only two bloody holes, he almost lost his breath.

Not by Bai Lian'er, but by his wife's ruthlessness.

He couldn't imagine how his wife could do anything to Bai Lian'er, who had a face similar to his own and loved her like her own daughter.

Is this the same woman he knew?

(End of this chapter)

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