This fairy has some tea

Chapter 187 Canglan Port

Chapter 187 Canglan Port

"How did you advance so quickly? What did you feed her?"

Ying Hui said in a calm voice: "I fed you some elixir, Master, it's not like you don't know, for her, erysipelas or something doesn't matter at all, and there is no risk of vain foundation and thinning of spiritual roots.

Now that I have completed Qi training, I must go out for a walk, travel around, and make some preparations for foundation establishment. I can't always circle around the sect, so what effect will it have?
You can't be a coward just because you have enemies, right?

I can remember that the one who killed my Uncle Fu was that Canglan Yueheng. If they don't come to me, I will go to them.

The great enmity between life and death, they never forgot, let alone me. "

Zhenjun Liuzhang frowned, not against her seeking the bad luck of the Canglan family, but, even if Yingshu had already built a foundation, he did not have a strong advantage in cultivation, and Yinghui only had to practice Qi cultivation, regardless of the opponent Shang Canglan Yueheng still faced Xiao Ling'er's father, if they were alone, it would be fine, once the opponent had foreign aid to join, the two of them would be in danger.

Only Yinghui has made up her mind, and Zhenjun Liuzhang also knows that this knot of doubts may affect her foundation building, so she can only go, but she is a little worried. Before leaving, I gave Yinghui two ways to save her life The talisman used.

These two talismans were made by Zhenjun Liushang himself, and one of them can resist all attacks under the golden core. Obviously, Yinghui's safety is still not at ease.

Ying Hui held two talisman treasures, and secretly sighed that she was still relatives from the next generation. Her master had never received such caring care when she went out. There was only one sentence to end the love between Zhenjun Liushang and Zhenwei Zhiwei. Master-student friendship.

Yinghui started at the age of 14. In the blink of an eye, it has been five years. When he came down the mountain, he looked at the city where he had lived for half a year. It was still so lively and prosperous, as if nothing had changed.

The only person she cares about has turned into a pile of loess, and everything is different.

The corners of Ying Hui's eyes were slightly astringent, and he didn't stay any longer, and flew towards the Canglan Harbor with the Zixiao Yunwen flying boat.

When passing Laolao Ridge, he deliberately made a circle.

That grandma is not something to be messed with, so hide as much as you can.

It's just that, Yinghui still encountered a lot of troubles, such as aliens like his grandmother, and ordinary monks robbed him.

It's just that Yingshu is there, and the two of them work together to solve the problem smoothly, and they barely arrive at Canglan Port smoothly.

When she went out this time, she had already made up her mind that she must kill Cang Lan Yueheng first, and then talk about other things.

Before arriving at Canglan Port, Ying Hui put away his flying boat and replaced it with the ordinary and low-key ice orchid jade hairpin. Although this ice orchid jade hairpin is only a middle-grade magic weapon, it has a beautiful shape and is matched with Ying Hui's body. The ice orchid dress of the same color looks like a fairy falling into the mundane world, and it also has a special charm.

The delicate makeup was painted on her face, which made her face more beautiful.

As soon as she entered Canglan Port, the jade hairpin slowly fell down, and then turned into an ordinary size, and was inserted obliquely between her buns.

Yinghui was walking on the streets of Canglangang, with a smile in his mouth, watching everyone who came and went.

There are still arrogant mortals who boldly extend their hands to monks to steal, while many casual monks still dare not speak out.

Ying Hui walked into an inn with graceful steps.

When she went to Taiwei Xianzong to learn from her teacher and passed Canglan Port, she stayed here for two days waiting for the bus, and lived in this store. Now she revisits the old place, and the store is still the same as it used to be, and the shopkeeper is still as lazy as ever. The appearance, speaking with a hint of superior laziness.

For a pinch of goatee, you have to stroke a few handfuls in one mouth.

No matter how you look at it, Ying Hui feels that his goatee seems to be much thinner than it was five years ago.

However, this is not surprising, even the iron beard can't help but stroke like this.

And the shopkeeper finally restrained his arrogance after seeing Ying Hui's appearance clearly.

Ying Hui got the room key, thanked her with a smile, and then went upstairs gracefully.

The shopkeeper's eyes were glued to Ying Hui's body without hesitation, wishing that he had a pair of see-through eyes and could see whether the skin under Ying Hui's dress was as white as those plain hands.

Sensing the scorching gaze from behind, Ying Hui was not annoyed. He just turned his head and glanced at the shopkeeper with the goatee, his winking eyes were like silk, and a gleam of light flashed away in his eyes, which made the shopkeeper almost lose his composure on the spot.

"What a stunner!"

The shopkeeper admired in his heart, and he almost couldn't bear the throbbing in his heart.

Throughout the day, I was thinking about the graceful girl in ice orchids.

It seemed that his heart, which was about to dry up, had been nourished again, and he continued to rush forward.

That glance of looking back was deeply engraved into the shopkeeper's heart, the lightly raised corners of the eyes, and the slightly raised lips seemed to silently send out invitations to him.

The shopkeeper was almost crazy at this moment, staring straight at the upstairs, wishing to see through the floor.

The shopkeeper, as a member of Canglan's family, has the whole store under his control, and his abnormality is not noticed by no one, but it's just a ambiguous smile to each other.

It wasn't once or twice that the shopkeeper's attention was paid to the casual cultivators who came to complain, and they had already seen it.

When it got dark, these people avoided them even more discerningly.

In the dead of night, the shopkeeper's body appeared in the backyard of the inn. Opening a small door at the corner, walking through the winding corridor, a staircase appeared.

Climbing up the stairs, there was a long dark corridor. The shopkeeper stopped abruptly, and his heart was pounding.

His mind is full of Ying Hui's slender waist and bright red lips, and he can't wait to hug him in his arms and rub him vigorously, so as to relieve the heat in his heart.

The shopkeeper suppressed the impulse in his heart, and secretly cast aside that he was also experienced in many battles, so why is he acting reckless like a young boy now?

Touching the darkness, I stretched out my hand a little on the wall, and a faint white mist poured into the room inside the wall.

The shopkeeper estimated that the time was almost up, so he stretched out his hand and slowly pushed the wall in front of him away.

After the wall made a slight "cleaning" sound, it was already wide open.

It was dark and silent inside the house.

The shopkeeper stepped into the room, groped around in the dark, and the wall that had been removed was moved back again.

At the same time, the sound insulation array quietly rose, unconsciously covering the entire room.

The ice silk thread lurked quietly in the darkness like a poisonous snake, slowly coiling around the shopkeeper's body.

"It really is a black shop."

A pleasant female voice with a smile suddenly sounded in the darkness, but instantly the ambiguity that had been filling the shopkeeper's mind receded like a tide, leaving only the creepy fear.

The body was about to retreat and return along the original path. At this moment, the ice silk rope suddenly tightened, causing the shopkeeper's body to lose balance instantly, and fell to the ground with a "bang".

(End of this chapter)

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