This fairy has some tea

Chapter 188 The Master-Servant Contract

Chapter 188 The Master-Servant Contract
The ice silk rope got tighter and tighter, and it went straight into the meat, making the shopkeeper frightened and angry.

"Who are you? What do you want to do to me? Let me tell you, I am from the Canglan family. If you touch me, you will definitely not be able to get out of Canglan Harbor.

Let me go soon, I'll treat you as a joke and don't care about you, otherwise..."

"Hahaha, you told me what the shopkeeper is so angry about, it's just a joke.

I don't dare to say what about the shopkeeper, but don't worry about the shopkeeper.

It's just that I have encountered some troubles. Since the shopkeeper came to the door on his own initiative, he must have sensed my difficulties and came here to help me out.

And me?Naturally, one cannot refute the kindness of the shopkeeper. "

The female voice was resentful at first, and then excited. The shopkeeper was not only worried, but even more frightened.

In the darkness, the shopkeeper was curled up on the ground, unable to move, a delicate and soft long finger suddenly stroked the shopkeeper's cheek, the slippery touch made the shopkeeper's heart throbbing again, even the fear of being captured Was watered down a bit.

The shopkeeper felt that the slender fingers suddenly exerted force, causing his mouth to open unconsciously, and a pill with a strange smell fell into his mouth, as if he had legs, and quickly slipped down his throat.

The shopkeeper was inexplicably terrified, the last trace of charm had long since vanished, only the fear of the unknown.

"What did you eat for me..."

It's just that before he fully uttered his question, his consciousness was already in a trance, and vaguely, he heard the familiar female voice say: "This medicine should work, right?"

He thought the woman was talking to herself, but there really was another answering voice from inside the room.

It was also a female voice, only to hear that female voice was equally moving, but what she said made his hair stand on end.

"Where is it so fast, I guess I can still hear us talking now."

The shopkeeper was shocked, and thought to himself that he would not be murdered, and where did this woman come from? He stared at Ying Hui all day today, and he was very sure that no one else entered this room at all.

However, before he could figure it out, his consciousness gradually lost.

The dark room was suddenly filled with brilliance, Ying Hui kicked the shopkeeper who was already unconscious, and said: "It should be almost the same now, I don't know if it is worth wasting a Soul Seizing Pill for him."

"It's just a matter of ordering spirit stones, so it's a waste to waste it. Is it possible to really waste time on these people? That's not worth it."

Ying Shu sat at the round table under the window, spinning the octagonal glazed lamp on the table boredly.

"Are you sure you want to use the master-servant contract?
Let me tell you, this shopkeeper is only at the sixth level of Qi training, and a Soul Seizing Pill is enough to make him obey you and help you with your affairs wholeheartedly. "

Ying Hui smiled: "Although this person is inconspicuous, if there is any chance, it is unknown if he can restrain the Soul Seizing Pill. It makes no sense that only I have the chance, but others are not allowed to have it.

So, it's still a bit more troublesome. After signing the master-servant contract, his life and death are under my control, so that nothing will go wrong. "

"It makes sense, anyway, it's just a little troublesome. Moreover, after signing the master-servant contract, you can see everything he thinks, and it will be more convenient for our follow-up actions."

After the two discussed it properly, they began to prepare. When the shopkeeper Youyou woke up, Yinghui had already refined the contract jade slips for signing the master-servant contract.

I saw that the shopkeeper's mind was clear, as if he was no different from when he first met during the day.

However, seeing Yinghui and Yinghui, it was more like seeing a mother-in-law, and they obeyed.

Even if he was asked to sign a master-servant contract, he dripped blood from his fingertips without hesitation, made a contract oath, and became Ying Hui's most loyal servant.

Ying Hui didn't relax until now.

He opened his mouth and asked, "Cang Lan Yueheng, do you know him?"

"The servant recognizes that Canglan Yueheng is a hero among the younger generation of our Canglan family. He established the foundation at the age of 35 and is now in his forties. He is still at the early stage of foundation establishment.

It was heard that he was going to marry the Chai family's girl Yin recently, and he was busy preparing for the big wedding recently. "

The shopkeeper answered ten questions, and was very cooperative. Ying Hui asked a few more questions, and gained a little understanding of the vicissitudes of life, and even the Chai family he was married to.

The Chai family is the Cultivating Cultivation Clan from Chai Lang, the apprentice of Mochizuki.

It is also the home of the remarriage of the grandmother of Hua Yannian, who was a teacher at the same time as her.

In fact, it is not surprising that the two of them will marry.

Chai Lang's master Mochizuki was born in the family of Canglan and his master and apprentice. In order to tie the two families together more firmly, it is normal to have more in-laws.

After all, Canglan Yueheng is a foundation-building cultivator. If he wants to kill him, it will definitely not be as easy as cleaning up the shopkeeper. The most important.

"Master, it's not easy to lure Cang Lan Yueheng outside. Miss Yin from the Chai family is not a good talker. Because of Cang Lan Yueheng's debauchery, she has lost her confidante all these years. For this marriage, There has always been some dissatisfaction.

So many requests were made, one of which was a crown made of blue flame phoenix feathers.

He also pointed out that in order to show his sincerity, he hoped that his husband would personally hunt the blue flame phoenix bird, pull out the feathers and refine it. "

The blue flame phoenix bird is not a real phoenix, but its appearance is as gorgeous and breathtaking as a phoenix. It is an excellent monster for making high-end vestment accessories.

The juvenile blue flame phoenix bird has gray hair and is very ugly, so when it comes to blue flame phoenix feathers, it must be at least second-order or above.

Moreover, the blue flame phoenix bird is extremely difficult to find and extremely ferocious, it can indeed be said to be difficult for humans.

The only embarrassment is that Cang Lan Yueheng himself, and the rest of Cang Lan's family don't care at all.

Anyway, the marriage was going to happen no matter what, if Miss Yin didn't wear the Phoenix Ling tiara when she got married, at most Cang Lan Yueheng would be criticized and ridiculed for being incompetent, so what does it matter.

Canglan Yueheng has built the foundation for many years, and the farthest place he went was the mountain gate of Taiwei Xianzong. As a result, Hu Song's Xiao Ling'er was beheaded and killed without even entering the sect, and he was always ridiculed in private So far, if he can't even fix a tiara, where will he put his face?

Therefore, he has already made up his mind to catch a blue flame phoenix himself.

It's just that he also knows how dangerous it is to go alone, so he wants to find some friends to help out.

It's a pity that he wants to prostitute others for free, and others are not stupid. As long as it's fighting skills, talismans, magic treasures and medicines, which one doesn't burn spirit stones?

Cang Lanyue Heng said empty-handedly that Bai Ya wanted them to follow him to help, but he never mentioned the reward, only saying that he didn't want anything except Fenghuang Ling.

The little abacus was crackling, but no one is a fool, the blue flame phoenix bird has nothing valuable except for its gorgeous and extraordinary feathers.

Naturally, he was not happy in his heart, so he just made an excuse on the surface that he had other things to be busy, and shirked it.

Cang Lan Yueheng was helpless, so he had to find another way.

(End of this chapter)

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