This fairy has some tea

Chapter 191 Black Bat

Chapter 191 Black Bat

With Cang Lan Yueheng as a signboard, the recruited casual cultivators were quickly assembled.

In addition to Yinghui Yingxi and their two Qi-refining Dzogchens, there were five other people, two Qi-refining ninth-level and three Qi-refining eighth-level.

Two of the three Qi-refining eighth-level people are quite old, with weather-stained faces, and they look like old Jianghu, and they have rich experience in outdoor walking. , but Cang Lan Yueheng thinks that all conspiracies and schemes are vulnerable to absolute strength, and doesn't care about them at all.

These casual cultivators have rich experience in fighting methods, and they have traveled to Lianyu Mountain all year round. With rich experience, Cang Lan Yueheng will not miss such a great advantage.

There is also an eighth-level qi-training boy who looks like a young man who has taken Dingyan Pill. Although he does not know how old he is, he was taken with him by a nine-level qi-training youth. I don’t know if he has any special characteristics The ability is still because Canglan Yueheng accepted the young man and also wanted him.

After the group of eight people gathered together, Canglan Yueheng released the flying boat he had borrowed from his family, and carried a group of people towards Lianyu Mountain.

One of the little old men on the eighth floor of Qi Refining was very talkative, turning around on the flying boat, and kept muttering, "It turns out that the flying boat is like this, and it is really rich. It can take so many people at once. It's still so fast, I don't know if it consumes a lot of spiritual power.

I've only seen it outside before, but this is the first time I've been on a flying boat


Because there are more people on the flying boat and it is more comfortable to ride, the price has always been relatively high among flying magic weapons.

But casual cultivators usually eat enough for one person, the whole family is not hungry, and they don't care about the comfort level. Basically, those who can afford the magic weapon of flying buy the cheapest flying sword, although they can sit together when flying. There are no places, but the speed is still fast, and there are more places that can be used, especially when the terrain is complex, it is much more convenient than the flying boat.

Like Yinghui, there are all kinds of flying magic weapons, and there are even two flying spirit beasts, which can be said to be very rare in the Langhuan world.

Therefore, although the little old man's performance was a bit low-priced, few people really laughed at him. After all, few people really took a flying boat.

Cang Lan Yueheng also showed a bit of color, although the flying boat was only borrowed from his clan, but the envious eyes of these poor casual cultivators still satisfied him.

Lianyu Mountain is located more than a hundred miles northwest of Canglan Port. Canglan Yueheng drove the flying boat, but it took only half a day to arrive.

Lotus Jade Mountain is shaped like a lotus flower, and the stones all over the mountains and plains are like beautiful jade. Although it is just rock jade that is not very valuable, it is no different from ordinary stones except that it is more beautiful, but if it is used to make floor tiles, it is still very feasible.

Of course, although Lianyu Mountain is beautiful, and the whole mountain looks like a lotus flower carved from jade, it is not accessible to everyone.

This Lianyu Mountain is located deep in the mountains. Because Lianyu Mountain is the most famous, casual cultivators usually refer to this mountain range as Lianyu Mountain.

Just like where they settled down, there are still several hills away from Lianyu Mountain.

It wasn't that Cang Lan Yueheng didn't want to continue flying forward, but that he didn't dare.

There are quite a few Tier [-] monsters inhabiting here, and there are quite a few flying monsters among them.

If you fly over rashly, you may become the handle of many monsters and be attacked by a group of monsters.

He could only fall down ahead of time, and slowly use the cover of the mountains and forests to grope through it bit by bit.

If so, the place where they landed is already a place where these casual qi practitioners dare not go in and out at will.

As soon as the flying boat landed, everyone dived down, without Cang Lan Yueheng's order, they all quietly restrained their aura, for fear that if the aura leaked out, it would cause unnecessary trouble.

Satisfied, Cang Lan Yueheng took out a jade slip of a map and found their current location. After identifying the direction, he took the lead and set off with everyone.

Ying Hui followed closely all the time, and kept an eye on Ying Xi's movements.

And Ying Xi almost never took the initiative to talk to anyone from the beginning to the end. Even if someone came to talk to her, she either ignored it or ended the topic with a few sentences.

It seems that he is used to being a lone ranger.

Everyone's actions were considered cautious, and the journey at the beginning was considered smooth, but after turning over a mountain, the little old man who was constantly feeling emotional on the flying boat accidentally alarmed a group of black bats.

At this time, the sky was not yet dark, and the black bats were hanging on the branches several feet above the ground, with almost no breath.

Although Yinghui has noticed something, he will not reveal anything, which will arouse suspicion.

Ying Xi also seemed to have noticed something, looked up, but didn't say anything.

The little old man's eyes were also very sharp, but his sharp eyes were not in the right place. He only saw a few white-shadowed ladybugs on the tree trunk.

For these casual cultivators, it is a very practical spiritual insect.

One can be sold for twenty spirit stones, and the few lying on the tree trunk can be sold for one or two hundred spirit stones. It is really difficult not to be tempted by these casual cultivators.

After all, they didn't really come to contribute to Canglan Yueheng by taking the risk to come to Lianyu Mountain.

Since he discovered the white shadow ladybug, if he can catch it, then the income of these two hundred or so spirit stones will be his alone.

In addition, the white shadow ladybug didn't make much movement when catching it. In order to seize the opportunity and avoid being discovered by others, he wanted to share a piece of the pie, so he moved directly.

His attack was too fast and too sudden, when the leaked spiritual energy alarmed the black bats on the tree, Cang Lan Yueheng didn't even know what happened, let alone why the little old man made a sudden attack.

A black bat was the first to grab its wings. This movement, like water dripping into the oil pan, instantly caused the entire group of black bats to fry.

Black bats woke up in their sleep one after another, and in an instant, the last light in the dense forest was completely blocked by the black bats that blocked the sky.

The short but sharp fangs leaked ferociously, swooping down continuously, biting at the people on the ground.

At this moment, the crowd could no longer continue to pretend, and resorted to various means, trying to force the group of black bats back.

Most of this group of black bats are in the middle stage of the first order, and only a few have reached the late stage of the first order. With everyone's cultivation base, it is not difficult to deal with one or two, but the key is that this is a group of black bats. One, and countless others pounced on it.

The black bat blood, with a strong stench, made people's eyes black.

The black blood of these black bats is very poisonous. Just the stench that they emit makes everyone almost unable to hold on. Some people can't bear it anymore and start taking detoxification pills.

(End of this chapter)

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