This fairy has some tea

Chapter 192 Crowd

Chapter 192 Crowd
Yinghui's body has a super recovery power since the awakening of the spirit body. These toxins have been purified by her body as soon as they entered, and they can't gather in her body at all. They just pretend to be poisoned and pretend to take a detoxification pill. Dan.

The people were not familiar with each other at all, and they were a little flustered when they were suddenly attacked. There was no tacit cooperation between them, let alone, they even pushed and stepped on each other.

Ying Hui saw with his own eyes that the middle-aged man who looked very simple and honest threw something in the storage bag and threw it beside the little old man, and the group of black bats retreated from his side one after another, and all flocked to the little old man.

After the sporadic two black bats that did not leave were quickly beheaded by him, he quickly retreated and escaped from the encirclement of the black bats.

The little old man's pressure increased greatly, and he shouted and cursed angrily, the vulgar language of the son of a bitch was actually the only thing that could catch his ears.

Suddenly there was a green light flashing under his feet, and he changed places accordingly, but the group of black bats seemed to have spotted him. Wherever he ran, he rushed after him.

The little old man knew that he was being scammed, so he took off all his clothes on the spot and threw them away, and even cast a spell to attract a stream of water to rush at him.

Finally, he got rid of the unknown things on his body, so that those black bats would no longer chase him.

It's just that his naked appearance, his sharp eyes, dry, wrinkled and loose skin made him look even more wretched.

They were seven casual cultivators, besides Ying Hui and Ying Xi, there was also a woman who seemed to have never eaten Dingyan Pill, she was a mid-forties old woman called Hui Niang.

After all, she is a monk, nourished by spiritual energy. Although she is nearly forty years old, she is about the same age as ordinary people in their thirty or so years.

Looking at the little old man's naked body, unlike Ying Hui and the other two, they were either uncomfortable or disgusted, and looked away one after another, and instead took the opportunity to tease the little old man.

Her nasty words were more slippery than men, which immediately made the little old man blush.

The others seemed to be booing and roaring with laughter.

How many of them were purely because they thought it was funny, and how many of them were intentional because they resented the little old man for taking action without authorization and causing trouble.

The little old man had just escaped from danger when he was ridiculed by others for his most important treasure. He trembled angrily, but he also knew that he had committed public anger, so he didn't dare to bring others along, so he only said to the beautiful woman: "Sister Huiniang, you stare at the old man like this. Brother's baby, it seems that you like it very much, why don't you try it for yourself later, and you should also weigh it to see how many taels you have."

Women have always been at a disadvantage when talking about nasty things, like now, when the little old man uttered such words, no matter what Huiniang replied, as long as he refused, it would be like admitting defeat.

But if she agrees, wouldn't that still be a disadvantage for women?
Unexpectedly, Huiniang giggled again, and said: "Old brother is serious, my family has never played with such a small thing, and I don't know what kind of scenery it is, old brother must keep his word."

The little old man's face darkened immediately, and he said mercilessly: "As for you, who has countless people, I will give you a stick, and you won't even be able to scratch it."

The scene was so explosive that Yinghui almost whistled.

She was used to seeing these dirty things in her previous life, and the dirty words came to her ears, and she couldn't find a wave in her heart.

But how could Ying Xi, a real genius disciple of a great sect, bear it?
Ying Hui is really curious about what this eldest sister has experienced in these years.

A trace of disgust flashed in Ying Xi's eyes, but he finally regained his composure, waving the long whip in his hand wholeheartedly.

Every time the whip fell, two or three black bats spilled blood on the spot.

It's just that the black blood was frozen by the icy air as soon as it flowed out. Therefore, Ying Xi chopped down the most black bats, but the least poisoned.

But Cang Lan Yueheng couldn't listen to these vulgar words, he considered himself noble and suave, and these obscene remarks were really unbearable to him, but when he thought that he could still use these people, he could only rage in his heart Press down, stop the two of you, and stop talking nonsense.

Those two were quite docile, seeing Cang Lan Yueheng get angry, they immediately shut up and didn't dare to say any more.

Because of the magic weapon, Ying Hui was not at his fingertips, so he couldn't play three points with his strength, but with his cultivation base there, he was quite comfortable in comparison, and he still had time to listen to the farce of those two.

But he didn't expect the boy in the team to have his eyes on her at this moment.

At first glance, the young man took the Dingyan Pill, a guy who sells meat by his color, looks suave and suave, but in fact he is strong on the outside but capable on the inside, and his inner spiritual power is extremely mixed. After meeting the black bat, it was all thanks to the young monk who was with him. He took good care of him and maintained him all the time, so he was barely injured, and it was a miracle to be able to enter this team.

As for the older young monk, he is physically strong and considerate to that young monk, and his strength is also stronger, and he is also very fierce when fighting.

When the eyes of the two met were a little weird, they didn't look like ordinary friends, but more like a couple.

In fact, everyone can see some of this, and those who intentionally or unintentionally may take a second look along the way.

The young man was protected by the young man, and seeing the honest middle-aged man get away smoothly, he turned his eyes, followed suit, took out a fragrant pill from the storage bag, and threw it on Ying Hui who was closest to them.

Naturally, Ying Hui had already noticed these small movements of the other party. The flying sword and fire dragon spewed out, and the incense pill exploded in mid-air.

The scattered fragrance powder fell everywhere, not only on Ying Hui, but also on everyone present.

It's just that Ying Hui is the closest and has the most contamination on his body, so there are more black bats around him.

Ying Hui narrowed his eyes and stared fixedly at the young man. He saw that the other party was a thief but he was not guilty. Taking advantage of the fact that there were fewer black bats around him, he followed the young man and quickly retreated away.

The young man even showed some approval towards the young man.

Among casual cultivators, there are also many upright, bottom-line, affectionate and righteous people, but unfortunately, Ying Hui didn't seem to meet any of them this time.

Just when they encountered a little danger, this group of mobs began to fight among themselves.

This made Cang Lan Yueheng more and more impatient, but he couldn't really watch such a bad team being stuck here and wasting their strength. I saw him pointing to the flying sword, and in an instant, a large amount of black bat blood was scattered on the spot, "Plop, plop, plop, plop, plop!" " fell to the ground, rushed the group of black bats out of a gap, and escaped with everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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