This fairy has some tea

Chapter 196 Must Die

Chapter 196 Must Die

The silk handkerchief in his hand continued to enlarge, and it seemed that there were icy blue ice picks shooting out of the handkerchief, "crackling" shooting towards the tent.

The tent trembled slightly under successive attacks, but that was all.

Ying Xi gritted his teeth and reached out to the silk handkerchief a little farther away. The silk handkerchief suddenly enlarged until the area of ​​the silk handkerchief had exceeded the tent. The unfolded silk handkerchief began to bend under the obstruction of the tent, but it was still expanding continuously.

The tent finally began to tremble slightly.

Ying Hui sat in her tent, listening to Ying Xi and Ying Shu's secret fight through the ears of the blue-eared rabbit. Speechless.

"Stop messing around, Ashu."

Ying Hui stopped in his heart, fearing that this big sister would be really impatient, and it would be hard to talk about the next thing.

Ying Shu was in Ying Xi's tent at the moment, and spread his hands out of disappointment when he heard the words, the tent that seemed to be crumbling just now was suddenly as solid as gold.

And this period of time was enough for the poison of the spirit-covering son to completely imprison Cang Lan Yueheng.

There's no point in struggling anymore.

Ying Shu regained his composure at this time.

"Tell me, who are you and what do you want to do? Did you poison it?"

Ying Xi sat down in the tent and asked lightly.

She knew that the other party must be able to hear her voice.

She wanted to see what the other party was up to.

"Big sister, please be safe and don't be impatient. I am not the one who poisoned you. Big sister only needs to wait for a while. If you want to do anything, my sister will not stop you."

Ying Xi was silent for a moment, then suddenly said: "You want to borrow a knife to kill someone?"

Ying Hui couldn't help but quietly asked Ying Shu in his heart, "Is it really so obvious?"

Ying Shu: ...

Maybe it's not that their purpose is too obvious, it's just that Yingxi is too alert.

"You want to kill Cang Lan Yueheng?"

Win Hui: ...

"Canglan Yueheng can't die yet!"

"He must die! You can't stop it."

Ying Xi was silent again.

She didn't know what method Yinghui used, but the brief fight just now made her realize the disparity in strength between the two sides.

She secretly guessed in her heart, could it be that Yinghui has already built a foundation.

She closed her eyes, knowing that Cang Lan Yue Heng was useless.

He made a decisive decision, quickly analyzed the current situation, and looked for a way out.

On the other side, Yinghui had already heard Huiniang walk out of the tent, and was the first one to come to Canglan Yueheng's tent. After confirming that he really couldn't use his spiritual power, he searched for the storage bag on his body and went to the next tent.

After Yinghui briefly told Yingxi what Huiniang had done, he took back the blue-eared rabbit, and used the Qianyuan concealment technique to force the spiritual power of his whole body back into the sea of ​​​​qi in his dantian, pretending that his spiritual power was imprisoned. Except for a storage bag for these scattered and tattered things, all of them were put into the stone beads.

After she finished packing, Hui Niang finally came to her tent.

The curtain of the tent was gently lifted by her, and the beautiful woman who was nearly forty years old but well maintained looked five or six years younger in just one night.

If it were placed in the secular world, no one would doubt a girl who was in her twenties.

After she came in, Ying Hui yelled at her sharply: "Did you murder me!
What kind of sorcery did you use!Let me go quickly, or I will make you look good!We are following Mr. Canglan on the mission, so you are not afraid of offending him, the Canglan family has skinned you! "

Angry and frenzied, bluffing, and wanting to use the situation to threaten, Hui Niang was completely indifferent. She just sneered and grabbed Ying Hui's neck, making her unable to breathe, let alone speak.

It wasn't until Yinghui was about to lose her patience, thinking that the other party was going to kill her directly, and was about to resist, that Huiniang let go suddenly, causing Yinghui to fall heavily to the ground.

Under Yinghui's fire-breathing gaze, he grabbed her arm and rushed towards her dantian with a trace of domineering spiritual power. He didn't stop until he found that the dantian was blocked by an invisible miasma.

Hui Niang flicked Yinghui's arm in satisfaction, and the domineering spiritual power stayed in her body directly, serving as both a surveillance and a threat.

Then, Shi Shiran pulled the storage bag on her body, put it in her arms without looking at it, threw Ying Hui out, and she put away the tent.

Ying Hui landed heavily on the ground, and an invisible barrier rose in front of him.

Ying Shu was overwhelmed with joy, and said to Ying Hui: "Look, you are the only one who is kind enough to help others, and you have been rewarded for your kindness, right?"

Ying Hui looked at Cang Lan Yueheng who was frantically slapping the transparent barrier in front of him not far away, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

"But, it's really worth it."

Huiniang was the last to enter Yingxi's tent.

As soon as she entered, there was the sound of fighting, and the dazzling aura of various colors complemented each other.

This made all the monks in prison look hopeful.

I hope Yingxi can defeat Huiniang and save them from life.

Ying Hui saw Cang Lan Yueheng pointing his feet up, lying on the transparent barrier in front of him, his handsome face twisted and deformed by the pressure, but he didn't care anymore.

Seeing the tension and anticipation written on his face made him more and more happy.

That feeling of giving people hope and losing hope is really great.

Winning is impossible!

No matter which of the two is more powerful, as long as she and Ying Shu are around, Ying Xi will never be allowed to win!

Ying Xi, who has been tripped one after another, obviously understands Ying Hui's determination.

Taking a deep look at Yinghui, who was locked in the colorless barrier, staring at her like everyone else, there was a thin white porcelain bottle in Su's hand, and the porcelain bottle was suddenly thrown out from her hand. Huiniang felt as if she had fallen into the vast ocean, and lost Yingxi's trace in an instant.

The bottom of the sea seems to have a huge suction force, constantly sucking itself into the deep sea.

She was able to hold her breath for a long time, but she seemed to be a mortal, struggling painfully on the bottom of the sea.

Huiniang cut her palm immediately, and drops of red blood poured out, instantly dyeing the entire ocean red.

With the continuous flow of blood, her appearance continued to age again, and she looked two or three years older in the blink of an eye.

The feeling of suffocation dissipated instantly.

The vast ocean is nothing but an illusion, and what traps her is nothing more than a water polo with a diameter of one foot.

And Ying Xi has long since disappeared.

Huiniang evaporated the water stains on her body in a panic, looked at the crowd with hopeful eyes with a sullen face, snorted coldly, tied them together, and a bronze mirror with a thin handle appeared under her feet, carrying the crowd quickly left the place.

I don't know what method Huiniang used, although there was a lot of movement, she didn't attract any monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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