This fairy has some tea

Chapter 197 Simple and honest middle age

Chapter 197 Simple and honest middle age
When the sky was light, she threw all the people off the bronze mirror and drove them into a cave.

The outside of this cave is extremely hidden, but inside there is a different universe, stone tables and chairs, beds and bedding are all available, obviously the other party has settled here for some time.

After everyone entered the cave, there was a slight sound of rocks rubbing against the entrance of the cave, and the faint light was completely blocked. Hui Niang slowly lit up the glazed lamps.

In the dark cave, there was light again.

While lighting the lamp, Huiniang glanced at everyone.

Finally, he set his eyes on Cang Lan Yueheng's face.

Cang Lan Yueheng's face was pale, obviously terrified by fright, he backed up and asked tremblingly, "You, what do you want to do?
I'm from Cang Lan's family, you can't touch me! "

But Huiniang giggled, as if she had heard some big joke.

"The Canglan family? What is the Canglan family? The elder of your family's Taishang clan is just a golden elixir.

Remember to cast a good pregnancy next time, otherwise, you won't be able to scare my sister. "

Seeing that Canglan Yueheng turned pale with fright, Huiniang said very understandingly: "Young master, don't worry, Huiniang will enjoy such good things as the young master at the end, and I guarantee that the young master who serves you will be satisfied."

Cang Lan Yueheng's lips trembled, but he couldn't think of anything else to say.

Cang Lan Yueheng is safe for the time being, but the other three are in danger.

The boy hid in the young man's arms, trembling. The young man was obviously in danger, but he kept patting him on the back and comforting him softly.

It can be regarded as a friend in need.

The scene of the two of them being so in love with each other made Hui Niang unable to hold back the sneer at the corner of her mouth, but she didn't know what to think of, her eyes kept darting back and forth between the two of them with great interest.

The young man hugged the boy even tighter, trying to block Huiniang's gaze with his body.

As if on purpose, Hui Niang let out a blatant and piercing smile, and stared at the young man so hard that the young man couldn't help but back up again and again, until he was blocked by a colorless barrier, and there was no way out, so he stopped pace.

Only then did Huiniang feel satisfied, but she stretched out her hand to the honest middle-aged man.

From the beginning to the end, Yinghui, the only girl other than Huiniang, was completely ignored by Huiniang, and she didn't even give her a look. I don't know why she didn't kill her directly, but brought her back here .

But just now Huiniang teased the two young people like a cat catching a mouse, but the honest and honest young people almost believed that the other party would choose one of them to ravage.

Who knows, Huiniang gave up inexplicably and chose him instead.

He backed away in horror, and while struggling to escape from the colorless barrier, he roared: "What are you going to do to me, why did you choose me, why did you choose me? You choose them, they are all better than me , They are all higher than mine, you choose them."

Huiniang stretched out her hand to touch the barrier, and the barrier suddenly disappeared. Before the honest middle-aged man could escape, his rough wrist was already pinched by Huiniang's slender jade fingers.

The tender fingers, which were soft as if they were boneless, seemed to weigh a thousand catties at the moment, and they tightly bound the simple and honest man, making him unable to break free.

I saw Hui Niang grasping the opponent's wrist with one hand to control him, gently undressing the opponent with the other hand, and said in an intoxicated way: "Young master, you are wrong. With all your energy and blood, even the few of them are better than you." No, my favorite is you, young master."

When the last piece of fig leaf was peeled off from the honest middle-aged body, Huiniang couldn't help leaning closer to the other person's arms, her eyes glistened with water, she raised her head slightly, and exhaled a scent of tea flowers from her mouth , Facing the simple and honest middle-aged man, he said infatuatedly: "Young master, please love me."

She spoke softly, courted in public, and even pulled the simple and honest man's hand towards herself.

When did the honest middle-aged man experience this kind of stimulation? The scent of flowers poured into his nose, making him even more dizzy, forgetting his own situation, and forgetting that there are still several people watching at this moment. In the center of his eyes, there is only the beautiful woman in front of him. Must have her!He was going to have her at once!
Ying Hui and others witnessed the rapid transformation of the simple and honest middle-aged man from fear to obsession, and finally selflessness.

He even turned passive into active, ripped off the thin shirt on Huiniang's body, and pushed her onto the bed.

The two young people unconsciously moved their eyes away, not wanting to see this unbearable scene.

Cang Lan Yueheng didn't seem to be looking sideways, but he still couldn't help but glance at the two people who kept making movements.

But there was only one woman, Yinghui, who looked at it most seriously. She really wanted to know how the Acacia Jade Girl Sutra can draw people's vitality.

After a louder sound, the black hair of the simple and honest man lying on Huiniang's body gradually began to turn gray, and more and more white hairs were visible to the naked eye, until his black hair became snow-white.

His body also became dry little by little, like a skeleton covered in human skin.

Huiniang's voice became more and more coquettish, but the growl of the middle-aged man became weaker and weaker, and finally attracted others to notice the abnormality, and hurriedly looked on the bed, and saw that the tall and strong man had turned into a man without knowing when. The movable bone frame covered with human skin, coupled with the white hair, looks like a ghost.

The young man couldn't help screaming, let him out crying, and couldn't help complaining why the young man took this mission. He said a long time ago that he didn't like to come to this kind of wilderness, but He just wanted to bring himself along, saying that he was bringing him to practice together.

It is enough to have young people around, why must let him grow up, must let him experience.

If he is such an upright person, why commit yourself to him, male or female.

It seems that the young man didn't know the dissatisfaction in the young man's heart until now, and he was deeply disappointed in his shock.

Just when their loving couple broke out in internal strife, the honest middle-aged man finally completely disappeared.

The dilapidated body was pushed away by Huiniang, revealing a simple and honest middle-aged appearance, which immediately shocked everyone.

"Well, is a normal man this big?"

Ying Hui thinks he has extensive knowledge, but he has never seen such a big one.

"Could it be that this guy is very talented?"

Ying Shu has black lines all over his head.

"You know what a fart, if the Acacia Jade Girl Sutra wants to absorb the life energy of the other party, it all depends on the moment of rejoicing, and plunders the life energy into your own body through the place where the two bodies are intertwined.

The vitality of the whole body has to pass through there, and naturally it will be continuously stimulated and grown. "

"I see!"

Winning is really a long-term experience.

No wonder Huiniang is more contented as the honest middle-aged body becomes dilapidated as she goes to the back.

(End of this chapter)

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