This fairy has some tea

Chapter 208 Dulling Stone

Chapter 208 Dulling Stone

After realizing that she couldn't see her fingers, Huiniang immediately took out a glazed lamp, but after the glazed lamp was lit, the light couldn't come out. Everyone could see the lit glazed lamp, but they couldn't see the corridor through the glazed lamp. anything within.

I don't know if there are any other dangers in this tunnel. Lighting such a lamp is not only useless, but also like a target.

Huiniang had no choice but to quickly turn off the lamp and put it away again.

He tentatively touched the surroundings of the tunnel, and it felt cold and moist, but after removing his hand, there was no trace of water vapor on his hand.

As if the moist touch was an illusion, "Do you know what this is?"

Huiniang thought for a while, but she didn't think about what this thing was.

She didn't think Ying Hui could know, she just asked casually like a dead horse.

But Yinghui really knows.

Although I haven't seen the real thing, but this thing was mentioned by the master when the Ying family learned the formation class.

This thing is called the extinction stone, which can eliminate all light. Within the range of the extinction stone, no matter whether it is a mortal or a powerful monk, it is impossible to see things. Even the spiritual consciousness can only retain the ability of perception and lose the function of seeing , When arranging some mazes, using this stone can have miraculous effects.

It's just that this thing is extremely easy to be ignored because of its extinction property, so it is more difficult to find.

I didn't expect there to be so many here, and they could be used to build walls.

Ying Hui frowned. No matter the wall or the ground, this passage is not smooth, not to mention uneven, and there are some feet. Perhaps, this place itself is a extinction quarry.

It is not easy to have such a spiritual mine in Langhuan Realm, even if there is nothing here, just this tunnel alone is bloody money.

These thoughts flashed by, even though she knew that Huiniang couldn't see it, Yinghui still pretended to be confused and shook her head.

Then, as if remembering that Huiniang might not be able to see it, she quickly added: "How can Huiniang, a mere qi-training casual practitioner, know something that Huiniang doesn't even know?"

Huiniang also just asked casually, and of course she didn't expect her to know. After the two of them communicated, they cautiously groped forward.

It's dark here, and the consciousness is not working well, and I don't know how many dangers are hidden in the dark.

"Huiniang, Canglan Yueheng said that only the blood of the Canglan family can open this legacy mansion, could this be the opportunity left by the parents of the Canglan family?

If we just come in like this, will we get nothing?I heard that this kind of residence that requires a specific bloodline to open, if an outsider enters, it is very likely to be retaliated by the owner of the residence. "

"Isn't it a little too late for you to remember this after we all came in?"

Even if you can't see Yinghui, you can imagine what kind of mocking face Huiniang will have at this moment.

But it doesn't matter, her current character design is an ignorant casual cultivator.

"Don't worry, only Canglan Yueheng will think that this is a great opportunity that belongs to Canglan's family alone.

The real Bloodline Mansion will not be announced to the whole world, and it will not be clearly written so that everyone can know how to open the Mansion at a glance.

Bringing death to blood relatives.

The Canglan family thought that if there was a Jindan real person, their own family would be considered a great family, it was simply a joke.

The background of cultivating immortals' inheritance cannot be leveled by a golden pill.

The clues on this stone are clearly encouraging those who get this opportunity to arrest the Cang Lan family and come to sacrifice for blood. "

Of course Ying Hui knew this, she was asking on purpose, she wanted to extinguish all the hopes and fantasies in Cang Lan Yueheng's heart little by little.

And Cang Lan Zhengzhi, who didn't know where this place was originally, didn't know where it was at this moment. It was Cang Lan Yueheng's ignorance and greed that caused the trouble.

As much as he was afraid of Huiniang at this moment, he resented Cang Lan Yueheng as much.

Although, if he got the stone instead, he would only make the same choice as Cang Lan Yueheng.

In other words, if he wins himself and moves from place to place, he may also take the risk to get this great opportunity.

Canglan Yueheng has always been holding out hope that after coming to this widow's mansion, he would take advantage of his Canglan family's bloodline to kill Huiniang, and even thought that maybe the life energy he had lost could still be recovered. Take it back from Huiniang, and turn back into the old Mr. Pianbianjia.

From the bottom of his heart, he mocked Huiniang for being a low-level casual cultivator. Even if he knew some evil ways, he didn't know what this bloodline palace meant, so he thought that everything would be fine if he was arrested.

After entering the Yi's Mansion, it was as cordial as entering one's own home.

Who would have thought that the clown was actually himself.

The blue waters are falling like falling into an ice cellar, and the last glimmer of hope is shattered by Huiniang's ridicule.

However, with no possessions and no spiritual power, he couldn't even commit suicide. He could only wait to become a blood bank to open the way for others. This is the real despair.

At this moment, a sound piercing the sky roared, Hui Niang led the three of them quickly out of the way, and easily avoided it.

But this sound of piercing through the air was like a signal. Since then, the sound of piercing through the air has been heard endlessly.

Dense, like a spider's web, continuously lased towards the four of them.

Even though Huiniang was so cunning, she was too tired to cope with three oil bottles.

Huiniang threw Yinghui and the three of them back, "Take care of the two masters of the Canglan family."

With both hands, Yinghui can see a pink flash different from this darkness, and then there is a loud rumbling sound, and the continuous sound of piercing the sky stops abruptly.

In the unchanging darkness, there was a faint white light.

Is it an export?

The next moment, I saw that the light became bigger and bigger, and when I got close, I saw that the huge fireball had already filled the entire corridor.

The scorching heat was unbearable to Ying Hui even though he had set up a heavy water shield in front of him.

Huiniang stood in front of her, but she didn't intend to retreat. Yinghui only heard a "chichi" sound, and the fireball became smaller and smaller until it disappeared. In the end, only sporadic flames fell on Yinghui and the others. In front of him, the struggle seemed to be rekindled.

Ying Hui quickly smashed down one water polo after another, and finally extinguished these small sparks.

It's just that before they could catch their breath, there was a new movement in front of them.

Canglan Yueheng laughed heartily in the colorless barrier, hoping that the many traps here would kill Huiniang directly.

Unfortunately, after the fireball passed, there was no crisis, but a bright white stone gate appeared at the end of the corridor.

Hui Niang led the crowd to the Shimen, and stretched out her hand to grab Cang Lan Yueheng, who hadn't completely put away her smile, from the colorless barrier.

(End of this chapter)

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