This fairy has some tea

Chapter 209 Wandering Corpse

Chapter 209 Wandering Corpse
Yinghui reached out to stop her, smiled and said to Huiniang: "Huiniang, such trivial matters, Huiniang can do it for you, don't get your hands dirty."

Yinghui's sudden appearance made Huiniang's hand pause, thinking that Yinghui was plotting against Canglan Yueheng before he remembered her hatred, so he threw the Canglan Yueheng he was holding to her.

The corners of Yinghui's mouth curled up, he raised the knife in his hand and dropped it, and wiped his neck neatly.

The gushing blood splashed on the bright white stone gate, and the stone gate seemed to be able to suck blood, and all the streams of blood were sucked into the stone gate, until all the blood in Cang Lan Yueheng's body was sucked dry, and the stone gate "rumbled" He moved slowly and opened a hole, but unfortunately, the hole stopped when it was only one palm wide.

And Cang Lan Yueheng, whom Ying Hui hated so much, went from full of hope to despair at last, and finally ushered in the end of his life.

Ying Hui threw Cang Lan Yueheng to the ground, feeling more and more calm in his heart.

The two murderers who killed Fu Bo were finally put to death.

In her heart, she didn't feel the joy of getting revenge, but instead felt a sense of emptiness and confusion.

Even if the enemy is dead, so what.

Uncle Fu, who cared and protected her the most, just left. Now that even revenge is over, after her last bit of obsession is over, she feels a little helpless.

Unfortunately, the situation at this moment did not give her time to be hypocritical.

From this gap, a dazzling white light came out, because it was so bright that everyone couldn't see clearly.

Especially Yinghui, who has excellent five senses, the glaring white light made her squint her eyes and dare not look directly.

Huiniang tried to use spiritual power to attach to her hand, and pushed hard, but the stone door did not move at all.

Huiniang had no choice but to stop.

"Kill that one too."

Cang Lan Zhengzhi never thought that the time of death was so close to him.

Struggling to escape, but without spiritual power, all this is in vain.

Another head fell to the ground, and all the blood in the body was not wasted. After all the blood was sucked away by the stone door, the cracked stone door made a "rumbling" sound again, opening an entrance more than one person wide.

This time, it was still Yinghui, the oil bottle, who took the lead and stepped into the range of white light. Although there was light, the surrounding area was bright white and empty. Yinghui glanced at it and quickly closed it. eyes.

He tried to release his consciousness, but it hurt like being stabbed, so he had to withdraw it again.

I remembered that the things prepared by the other party when I accompanied Gu Ruixiang into the Zhijin Cave were still in my hands. Among them were the eye protection drops. Before Huiniang came in, I pretended to look around and put the drops into my own. In the eyes, a gray film was formed on top of his own eyes, and he finally felt that the dazzling white light had dimmed a bit. Although the eyes were still sore, he could barely see.

Huiniang saw that there was no danger inside, and the Shimen door wobbled again and began to close, and she dodged and finally walked in.

It seemed safe here, but neither of them dared to relax their vigilance. They didn't know if it would be like the extinction stone passage over there just now, and would there be any hidden weapons at any time.

After waiting tensely for a long time, but nothing came of it, Huiniang's eyes were weeping from being stabbed, she circulated her spiritual power to her eyes, took another black gauze, and attached them to her eyes, which finally relieved her a little.

Although the vision was a bit blurred, it was better than not being able to see anything just now.

Seeing Yinghui's eyes closed and not daring to open them, he even gave her a favor.

With hazy eyes, she followed Huiniang to search in this bright white stone room.

The source of the white light in this stone room is the stones that fill the room. Contrary to the extinction stone, this stone room is paved with skylight stones, which can emit dazzling white light by itself.

I don't know what kind of hobby the owner of this Fangyi Mansion has, so he confronted Guang.

Ying Hui looked at the structure of the stone room, and thought that just now in the extinction stone corridor, the repeated sounds of breaking through the air and fireballs were all traces of mechanism techniques.

Here, the possibility of some mechanism hidden here is not low.

She scanned every corner of the stone chamber, and saw that the skystones inlaid on the walls of the square stone chamber were not neatly arranged in squares, but arranged in a swirl shape, including the ceiling and the ground. That's all.

Ying Hui immediately understood what kind of mechanism it was. His heart sank, and he saw that the vortex above the ceiling suddenly began to spin, and a human-shaped object squeezed out.

This thing, two people, not three people are not unfamiliar, almost blurted out at the same time: "Wandering corpse!"

After the words fell, the wandering corpse had already landed on the ground. Except for a pair of red eyes, it was no different from ordinary people, and even had a rather handsome face.

It's just that the red eyes looked at the two of them, which made them feel cold. Without him, this turned out to be a second-order wandering corpse.

The crimson eyes of the two fresh flesh and blood even shone red.

It seems to choose someone to eat.

The corners of the mouth were raised high, and the nails on both hands stretched rapidly. The foot-long nails shone with a dazzling metallic luster, like extremely sharp daggers.

With a kick, the body jumped up high, and the sharp nails were already in front of the two of them.

Ying Hui appeared from the walking corpse, and his nerves were tense all the time.

She has dealt with these wandering corpses countless times in her previous life, and these wandering corpses can be seen everywhere in the wasteland.

Moreover, the number is increasing, except that they are extremely bloodthirsty, not good at spells, and cannot use magic weapons, and their spiritual habits are no different from those of humans.

Moreover, their bodies have been greatly strengthened, far surpassing that of monks, and even physical training is far beyond the reach.

Once they get close, it is extremely dangerous.

She also came into contact with second-order wandering corpses in her previous life, but she did not confront them head-on.

As for the first-order wandering corpses, because they have just transformed from human races into wandering corpses, and their spiritual intelligence has not yet recovered, the danger is actually not great.

Therefore, this time, she had to be cautious when facing the attack of the second-order wandering corpses.

Even though there was a living spirit body, she still didn't dare to be careless.

Once the body is injured by a wandering corpse, the corpse poison carried by the opponent has a great possibility of infecting the cultivator, and it is difficult to get rid of it. Unknowingly, it erodes the cultivator's body. In the end, he loses all his wisdom and becomes Become a wandering corpse.

Most of the wandering corpses in the wasteland came from this way, and the rest were corroded into wandering corpses after contact with certain objects in the wasteland.

Wandering corpses will continue to devour fresh flesh and blood, and will grow rapidly.

Moreover, the higher the level of cultivation in life, the faster the growth.

Even, even the memories and everything learned during the lifetime will be preserved.

It's just that there is no more emotion from his previous life.

This is the saddest and most terrifying place.

(End of this chapter)

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