This fairy has some tea

Chapter 237 Stone Forest

Chapter 237 Stone Forest
However, the environment they live in is very strange, like a small village, surrounded by a stone forest.

The most strange thing is that everyone in this village is looking at the four of them with dark eyes.

Those eyes seemed to be glued to the four of them, but when the four of them looked around, they quickly looked away, chatting and doing work.

But the four of them didn't notice anything, and Ying Hui, who was separated by a bronze mirror, was horrified.

What is this place?
She had never heard of it in her previous life.

Is there really such a small village on the Pingluan grassland?
What is going on with the people in this village.

She frowned, according to her temperament, she would never go to such a weird place with no benefits to be gained.

However, if the four of them hadn't fled for their lives in a panic because of the trouble she caused, they probably wouldn't have ended up in such a place.

She hesitated for a while.

But at this moment, the image in the bronze mirror suddenly filled with black air, turning into a big black mouth, about to swallow the four of them.

At the same time, the bronze mirror went black and fell on Yinghui's hands, with the thin handle pointing to Yinghui's front left.

It's just that no matter how much Ren Yinghui called, the bronze mirror didn't respond.

Ying Hui put away the bronze mirror and looked up at the direction pointed by the thin handle of the bronze mirror. It seemed that the white clouds floating in the sky had all gathered together in one place and turned into a big black mouth that appeared in the bronze mirror. The fangs seemed to swallow the entire grassland.

"It's Yin Qi!"

Ying Shu spoke suddenly, seeming to be very familiar with it.

"If you want to save someone, go for it. Although it's a bit risky, with the protective treasure you have on you, it's enough for you to escape unscathed, and maybe you can get a little gain."

With Ying Shu's guarantee, Ying Hui didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately flew towards Ying Xi and the others.

The closer we got, the darker the sky became. The clear sky was covered with overcast clouds at some point, and it was so dark that the sky seemed to be lowered a lot.

Get closer, and when you are already close to the stone forest, the big raindrops "crackling" fall down.

Ying Hui casually took out an umbrella and propped it on his head, and slowly fell down.

There was silence in the stone forest, and the strange black energy seen in the bronze mirror before was not seen at all, as if what I saw before was an illusion.

Ying Hui stepping into the stone forest, one after another stone steles scattered high and low, seem to stand randomly in this area, and several stone steles have been broken in the middle, and fell to the ground in disorder.

It seems to be a stone forest of steles that has been abandoned for a long time.

The most common runes in the Langhuan world were neatly engraved on the front of the stone tablet, and portraits were on the back.

Everyone in the painting has the corners of their mouths raised, some are ecstatic, some are pleasantly surprised, some are weeping with joy, and there is also the corners of their lips that are pretending to be reserved, barely suppressed, but still not suppressed.

It seems that everyone on these stone tablets has been greatly satisfied.

Ying Hui was wandering in the stone forest as if strolling in a garden, but suddenly saw ripples flickering on the tallest and thickest stone tablet in the middle of the stone forest, and then, two delicate female cultivators came out of the ripples.

As soon as he came out, he exclaimed: "Fellow Daoist, it's getting dark and the rain is so heavy, are you here to camp in Stone Forest?

Do you want to hide in our corpse hunting village?We are all comrades who come to Pingluan Grassland to hunt wandering corpses. We watch and help each other, and we have formations to protect each other, so it is safer. "

(End of this chapter)

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