This fairy has some tea

Chapter 238 Bai'er and Lan'er

Chapter 238 Bai'er and Lan'er

The two female cultivators are both dressed in floor-length dresses, the only difference being that one is blue and the other is white. In this continuous heavy rain, they are not dripping with water, and their frowns and smiles are full of amorous feelings.

It would be fine if two such female cultivators appeared in the bustling fairy city, there is no pampered young lady in any family.

However, it is really against harmony for these two people to appear in the dangerous wasteland, especially in the wilderness, on the most dangerous Pingluan grassland.

Ying Hui looked the two of them back and forth, but still didn't find anything unusual about them.

"It's a monk!"

Ying Shu's voice rang quietly in Ying Hui's mind.

Ying Hui knew it well, smiled at the two nuns and said, "This will bother the two fellow Taoists."

The two nuns were immediately overjoyed.

"Don't bother, don't bother, fellow daoist, follow us in quickly. It just so happens that no newcomers have come to the corpse hunting village for a long time. Everyone must be very happy to see fellow daoist."

The two even stretched out their hands to pull Ying Hui without any hesitation.

Ying Hui frowned, and gently broke it away.

Both nuns showed a hint of embarrassment.

"Look at us, I was so happy to see fellow daoist for a while, I forgot how to behave, don't blame fellow daoist."

As she said that, the female nun in a white dress stretched out her hand and tapped lightly on the stone tablet, and then saw ripples on the stone tablet again, and then she took a step ahead and stepped into the stone tablet. Don't forget to turn around and tell Yinghui, "Be careful, fellow Taoist, don't step on the air."

Then, the whole person disappeared.

The remaining female cultivator in the blue skirt said to Yinghui very politely: "Fellow Daoist, just walk in directly, there will be no obstacles. I will be behind you and seal the gate, so as not to be discovered by wandering corpses." , bringing disaster to the corpse hunting village."

It sounded quite reasonable, but the two of them looked at each other so closely that they were afraid that they would run away.

He thought a lot in his heart, but still had a faint smile on his face, as if he was defenseless, he raised his foot and stepped in.

The moment of passing through the stele, there was a kind of stagnation and suffocation of being submerged in the water, but only for a short moment, it returned to normal.

After entering the stele, there are steps spiraling downwards, extending down to an unknown depth.

On both sides of the steps, there are dim oil lamps, the dim light can barely illuminate the path under the feet.

When Ying Hui came in, Xiu Xiu, the woman in white dress who came in first, stopped on the two steps in front, as if waiting for her.

She lowered her head slightly, blocking her faint gaze, and the dim light of the oil lamp cast a dark shadow in front of her.

Seeing Yinghui coming in, the female cultivator immediately raised her head, revealing a bright smile.

"Fellow Daoist, come down quickly, or Lan'er will bump into you when she comes in later."

Ying Hui didn't doubt that he was there, looked down at the steps under his feet, lifted his feet, and stepped down.

Before the tiptoes fell, I saw the nun in the white dress staring at her feet tightly, holding her hands tightly, and involuntarily leaned forward, obviously very nervous and urgent.

Ying Hui paused for a moment, then retracted again.

"Look at me, I forgot to ask you Gao's last name just now, I don't know what you call you?"

The female cultivator in the white dress forced a smile, and quickly replied: "Fellow Daoist, just call me Bai'er. Fellow Daoist, come down quickly. You see, Lan'er has already come in."

Yinghui turned his head, and saw a foot had stepped in from the whirlpool.

Only then did Yinghui take a step down without haste.

The toes landed on the ground, and the white light was bright. Where are there any steps, where are there any white children.

(End of this chapter)

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