Chapter 239
The bright aura lamp exuded a soft light, and the cheeks of the woman beside the table were dyed a layer of orange, which was extraordinarily gentle.

The woman has a round belly, and she is sewing stitch by stitch, her eyes are full of tenderness.

Ying Hui sat up from the bed sleepily, rubbed his eyes with his hands, and yawned. When he saw the woman sitting at the table, he was stunned for a moment, as if in a lifetime.

"Ahui, why are you awake? Are you thirsty?"

The woman quickly put down the needle and thread in her hand, walked quickly to the bed, stroked Fu Yinghui's head lightly, felt that she was not sweating, wrapped her in a quilt, and hurriedly poured water.


Ying Hui called out hesitantly, a little dazed, mother, why are you so kind to her?
"What's wrong, have a nightmare?"

The woman had already poured the water, and hurried back to the bed, and fed it to Ying Hui little by little. Seeing that she had finished drinking, she rubbed her head again.

Seeing Ying Hui shaking her head in confusion, the woman smiled softly again.

"Would you like to congratulate me?"

Ying Hui shook her head, the woman glanced at the needlework thrown on the table, helped Ying Hui to lie back, and gave her a full quilt,
"Sleep, mother is with you."

"Mom, aren't you going to sleep?"

Looking at Ying Hui, she seemed to be looking forward to it, and the woman seemed a little guilty, and she agreed again and again,
"Sleep, mother will sleep with you."

Ying Hui was held in the arms of the woman in a daze. The woman seemed to fall asleep soon, but she was a little bit insomnia.

The mother who hugged her was so warm, but also so strange.

She just raised her head and looked at the woman's face. This is her mother, how could she feel strange?

Ying Hui shook his head, yawned and was about to fall asleep, but his mind felt cool for a while.

It made her shiver from the cold.

The embrace that hugged her suddenly turned from warm to bitingly cold.

Ying Hui woke up immediately.

Looking at the woman with complicated eyes, she hadn't seen her mother for decades, she thought she had already forgotten what Su Liuliu looked like.

Now that they met each other in the illusion, it was only then that she realized that Su Liuliu's every frown and smile was clearly remembered by her.

It's just ironic that although the scene in front of me has happened before, it was not Su Liuliu who hugged her to sleep, but the maid who took care of him personally, just because this girl was really caring and safe, Su Liuliu called her to take care of her younger brother.

Ying Hui sneered, and became interested in this illusion that was both true and false. She really wanted to see what other stories the other party could make up.

Soon, the fetus in the woman's womb reached full term, and she gave birth to a boy. Su Liuliu did not neglect Yinghui's care at all, and she wished she could take care of every meal.

Soon it was time for Yinghui to test his aptitude, and when he knew that Yinghui Linggen was good, but because of Wulinggen, he was a head behind Yingxi, Su Liuliu hugged Yinghui in his arms and comforted him softly.

He gave Yinghui all his savings to help her practice.

As time passed, when Qing Yunzong opened the mountain to accept disciples, Su Liuliu not only did not rush to stop him, but even gave up his face and went to ask for a win, and asked for some talismans for Ying Hui.

Ying Hui took Uncle Fu, left home smoothly, and went to Qing Yunzong to participate in the trial.

In the illusion, Uncle Fu defended everything as he had done in his lifetime, which almost made Ying Hui cry.

Even though he knew that everything in front of him was just the environment, he still cherished it very much.

In Qingyun Zongfang City, Uncle Fu once again proposed to buy a special storage bag, and Ying Hui's heart was suddenly pulled together.

(End of this chapter)

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