This fairy has some tea

Chapter 241 Hunting Corpse Village

Chapter 241 Hunting Corpse Village

Then, with a frown on Lan'er's eyebrows, she slightly modified her memory.

When Lan'er opened her eyes again, her frightened and trembling body finally returned to normal.

Looking at Ying Hui who was standing not far from her, a trace of greed leaked out.

"Bai'er, we should be able to get a lot of things this time."

"Hey, you've got a good idea. When we catch someone, it's our turn to pick them first. Isn't it all the junk left by the group of people above?"

Ying Hui's cynicism and ridicule of Lan'er not only did not have the slightest doubt about the identity of the person in front of him, but also followed suit.

"Yeah, we can eat some meat sometime. We attract people at the door. They'll do nothing and say nothing, but they still want to take the big head! Just give us some leftovers."

The two of them flew down from the abyss with their respective magic weapons. Bai'er's magic weapon, Yinghui, had already been wrapped with some useless rags of his own. Now, standing on Bai'er's round fan, he looked faintly Flying down, I saw Bai'er on the Mixin ladder walking down step by step, without taking a step, white air overflowed from his head.

At the same time, several black shadows rushed out from the abyss, devoured the overflowing white Qi, and then hid in the abyss again.

It is the ghost!

After Bai'er didn't have a trace of white air overflowing from her body, the abyss finally calmed down.

However, Bai'er's speed of descending the steps became faster and faster.


The magic weapon of Ying Hui and the others fell to the ground, making a soft sound, which echoed continuously in the empty cave.

Bai'er finally reached the end of the steps.

The familiar stench of corpses spread into Yinghui's nose, and a wandering corpse suddenly appeared in the darkness.

I saw Lan'er covering her nose in disgust, watching the wandering corpse clumsily strip off Bai'er's body, and finally walked into the darkness with her naked body on her shoulders.

Ying Hui sighed in his heart, and the four of Ying Xi didn't know whether they had walked this confusing ladder or not, and whether they had escaped smoothly.

Most importantly, still alive.

What kind of corpse hunting village is this? This is clearly a den of thieves. Not only are human cultivators and wandering corpses cooperating, there are even ghosts mixed in, eating and wiping out every cheated human cultivator, which is really outrageous.

Before she found the four of them, it was hard to say whether these people could save their lives.

The two of Yinghui put away the things scattered all over the place, and walked slowly in this dark underground world.

After passing through the darkness, the eyes suddenly opened up.

Stone forest, cottages, drizzle, withered vines, the kind villagers showed kind faces, and greeted the two girls warmly.

"Bai'er and Lan'er are back from hunting? How's the harvest?"

The speaker's triangular eyes gleamed, and he kept looking at the two of them, trying to test their reality.

Lan'er swept away the anger just now, and she was very excited, with a hint of showing off.

"Bai'er and I were lucky, we met prey right after we went out, and we didn't even get out of the stone forest, let alone how smooth it was.

I would also like to thank Second Uncle Ge for giving us this good opportunity, otherwise the prey we got would be Uncle Ge. "

As he spoke, he shook the storage bag in his hand.

The triangular eyes stared at the storage bag in Lan'er's hand, but only pretended to be concerned and said: "Go and send the things to the guardian, you two little girls, don't patronize and play, the guardian is angry if you lose something , Second Uncle can't protect you either."

"Don't worry about Second Uncle Ge, Second Uncle Ge should think about it quickly, who should push the hunting tomorrow."

Lan'er had sharp teeth, and immediately rolled her triangular eyes in anger, then snorted coldly, and left with Ying Hui.

(End of this chapter)

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