This fairy has some tea

Chapter 242 Dharma Protection

Chapter 242 Dharma Protection
Yinghui walked and watched all the way, keeping every bit of this corpse hunting village in his heart.

The village is not big, only about a dozen families, along a main street, distributed on both sides of the road, the cottages are simple, with traces of time.

Around the village, there is a formation covering the entire village.

It is said that it can block the breath and have the effect of invisibility.

Bai'er's memory is not clear about the specific formation, but he only knows that since he came here, there have been no wandering corpses strayed into this place in the past many years, which shows how powerful this formation is.

Other than that, there seemed to be no difference between the village and the villages outside the wilderness. There were even young children playing and frolicking on the street, and some elderly people meditating under the shade of the trees.

Probably, the biggest difference from the outside world is that everyone here is a monk, regardless of their level of cultivation, there is no ordinary mortal.

In the middle of the village, there is a big tile-roofed house with two entrances. Compared with other houses, it is much more luxurious. There are guards at the door. The man is dressed in black, even his head and face are covered. When they got close, they immediately stretched out their hands to stop them.

Lan'er reached out to offer the storage bag in her hand, flatteringly told about today's hunt, the black-clothed guard just took the storage bag, glanced at the contents inside, snorted coldly, and took out ten pieces from it. The spirit stone was thrown to the two of them.

Lan'er has an angry pretty face, Fan Bai.

It's just that his mouth trembled, but he still didn't dare to distinguish from the black-clothed guard.

Holding on to a smiling face, he said, "Thank you for the gift of Dharma protector, my family is retiring."

While the two were talking, Ying Hui was thinking about how to find an opportunity to put Ying Shu into the mansion and search for it.

In Bai'er's memory, Li Shaoyang and the others did not pass through the stone forest, but directly crossed the formation and entered this place by mistake.

As soon as the four of them came in, the whole village was shocked. Fortunately, the second uncle Ge stabilized them and brought the group into the house of the lord.

That is, the two-entry mansion in front of Ying Hui.

After the four of them entered, apart from some noises at the beginning, the mansion quickly returned to its former calm.

The only thing that can make Yinghui feel at ease is that the four of them seem to have fallen into the hands of the so-called lord, but that lord did not throw the bodies of the four into the bottom of the abyss to feed those wandering corpses.

Therefore, it is very likely that these four people are still alive.

This Dharma protector already has the initial stage of foundation establishment, far higher than the pair of qi cultivators in the village. It's no wonder Lan'er and the others are so afraid of him.

Ying Hui was thinking about how to make some movement to lure people away, when he heard a loud "bang", the whole village shook.

Lan'er's feet were unsteady, and her body almost fell to the ground. Yinghui's hands moved slightly, and the direction of Lan'er's fall was crooked, and she fell straight towards the body of the black-clothed guardian.

The black-clothed guardian waved his hand, impatiently swept Lan'er aside, and looked up at the sky.

And Ying Shu also took advantage of the chaos and slipped into the mansion.

Lan'er scrambled to get up from the ground, and pulled Ying Hui away quickly.

Only then did he feel relieved, and raised his eyes to look in the direction of the explosion.

It was as if a gap had been opened in the sky, and it was pouring down with heavy rain.

Above the opening, there was a person standing in mid-air. The torrential rain poured down, but they all avoided before it fell on him. The steaming water vapor covered his body with a hazy watery light, making it impossible to see the other party's figure clearly. appearance.

 Since I didn't have full attendance, I felt that I became very lazy in an instant. I wanted to update every day, and I didn't want to start writing every day, just like a child who didn't want to write summer homework. Without money, there is no motivation.

(End of this chapter)

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