This fairy has some tea

Chapter 33 Zheng Zhenzhen

Chapter 33 Zheng Zhenzhen

The serious sect masters would only come out to watch during the martial arts test, and pick out one or two disciples they like, and those who are not selected will be classified into the inner sect.

After all, the little monks with art investment teachers have very good spiritual root qualifications, unlike ordinary people, after entering the sect, they have to enter the outer sect first, and after the spiritual roots are born, they will be divided according to the quality of the spiritual roots. .

A large number of outer disciples in the sect are monks who have entered the sect after taking the entrance examination, but their awakened spiritual roots have not reached the upper-middle standard.

Yinghui didn't even think about being able to enter the mountain gate this time, not to mention that someone would take a fancy to him and accept him as an entry-level, so he didn't pay much attention to his grades, as long as he passed, he could enter the next round of martial arts exams.

But she doesn't care, it doesn't mean others don't care.

There are not many young monks with art investment teachers, but only more than 300 people. If some spiritual roots are not qualified, and some people who practiced improperly in the later stage, their spiritual roots become thinner and their spiritual roots are destroyed, about [-] people will be removed. For many mortals, it is simply a drop in the bucket.

These people have long formed small circles. Before the exam, they communicated with each other and guarded against each other. The test questions of the essay test were circulated uproariously, true and false, and the scheming was performed over and over again.

Yinghui didn't participate in it, but Zhao Yingying heard a lot about her comings and goings.

And the conflict between Yinghui and Xiao Ling'er has been spread in this small circle for a long time, and almost everyone who knows it sneers at her and despises her very much.

People like this, they have already bet that they will not pass the literary test, but they did not expect that they not only passed, but also became the top three.

You are not angry.

"Just a slut, she deserves to be in the top three, so there must be some shady activities, Sister Ling'er, do you want to teach her a lesson?

Oh, that's not right, Yinghui is also at the sixth level of qi refining, and the momentum is so fierce, it's impossible to say that Sister Ling'er will surpass her soon, and it's better to make friends, Sister Ling'er, don't you think so? "

Xiao Ling'er was originally excited to be accompanied by Cang Lan Yueheng to watch the results, but the reality poured cold water on her head. This time, she barely passed the essay test, ranking at the bottom, and barely passed.

Xiao Ling'er, who felt deeply ashamed, felt ashamed and angry at Zheng Zhenzhen's words.

That poor ghost who killed a servant by herself and still gave a smile to a senior, that 13-year-old little monk who only had the fourth level of Qi Refining that she dismissed, but in just a few months, she was slapped in the face snap.

How could she not hate.

Of course, Zheng Zhenzhen didn't simply look down on Ying Hui. In fact, she came from a better background than Xiao Ling'er. There are many of these children, it’s fine if they don’t have a spiritual seed, they will be raised directly by their side, and when they become adults, they will be sent down the mountain to live in Fangshi, or sent to live in the secular world. But I don't have a spiritual seed, so I simply sent the child to the secular world when he was still young.

You can arrange it however you want, but you can't stay in the sect forever. No matter how big the sect is, it can't hold so many mortals, and they are not suitable to stay here all the time.

But if there is a spiritual seed, it is another arrangement.

The descendants of Zongmen disciples, as long as they want to, can participate in the entrance test before they practice. Moreover, no matter how low the activity of the spirit seed is, they can enter the desperate survival trial and become a member of Zongmen disciples.

But the entry test is not available every year. Some children are just under the age. They missed the last entry test, and the next one will take several years. If the activity of the species is slightly better, they will take the risk of cultivating in advance, give birth to spiritual roots, and take part in the monk's entry test.

Even if they are the descendants of sect disciples who take the entry test for monks, the threshold is lower than that of ordinary monks. As long as they have medium spiritual roots, they have reached the entry standard.

Zheng Zhenzhen's spiritual root is a medium spiritual root.

She has a good background, grew up in the sect, and has first-hand information on the entrance examination. Naturally, there are many people around her to please.

She has a high spirit, but her aptitude is at the bottom of all those who participated in the assessment. Now she is 14 years old, and she has practiced in a sect with abundant spiritual energy for many years, but she only has the fourth level of Qi refining.

In fact, she is not the only descendant of the Zongmen who participated in this assessment, but other people have good aptitude, high cultivation base, and they have known each other since childhood, and they have formed a team with each other. It is also very low-key and does not communicate too much with other people.

And she, not surprisingly, was singled out due to her low cultivation, so she could only use her status to find teammates when she was participating in the assessment.

It's just that she didn't expect that those casual cultivators who she didn't like, who were from poor backgrounds, and who hadn't even seen pills, would catch up with her cultivation. , This breath has been suppressed in the bottom of my heart.

Only Xiao Ling'er, whose father is also a foundation-building cultivator, is not very different in terms of background, and Xiao Ling'er is not only beautiful in appearance, but also has much higher aptitude than her. She was jealous and envious, now she finally grabbed Xiao Ling'er's painful foot, of course she had to step on it hard.

She didn't care if it would harm the innocent.

Xiao Ling'er was shallow-minded, annoyed when she provoked her, hated Ying Hui for slapping her in the face, and wanted Cang Lan Yueheng to teach her a lesson.

At this time, the rankings have been released, and the martial arts test is about to start. With the seniors of the sect watching, who would dare to kill the future disciples of the Taiwei Immortal Sect at will?
Just to teach a lesson, Cang Lan Yueheng also hesitated.

Xiao Ling'er stomped her feet and acted like a spoiled child, Cang Lan Yueheng was so entangled, he leaned into her ear and whispered to her.

"When the martial arts test starts, why don't you ask her to form a team with you?"

"But during the martial arts test, there will be seniors from the sect staring at him..."

Xiao Ling'er is superficial, but she is not stupid. If it is really to teach someone a lesson and delay her entry into the sect, the loss outweighs the gain.

"I have inquired a long time ago. Although the martial arts test is conducted in a team, it is also a competitive relationship. Some stumbling blocks are excusable and will not have any impact.

If she suffers, it is due to her lack of strength. She is a casual cultivator, and no one will uphold justice for her.

The Taiwei Immortal Sect has always been unable to restrain its disciples from competing with each other. As long as you are decisive, the seniors of the Immortal Sect will think you are upright and dare to love and hate, and will favor you even more. "

The warm air was blowing on Xiao Ling'er's ears, scratching her so much that her heart couldn't bear it anymore, she secretly raised her eyes to see the young man whispering to her, Yushu Linfeng, Young Master Pianpian, Xiao Ling'er became popular all of a sudden Face.

 Thanks to Xingyun Lifang for the reward
(End of this chapter)

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