This fairy has some tea

Chapter 34 Team Up

Chapter 34 Team Up
Xiao Linger's heart was pounding like a deer, so naturally she listened to whatever Cang Lanyueheng said, with a smile on her brows and eyes, and the haze just now cleared away.

Standing beside them, Ying Hui could see the movement of the two of them clearly. The ignorant girl blushed when she was teased by the young man who had been in love for a long time.

In order to flirt, Cang Lan Yueheng didn't use the sound transmission technique, but it happened to be convenient for Ying Hui to hear the conversation between the two of them clearly.

It saved her a lot of thought.

In fact, she should take the initiative now and cling to her side early to gain her trust. Based on her experience, it can be said that it is easy to coax Xiao Ling'er.

It's just that she can't go, she's afraid that at some point she won't be able to contain her hatred and will make the other party take precautions.

Master Hongming, who was in charge of this entry test, didn't care about the undercurrents among these little monks. When the time came, he gathered all the people who passed the test to one place, drove the flying boat and took everyone up from the ground, heading towards The martial arts test site galloped away.

The venue for the martial arts test was set in a valley not far from Fangshi, and the abandoned villages were their assessment venues.

Xiao Ling'er stood on the flying boat, a group of boys and girls chatted around her, trying to curry favor with the unknown number of people who teamed up with her.

Xiao Ling'er swept her brows lightly, looked at Ying Hui who was standing alone in the corner, smiled slyly, pushed aside the crowd and walked towards her, "Ying Hui, why are you alone, do you want to form a team with us? ?”

As soon as these words came out, it was not surprising that many people showed shock, but many people showed a look of surprise, and afterward, they all looked like they were watching the show.

Ying Hui seemed to be taken aback, a little flattered, and said, "Senior, you want to form a team with me?"

"Why are you still called Senior? You are also at the sixth level of Qi Refining now. If you call me Senior again, it would be embarrassing to me."

When Xiao Ling'er said this, there was a stern look in her eyes, which disappeared in a flash. How could a person like her catch up with my cultivation so quickly?
She surpassed her in the literary test, and she was just a little uncomfortable, but her cultivation has always been something she is proud of. Zheng Zhenzhen, a descendant of a dignified sect, was also overwhelmed by her, but why did she only have the fourth level of Qi Refining? Poor ghost, now he can cultivate like her.

"Senior, I'm serious. I just wanted to start the entry test. My cultivation was too low to pass, so I replaced everything on my body with pills. Only then did I barely reach the sixth level of Qi Refining. How dare I fight with Senior?" on a par."

Hearing what she said, Xiao Ling'er thought to herself an idiot, what's the use of having a cultivation base in the entry test, but she felt strangely relieved in her heart.

The smile is also more sincere.

"Anyway, we are all at the same level of cultivation now. I am slightly older than you, so you can call me Sister Ling'er and get closer to you."

Ying Hui whispered in fear, "Sister Ling'er."

Xiao Ling'er continued: "Do you not have a team yet? The test requires a team of five people. If you don't form a team in advance and adjust well, you will be temporarily stuffed into a team by Jindan Daoist who is in charge of the assessment. When the time comes, everyone If you are not familiar with you, you will definitely be rejected, and if you have no chance to perform, it will affect your martial arts test results."

Ying Hui panicked, "I, I know, but I don't know why, everyone doesn't seem to like me very much, no one wants to form a team with me, I was only focused on cultivation before, and I didn't make many friends, Sister Ling'er He is the only person I know, but there are too many people around Sister Linger, so I dare not go forward to join her, does Sister Linger really want to form a team with me?"

"Of course, I've already selected three teammates, and I'm only short of one, plus my sister is just right, come here, I'll introduce you to everyone, let's get acquainted in advance."

Ying Hui happily followed Xiao Ling'er to the front of the crowd.

Everyone is a monk, whether it is from a family or a casual cultivator, the rich are wearing a dust-proof vestment, which is radiant and aura is compelling.

Those who have no money are also dressed in silk and satin, complicated and noble, only Ying Hui, wearing a simple plain white long dress, with a long silver and white silk belt with moiré patterns on the waist, and a hairband of the same color as the belt on the head, making the hair full of blue silk. Tied up with long braids, it seems very simple, but it has an indescribable charm.

Standing beside the gorgeous Xiao Ling'er, she looked like a pure white orchid, weak and pitiful.

The young Mu Ai, those who had laughed at Ying Hui with others in private, were suddenly a little shy. It is normal for such a girl to be timid and cowardly.

Seeing several people looking at Ying Hui back and forth, but not the contempt she imagined, and even smiling friendly, Xiao Ling'er was suddenly unhappy.

With a cold snort, the three of them looked away, and finally remembered that Xiao Ling'er didn't like Ying Hui very much, but she didn't know what her purpose of bringing him back was.

Thinking of this, the three of them showed a trace of sympathy, and turned their eyes away.

Yinghui seemed to be oblivious, and greeted everyone enthusiastically and introduced himself.

"Hello everyone, my name is Ying Hui, I'm almost 14 years old, I'm a five-element spiritual root, and I'm a sixth-level Qi Refiner. I'm very happy to be your teammate."

Xiao Ling'er was displeased again when she talked about her cultivation base, but she quickly suppressed it and said: "Yinghui, what are you good at, tell everyone, let's get to know each other, Wu It is also convenient to assign tasks during the test.”

Ying Hui hurriedly added embarrassingly: "I am good at spells, water mist, golden archery, and vines. These three are my best skills."

Xiao Ling'er couldn't believe it and continued to ask: "Don't you know anything else? For example, refining alchemy, knowing medicine, formations, and making talismans?"

Ying Hui blushed, and whispered like a mosquito, "I'm sorry, sister Ling'er, I, I haven't learned this before."

Seeing her distressed look, Xiao Ling'er felt a lot better, "It's okay, you are the root of the Five Elements, and your combat power will be stronger. If you encounter danger, you may become the main force. Sister Yinghui, what do you think?" no?"

"No problem, I can't do anything else, it's already holding everyone back, I agree with whatever arrangement you make, Sister Ling'er."

Xiao Ling'er was very satisfied, this was the result she wanted.

The martial arts test is not a martial arts competition, she is a thug, if she can't even survive the whole martial arts test, she will be eliminated directly.

Thinking of this, she finally had a smile: "Let me introduce our teammates to you. This is Fang Yi, who is good at making talismans and has a seventh level of Qi refining. Liu Lian is good at formations and a sixth level of Qi refining. Cheng Zehao , is good at medical skills, and can refine Qi at the sixth level."

Xiao Ling'er's teammates, except for her, are all male cultivators, and their cultivation bases are definitely among the best among all the contestants.

(End of this chapter)

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