Chapter 35

Among the [-] or so people who participated in the martial arts test, except for those low-key descendants of sects, most of them are still in the third or fourth level of Qi refining, and there are even a few in the first level of Qi refining.

There are only two people on the seventh floor of Qi Refining, and the other is Zheng Zhenzhen's teammate.

It can be seen that the quality of her team is high.

Being able to enter such a strong team, in the eyes of people who don't know the inside story, is simply a pie in the sky.

However, Xiao Ling'er's introduction to other people was only this short sentence, and then they started talking and laughing with each other. It seemed that Yinghui had nothing to do with getting in touch with each other in advance or getting to know each other.

Ying Hui was a little at a loss with the smiling face, and Zheng Zhenzhen glanced at it from a distance, and snorted secretly: "You really have a servile face."

Ying Hui is like Xiao Ling'er's loyal little follower, shyly following behind Xiao Ling'er, not speaking, when Xiao Ling'er asks her, she is just a bunch of rainbow farts.

The flying boat landed quickly. If there were teams, each team would send out one person to draw lots. If there were no teams, Daoist Hongming would assign them at will, with five people in each team.

There were a total of 290 seven people. After the division, there were naturally only two people left. The two people were still a little scared, worried that they would be left alone, but the real Hongming saw that the strength of the team was weak, so he directly stuffed people in. It became a six-member team, and no one dared to raise objections.

There are a total of twelve venues for the martial arts test, which are the twelve abandoned small villages. According to Master Hongming, the difficulty is about the same, and the difficulty is similar.

There are a total of 59 teams, and there are almost five teams in one venue. Therefore, these teams, after drawing the venues, start to draw the test order again.

According to Daoist Hongming, during the exam, these small villages will be isolated by formations, and other than the examiners who are in charge of the exam, no one else can see inside.

After the exam is over, they will be sent to the flying boat, and there will be no problem of leaking the exam questions.

The venue that Yinghui and the others drew was Sujia Village, and they were the first team to participate in the assessment.

Although they know that they don't know the test questions, but the maximum time limit for a team's assessment is three days. Few people can complete the assessment ahead of time, and most of them can only wait until the end.

Therefore, it will take almost half a month for all the teams to complete the assessment.

If it is the last to participate in the assessment, it will be enough for the teams to get acquainted with each other better. Therefore, as the first team to participate in the assessment, Xiao Ling'er's face is as black as the bottom of a pot.

However, she was the one who drew the lottery, so no one else could be blamed.

However, she thought in her heart that it must be Yinghui's poor air that had brought down her luck, and that's why she was so unlucky, so she gave her a few knives to relieve her anger.

The formation barrier in Sujia Village has been opened, and a foundation-building cultivator wearing the blue standard inner disciple uniform is standing at the entrance of the formation.

He was tall and tall, and looked rough, but he carefully checked the test tokens of the five people one by one, and after confirming that the identities of the five people were correct, he opened an entrance to the formation.

The entrance was still foggy, and nothing could be seen.

Xiao Ling'er rolled her eyes, and said to Yinghui: "Sister Yinghui, you are good at using spells, why don't you take the lead?"

Ying Hui nodded, and promised in a submissive manner, walking in the front for fear of offending Xiao Ling'er.

However, she didn't use defensive spells, and only shot out a stream of water mist, blurring her body, and walked in.

Still nothing happened, Xiao Ling'er exchanged glances with the other three and walked in one after another.

As soon as Ying Hui entered the formation, he found that the dilapidated village he saw in the sky before had returned to life.

At the gate of the village, there were three old ladies chatting while holding the soles of their shoes.

So peaceful.

She listened quietly for a while, and the three of them were condemning a girl named Su Yun, their words were extremely vicious, and they hated her extremely.

"I heard that the Hammer family is clamoring for Su Yun to accompany him."

"Why are you accompanying me? Can you really kill that little whore? After all, she is the village chief's daughter, and the village chief will protect her anyway."

"It's not that if you stab it with a knife, you won't get much out of it. It's said that you want to marry Su Yun to Tie Hammer, a yin marriage..."

Ying Hui wanted to continue listening, but saw other people coming in one after another. Maybe it was because she thought she was the one leading the charge. These people didn't mean to hide their whereabouts. They were very high-profile. Seeing it, the gossip was naturally interrupted.

Ying Hui didn't feel sorry either, anyway, she came to kill people, not really to pass the level.

Seeing that everyone else had arrived, she naturally withdrew the water mist technique.

Xiao Ling'er, who came in last, sneered, "Coward".

"What are you doing?"

An old lady asked a question with a sullen expression. She was busy chatting just now, but she didn't notice anyone coming, and she didn't know how much her words were listened to. Will there be any trouble?

Cheng Zehao looks gentle and harmless, Yinghui is shaped like a quail, and he refuses to show his head. He took the responsibility of negotiating: "Old man, I am a doctor, and there are herbs I need on the nearby mountains. I invited some friends to come and accompany me." I took medicine."

As he spoke, he pointed to the pannier that he had carried on his back at some point.

Although the other people were dressed too gorgeously, it made people a little suspicious.

"I see that the old man has a lot of phlegm in his throat, and occasionally coughs. Does he have the symptoms of burning skin, polydipsia during the month, and lack of sleep and food?"

The old man was said to be ill one by one, nodded again and again, and said: "It's really little Hua Tuo, what can you do to cure my illness?"

"Of course there are, but the few of us want to stay in the village for a few days, and we will leave immediately after we have gathered all the herbs we need. Don't worry, the old man, we have brought money. If we are allowed to stay overnight, we are willing to spend a day. The price of two denarii.

You see, it is inconvenient for you to help us find a place to stay. Once we find a place and settle down, I can write a prescription for you, don't you think? "

After what Cheng Zehao said, not only the old lady who was talking to him, but also the other two were all moved, saying that they have a place in their home and they can let a few people live temporarily.

There are men and women, and they need at least two rooms. There are not so many spare rooms in the village. In the end, the family of two old ladies sold a room and earned this huge sum of money.

The only old lady who didn't snatch the guests, let out a "hum" bitterly, pinched the soles of her shoes under her armpits, went back to her home, and closed her courtyard hard with a "bang". Door.

"Hey, Zhang Cuihua, just be sour, little doctor, don't bother with her. Her family is very poor, and the house is buried by thieves. It's like her pig's nest, and she has the nerve to ask guests to live in it."

Hearing the word poor and sour, Xiao Ling'er's beautiful eyes swept over Ying Hui, and chuckled lightly, the meaning was self-evident.

 Thanks to Xingyun Lifang for the reward
(End of this chapter)

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