This fairy has some tea

Chapter 36 The storage bag is really big

Chapter 36 The storage bag is really big
Ying Hui's face was full of embarrassment, his eyes were slightly watery, and he seemed to bite his lip hard to hold back the tears.

Both Fang Yi and Liu Lian couldn't bear to move away.

Only Cheng Zehao looked at the two of them, and approached Xiao Ling'er a little bit.

Xiao Ling'er gave a cold "hum", but didn't say anything more.

The houses of the two elderly people are at the entrance of the village, and they are still neighbors, so it is quite convenient to live in.

The population of these two old ladies' families is relatively simple. They all live with their eldest son. In addition to their son and daughter-in-law, they also have a few younger grandsons and granddaughters.

They went first to Mrs. Su's house. Her natal family is from the same village. The family is richer and the house is more spacious.

Because they wanted to let the girls go, Yinghui and the two of them lived in this house.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw the old lady's little grandson peeing in the middle of the yard, and seeing so many people coming in suddenly, and there were two beautiful and fairy-like big sisters, my face blushed and I took a quick breath. With snot coming to his mouth, he dragged his pants and ran into the house.

Shouting while running: "Someone is here, someone is here, father, mother, someone is here."

Seeing such a scene as soon as she entered the door, Xiao Ling'er's complexion was very ugly. There was no idea how much feces and urine there were in this yard. Suddenly, she became reluctant to even walk in.

She was fighting that day, and a string of four children, big and small, ran out of the house, followed by a woman who was obviously the mistress of the house.

It was the beginning of winter, the weather was not too cold, and the busy farming season had just passed, so most of the adults and children stayed at home.

"Mom, this is?"

The woman asked hesitantly, wondering where her mother brought such a few rich and noble young ladies.

"This is a young doctor who came to the village to gather medicine. These two girls are his friends. They will stay with us for a few days, and they will cost two and a half taels of silver a day."

As the old lady spoke, she pointed at Cheng Zehao and said with some regret, if his family is big enough, then the other half would also belong to their family.

The woman in the gray padded jacket wiped her hands excitedly, "Please come inside, honored guests, I'll go and clean up your house right away, and heat the kang for you, seeing that you're all dressed so thinly, you're going to freeze to death Come on, come into the house and warm up."

After cultivating, the monks are strong and strong, so no one cares about the chill at all, not to mention that except for Yinghui, the four of them are all wearing vestments that can adjust the temperature and maintain a constant temperature.

He scoffed at her words.

Only Yinghui smiled and said to the woman, "Thank you, auntie, for causing you trouble."

"No trouble, no trouble, please come in, girl."

Ying Hui's attitude is very different from other people's. No matter how dull the woman is, she can still see the contempt of other people. She immediately warms up to this kind little girl.

Cheng Zehao looked at Ying Hui a few more times.

There is only one content of the martial arts test, which is to successfully survive the catastrophe of destroying the village for three days.

Of course, this is just an exam. All people and everything are produced by the phantom formation. The fatal attacks that are really suffered in the phantom formation are not really fatal, but they will be eliminated.

Only those who have survived three days will have the opportunity to be scored by the examiner.

And those with extremely poor temperament and corrupt character, even after three days, still can't enter the door.

If you want to survive three days successfully, the best way is to kill the danger in the cradle.

Then, it is very necessary to get the information as soon as possible and build a good relationship with the villagers.

As a doctor, he has inherent advantages, just like just a few words, he found a place to stay and broke into the villagers.

It's just that as monks, they are used to arrogance, and towards mortals, they unconsciously show a bit of arrogance.

But Ying Hui won the favor of the other party with just a few words, which made him slightly moved.

Thinking of what Xiao Ling'er said about the acquaintance between the two, maybe this girl has long been used to this, and she keeps her attitude extremely low to everyone, so it's no wonder that Ling'er said that she doesn't look like a monk.

I didn't think about it any more.

Their room was originally the room of Mrs. Su's two granddaughters. After giving up the room, they moved in to squeeze with Mrs. Su for a few days.

The two girls were a little displeased, and were scolded by Mrs. Su's ears, and moved away in a hurry.

The woman cleaned the house in a hurry, and took out her dowry from the bottom of the box, and spread it on the bed for the two.

It's just that these two quilts have been pressed at the bottom of the box for too long, and they have a strong musty smell.

"This is the best quilt. I'm really sorry for the two distinguished guests. I'll take it out and dry it again. The sun is good now. Let it dry for a while, and it won't taste good if I sleep at night."

The woman explained embarrassingly, and she was about to tidy up the quilt.

"Auntie, don't be busy, just put the quilt for a while, we can tidy it up by ourselves."


The woman quickly left the room with the children who had been watching, leaving space for them to talk.

Seeing her leave, Ying Hui immediately cleaned the quilts with the dust removal technique, then wet and cleaned the two quilts with a small water polo technique, and finally dried them all with fire spirit power.

After some operations, several people were dumbfounded, maybe they never thought that spells can be used so everyday.

"Sister Yinghui said that she uses spells well, and it is true. It seems that she brought her sister Yinghui here this time. She is really virtuous. It seems that she is used to doing these things. In the future, my sister will still want you Take care of me."

Xiao Ling'er said coquettishly, directly positioning Yinghui's identity as the maidservant.

"Sister Ling'er, as long as she doesn't dislike her, that's all I can do."

"Hehehe, why would you dislike it? It's just that I was away from home and brought my own bedding, which wasted my sister's kindness."

Bringing bedding, but watching her busy, the others, you look at me, I look at you, and they are ready for what to do to make peace and suppress the conflict after Yinghui gets angry.

Ying Hui only said a little enviously: "Sister Ling'er's storage bag is really big."

Xiao Ling'er smiled sweetly and couldn't stop giggling. She seemed to be in a good mood and almost forgot that she was here to take the entrance exam.

Cheng Zehao and the others looked at a monk in dismay, how humble he could be like this.

Shaking their heads, the three of them talked to Xiao Ling'er, and went to Mrs. Kong's house next door to see their own room.

The room immediately became quiet, Xiao Ling'er rolled her eyes, and said to Yinghui: "Sister Yinghui, we have nothing to do now, why don't we go out separately to find out what strange things are going on in the village, if we find this village If we eliminate the source of the village's destruction in advance, we will be able to end the assessment earlier, are you right?"

 Thanks to Xingyun Lifang for the reward, there is only one update today, and the time in the morning is relatively tight, so all future updates will be moved to the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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