This fairy has some tea

Chapter 37 The Guess of Yuanying Zhenjun

Chapter 37 The Guess of Yuanying Zhenjun

Ying Hui believed in Xiao Ling'er's words, and went out very straightforwardly.

Outside of the formation, the burly examiners kept frowning. There is no doubt about the strength of this team of examinees, but their dispositions made him a little displeased. The three watched from the sidelines, watching the little girl play tricks.

I don't know what that little girl thinks, if you want to form a team with these four people, even if you form a random team, it is better than this team.

No matter how strong you are, if you are not regarded as a teammate, if you are eliminated by the pit, you have to help the number of spirit stones.

It is estimated that he is a casual cultivator who is obsessed with cultivation, and he doesn't understand the world's sophistication, so he just knows how to please.

The burly monk got more and more headache the more he looked at it, he kept shaking his head and recorded the performance of several people one by one.

And within the sect, there were many powerful monks scattered on the main hall, some of them were smiling and talking to each other, some were contemplating, and some were staring at the center of the main hall.

There are twelve water mirrors there, each of which has flashing pictures, which are the twelve examination rooms of the martial arts test.

Zhenjun Yuanchen, as the only Zhenjun Yuanying present, was sitting at the top at the moment, looking at the water mirror in Sujia Village, wondering what he was thinking, his eyes slightly darkened.

"How come junior brother when you have time? Is Mingyue feeling better?"

The sudden conversation made Zhenjun Yuanchen look away, facing Zhenjun Duanyu who was sitting beside him at some time, Yuanchen nodded slightly, "The body has been recuperated, and I have started to practice again."

"Ms. Mingyue's life and death calamity has finally passed, and her fate will be smooth and smooth.

At that time, Mingyue's soul lamp was about to go out. Fortunately, the senior brother in charge held you down and didn't let you rescue him. Otherwise, we would intervene rashly, and we don't know if this life and death calamity is too much. "

Duanyu's words reminded Yuanchen of his anxiety when Ji Mingyue was in danger, and even had a fight with the senior brother in charge, so he couldn't help laughing.

"Are you here to recruit disciples?"

Zhenjun Duanyu continued to ask, "Didn't you say that the moon is enough to give you a headache, why do you dare to accept disciples?"

"It's not that girl Mingyue who said that her savior has come to participate in the entry test, and she insisted on asking me to come and take her a junior sister."

"Oh? This is a good thing. Being able to rescue Mingyue when she was in distress, escorting her all the way back to the sect, and helping her out of the trough, regardless of her aptitude, her disposition must be excellent. Why do you think you are a little embarrassed?"

Zhenjun Yuanchen pointed in the direction of Sujia Village, "Just look at it and you'll know, it's the little girl with braids."

Zhenjun Duanyu stared at it for a while, and his expression became more speechless than Zhenjun Yuanchen.

"Brother, are you really right?"

Zhenjun Yuanchen shook his head heavily, if Yinghui's true disposition was like this, even if Ji Mingyue had worn out his lips, he would not accept him, he couldn't afford to lose this person.

Ying Hui didn't know what was happening in the sect at this moment.

Even if she knew, she would not regret it.

At this moment, she was walking around the village alone, strolling in the courtyard, her gaze slightly narrowed, her figure tall and straight, she finally looked like a monk.

This change in her, the two Nascent Soul True Monarchs who have been paying attention to her, naturally noticed it all at once.

"Is her behavior in front of those people intentional? What does the little girl want to do?"

Zhenjun Duanyu was really curious about this little girl.

Zhenjun Yuanchen thought about it for a moment, then sent out a voice transmission, and soon there was a reply.

Zhenjun Yuanchen didn't shy away from it, and in front of Zhenjun Duanyu, he sent out a voice transmission.

In it, the grievances between Ying Hui and Xiao Ling'er are described in great detail, the subjective statement without partiality and without the slightest emotion made Yuan Chen's eyes deepen.

"Is this girl really Mingyue's lifesaver? Mingyue really praised her? Junior brother, are you sure you didn't recognize the wrong person?"

Zhenjun Duanyu asked questions again and again in disbelief.

"I met that girl once before, and Mingyue was there at the time, begging for rewards for her and her servant who was killed. When Mingyue introduced her, she deliberately avoided being a servant, and she was talking about taking care of her elders. It can be seen that That girl respects this servant very much, which is why Mingyue specially emphasized it."

Duanyu concluded, then puzzled: "Since the little girl really regarded the murdered servant as an elder, then she kept it secret at first, and now she is taking the exam with Xiao Ling'er, keeping a low profile and being a junior. What do you want to do?
And the white dress she was wearing..."

"Xiao Ling'er has a kid in the foundation building period who follows her all the time, but during the exam, she can't follow her.

If I'm not mistaken..."

"She wants to take revenge during the martial arts test!"

Zhenjun Duanyu's sound transmission rang in Yuanchen's ears, "Is this girl really so bold? She killed people during the martial arts test, and she doesn't want to join the sect?"

"Mingyue gave her an entry token."

"Hiss! Mingyue must have told her that there will be seniors from the sect watching their performance in the martial arts test and preparing to accept disciples.

Isn't she afraid of being too ruthless, even if she forced herself into the sect with a token, no one would accept her as a disciple?
I think she just took the opportunity to use some tricks to make Xiao Ling'er fail the martial arts test and not be able to enter the sect.

What's more, she has only just reached the sixth level of Qi training, and Xiao Ling'er has been training at the sixth level for a long time. In terms of cultivation, she is weaker. Xiao Ling'er is obviously rich, and she has a life-saving Should be quite a lot,

There are also several other people in their team, and it seems that they are all on Xiao Ling'er's side.

It's not that easy for a little girl to kill her, right?

Since this girl knows how to endure, it shows that her mind is still very deep and she will not take such a risk.

After all, he is just a servant. "

Zhenjun Yuanchen listened to a lot of his well-founded analysis, but he remembered Ying Hui's appearance when he first saw him, he was active and generous in advance and retreat, after the two saluted him, they went to help the old slave very naturally. The old slave also patted her arm very naturally, obviously the two of them were very close on weekdays.

The love for that Uncle Fu is beyond words.

She endured it for so long, if it was really just a trick to make Xiao Ling'er fail the martial arts test, he would be disappointed in her.

Mingyue is too innocent. It may be a good thing for Mingyue to have a scheming but affectionate junior sister. The two support each other.

If she could really kill the other party, he would accept him as his apprentice despite all difficulties.

Zhenjun Yuanchen didn't know that someone was having the same idea as him right now.

Although Master Zhiwei didn't hear the sound transmission behind him, he could hear the conversation between the two of them clearly at the beginning. Looking at Ying Hui's white clothes, it was almost the same as the filial piety, wearing filial piety for a servant, I think this girl must want revenge.

Unlike Zhenjun Yuanchen who wanted to find a partner for the innocent Ji Mingyue, Zhiwei simply felt that if it was as he had guessed, then this girl really liked him.

(End of this chapter)

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