Chapter 38
"Would you like to make a bet?"

Zhenjun Yuanchen suddenly became interested.

"Okay, if I guess right, you can give me your Tibetan flower, if I lose, I'll give you a Butianzhi, isn't it fair?"

Compared with Butianzhi, Zang Yinghua is better than Butianzhi. It seems that Duanyu feels that he has a chance to win, and he is afraid that Zhenjun Yuanchen will regret it, so he uses Butianzhi to seduce him.

Zhenjun Yuanchen listened to Zhenjun Duanyu talking about how to use the Tibetan Yinghua after he got it, he was so angry that his liver hurt, and he didn't want to talk to him anymore.

Looking at the real Zhiwei sitting below, he was also looking at Shui Jing seriously, obviously also paying attention to Yinghui, and asked, "Why is Master Zhiwei free to come and see the martial arts test?"

"Uncle Ju Ming said that my recent master-student karma is good for wealth, so let me not miss this opportunity."

Real Zhiwei's fortune is extremely poor, except for his strength, he has almost nothing. No, to be precise, he is heavily in debt. Uncle Ju Ming's divination is extremely accurate, it seems that he is really about to change his luck.

"No wonder Master Nephew Zhiwei suddenly came to see the martial arts test."

Most of the Taiwei Immortal Sect are very convinced by what Martial Uncle Ju Ming said, for example, Ji Mingyue's life and death calamity was calculated by Martial Uncle Ju Ming.

Daoist Zhiwei is already at the late stage of the Golden Core, and it is the critical moment to prepare for the birth of a baby. Few monks will accept disciples at this juncture, which really delays their cultivation.

Therefore, even if other people saw him coming, they never thought that he was here to accept disciples, but since Master Ju Ming said it, it seems that Zhiwei will definitely accept a disciple this time.

Zhenjun Yuanchen turned his mind sharply and watched him staring at the water mirror intently, and suddenly had a bad premonition.

"Which child does Master Nephew Zhiwei have his eyes on?"

Zhiwei nodded, "I'm afraid I'm going to rob someone with Uncle Yuanchen, I don't know if Uncle Yuanchen is willing to part with you?"

Zhenjun Yuanchen didn't want to cut it off, but Master Zhiwei had already spoken. If he didn't let it appear that he was too stingy, what's more, this apprentice was also related to the transfer of his nephew who had always been extremely poor in fortune.

"The uncle already has five true disciples, and the nephew has not yet accepted an apprentice. I think the uncle will not rob people with the nephew, right?"

Yuan Chen: It's so pitiful, what else can I do?
Ying Hui didn't know that there was an undercurrent surging above the main hall. After wandering around the village at this moment, she reckoned that Xiao Ling'er and the others had already left, so she went back to Mrs. Su's house.

The two families have long since disappeared.

Ying Hui sneered, the coldness in the corner of his mouth was no longer concealed, he turned and stepped out of the room, and when he knocked on the door of Mrs. Su's room, a sweet and gentle smile appeared on his face again.

Those who saw her change all admired the little girl's ability to change her face, and Zhenjun Duanyu had a faint feeling that his Butianzhi could not be kept.

"Is this girl planning to break the jar?"

This is already the opinion of the sect seniors who don't care about watching their performance.

"Brother, prepare your Butianzhi, hahaha."

Zhenjun Yuanchen, who was still depressed because his apprentice was robbed, suddenly felt much better.

"Hey, what's the matter, girl? But you're hungry? I'll ask my baby mother to prepare some food for you. Where's the girl with you? Does she want to eat?"

Aunt Kong opened the door and saw that it was Yinghui, she kept asking questions, for fear that she would not take good care of her and would not stay at her house.

"Ma'am, I'm not hungry, my elder sister just went out, and I'm a little bored to be alone, so I came to chat with aunt.

I happened to bring a few pieces of candy for some children to eat. "

She herself is not very old, and Mrs. Su's oldest grandson is older than her. Hearing her tell the children to eat candy, she is serious, which makes the old lady amused.

Ma Liu invited her into his room.

Mrs. Su's room is very spacious. At this time, several children were there, and they were playing in a ball. When they saw her coming, they immediately quieted down. When they heard that there was candy, they swarmed over and grabbed it. , I am afraid that if you take a slow step, you will lose your share.

Old Madam Su blushed, it was really embarrassing for her own child to be so useless.

The old lady "slapped" a few times to knock off these troublesome little hands, divided the candies brought by Yinghui into two pieces each, and put the rest into the cabinet.

"The girl laughed. I haven't seen any good things at home. The children are a bit greedy."

"Ma'am, you're being polite. Children are greedy for sweets. Besides, they are lucky if they can eat them. Don't you think so?"

"Isn't that the reason, the mouth is strong, the bones are strong, and then you can become a talent. I think the girl is still a little thinner, so she should eat more."

"Ah Hui has been taught, don't call me a girl, auntie, just call me by my name, and I will bother you at auntie's house for a few days, so auntie can call me easily."

"You girl is good, you are not hypocritical at all, and you don't dislike us peasants, your sister and you can't get along, her eyes are almost growing to the sky.

If you ask me, if she is so hypocritical, she shouldn't come out to collect herbs with you.

Those young masters also had no discernment, they actually circled around her, and they didn't know what they liked about her. "

Grandma Su is really outspoken.

Ying Hui lowered his head and sighed quietly, "I'm not as good as my aunt said."

As he spoke, he looked up at the aunt with foggy eyes, and seemed to have a thousand words and endless sadness.

"Hey, my sister, my aunt also noticed that she likes men to pursue her, how can a girl be like this?

I persuaded her several times, but she not only didn't appreciate it, but hated me instead.

Auntie, I am really good for my sister. A girl does not have a clean reputation, so how can she marry in the future?What good could happen?Why doesn't she appreciate it? "

As he said that, Yinghui couldn't bear it any longer, and tears fell down.

The pitiful appearance made the aunt feel distressed immediately.

"Like this time, Mr. Cheng invited a friend over to collect medicine. My sister and a girl insisted on coming here alone. I was worried about her and came with her, but she thought I was in the way. Auntie, I was really wrong ?"

"How could it be your fault, you are doing it for her own good.

She doesn't appreciate it, what can happen to an unscrupulous girl?

Just like Su Yun in our village, who is still the daughter of the village chief, she has been hooking up with each other in the village, causing ups and downs, and now the village chief can't keep her. "

The corners of Yinghui's eyes brightened slightly, and the other party really took the bait.

On the surface, it seemed that she was shocked by the explosive news: "Here, the daughter of the village chief, shouldn't she abide by women's morals more and set an example for other girls in the village?"

"Who says it's not, but Su Yun is not only disobedient, but also very vicious. It is said that all the men in the village, old and young, have slept with her, even my ineffective son.

It's also weird, whoever sleeps with her will get sick, everyone knows that she is very evil, but these men don't know what's going on, they seem to be possessed, and they can't speak to her Can't help it. "

The aunt slapped her thigh angrily, and said with gritted teeth.

 Thanks to salted fish without dreams 12138, Xing Yunlifang for the reward
(End of this chapter)

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