This fairy has some tea

Chapter 39 Corpse Qi

Chapter 39 Corpse Qi
"How many times have I told my son to stay away from Su Yun, but he just wouldn't listen, lying on the bed for half a month, relying on my wife to take care of him, really, what's so good about Su Yun?

She is also the daughter of the village chief. If she changed her family, she would have given her a lot of trouble with her evil spirit. "

Speaking of this, Old Madam Su suddenly lowered her voice, and said, "No, the hammer died directly on her body two days ago, so his mother caught him right away and made a fuss."

Maybe it's because Yinghui is too mature, or because people here have seen and heard too much about this kind of thing, and some people are not taboo about meat and vegetables. Grandma Su never thought about it. This kind of thing is not suitable for a small The girl said that even when the two of them were talking, they never thought of avoiding the young children.

"This, this, maybe this Su Yun has some unclean disease on her body?

When did this thing start?Will the man get sick if she does this kind of thing in the first place? "

"How come, that's the case, whoever dares to approach her, when the rumors first spread, the man she slept with would be in a trance for a day or two at most, as if nothing happened.

I'm not afraid of your jokes. At that time, everyone in the village thought that Su Yun was too profligate and caused the man to consume too much, which made him lose energy.

She also never refuses anyone who comes, hooking up with anyone, the village head acted as if he didn't know, and didn't care. Later, after sleeping with her all night, the trance time became longer and longer, and even had a fever. It is because the body is too weak, and the evil wind enters the body.

After all, Su Yun's reputation is too stinky, no one can go around shouting about things like her, and secretly watch it by himself when he is sick.

Afterwards, the villagers gradually realized that these men had already learned their tastes, and they couldn't control themselves at all.

Hey, my son is, and so is Tie Hammer.

However, it will be fine in the future. The Hammer's family is a big family in the village, and Heli is a relative. The village head's daughter killed his son. Can he let her? "

"What can you do if you don't allow it? No one dares to say that Miss Su killed someone. Even if there is a lawsuit, the official will not care."

Ying Hui seems to sigh, seems to sympathize.

"Hey, miss Ahui, you guessed wrong this time. The village chief has lost all face by this girl, and she didn't even think about protecting him. When the Hammer's family made a fuss, he promised to let Su Yun take care of him." Hammer dies."

"The village chief killed his own daughter? Was it his own daughter?"

"I didn't kill you. It's a coincidence that you guys came here. My aunt will only tell you one thing. Don't pretend to be someone else."

As Grandma Su said, she lowered her voice again, "The village chief promised Su Yun to Tiehammer as his wife, and we will get married tonight."

"Isn't Hammer dead?"

Ying Hui's soft, glutinous and sweet voice, with a hint of doubt, encouraged Grandma Su to reveal the last little secret.

"Do you know about the yin relationship? Let Su Yun hold the tablet of the hammer to pay homage, and then directly bury the two of them together."

"God, isn't this buried alive?
Village head, is the village head willing? "

"Keep your voice down, my aunt, the village chief is reluctant to part with it, this matter has been settled, one life pays for one life, Su Yun is a disaster, if she doesn't die, all the men in the village will die."

Ying Hui asked about the details of getting married at night, chatted about other gossips, and then changed the subject again, "Speaking of which, I also know a little bit about medicine, although not as proficient as Mr. Cheng, and I can also see it for minor illnesses and ailments." I know a little bit, I don't know if it's inconvenient for uncle Fang, if it's convenient, I'll show him first, if I can't see what the disease is, I'll go ask Mr. Cheng to come.

Although they have always disliked me, if I asked for it, I would definitely agree. "

"Hey, you also know medical skills? That's really great. I thought that Mr. Cheng had superb medical skills, so I would show it to my son, but it's a pity that Mr. Cheng seems to be easy-going, but he is actually very arrogant. I went to find him just now. Passed him to help my son take a look, but he immediately refused.

Or girl Ahui, you are kind. "

As he said that, he got off the kang immediately, and got off the kang with his shoes on.

Uncle Su's house strangely doesn't smell like medicine.

Ying Huizhuan thought about it and understood, after all, after hanging out with Su Yun before, he was only less energetic, and it would be fine to take a rest for a few days. doctor.

His daughter-in-law was sitting on a small stool and was weaving intently. She didn't even notice that they came in. It was the old lady who "hummed" before she stopped.

The old lady was obviously dissatisfied with her daughter-in-law's disregard for her son's behavior, but she couldn't blame her son for doing something wrong to his daughter-in-law.

"Miss Ah Hui knows some medical skills, come here and help me, and you should listen carefully."

Ying Hui saw that the woman reluctantly raised the corner of her mouth and said thank you. It can be seen that not only was she not happy that someone came to see her, she was even a little embarrassed.

Ying Hui pretended not to see it, stepped forward, and put his hand on the sleeping man's.

The pulse condition should not be taken lightly, but only after heavy pressing, and the beating is weak and weak, seemingly absent, and it can even be said that the pulse is faint.

It is actually a symptom of kidney yang deficiency, but it is not enough to cause a coma.

She explored a trace of spiritual power, wandered around in his body, and finally found abnormalities around his atrium.

As soon as her aura approached, it was quickly swallowed up by a mass of black corpse aura wrapped around her heart.

With a thought, Yinghui's spiritual power surged out, the wood-type spiritual power wrapped outside to protect the meridians, and the fire spiritual energy wrapped in it, devouring the corpse like a dead body.

After that, he wandered around in his veins, beheading every trace of corpse energy that escaped.

After all the corpse aura was cleaned up by her, she was slowly inputting a bit of wood-type spiritual power to moisten the opponent's body.

Seeing that the other party's face became obviously rosy, and all the black air lingering on his face dissipated.

Ying Hui withdrew his fingers, raised his head and said to Grandma Su: "Don't worry, Uncle, he has some yang deficiency symptoms and is a little weak. I just used my internal energy to warm up his body, and he will be fine after a few more days."

The old lady was overjoyed, and said again and again: "What should I do, but I don't know how to thank the girl, does my son still need to drink medicine?"

The old lady Su still asked with a little worry.

"I didn't take medicine before, but I got better soon. This time I looked a little serious. It's been several days, and I haven't woken up."

Ying Hui looked at the woman who stood aside and became nervous when she heard the word "drinking medicine", smiled and shook her head, "It's okay, just take care of it. The medicine is three-point poisonous, and if you take too much, it will break down." Body, Grandma Su, do you think so?"

The old lady Su felt relieved, and said again and again: "That's the reason, it's the reason, I think so too, why don't I just think of it with Miss A Hui."

 Thanks to Xingli Fangyun for the reward
(End of this chapter)

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