Chapter 40
"By the way, Grandma Su, can you not tell my sisters about my uncle's diagnosis and treatment? You also know that they don't like me very much. Mr. Cheng didn't come for treatment. There may be some reason, but I came here recklessly. I'm afraid they will have another opinion on me.

Besides, Mr. Cheng is very skilled in medicine. After he has finished his other tasks, he might come back to treat the uncle again. Wouldn't that be safer?If you know that I have been here, you won't come. It will be bad if the uncle's condition is delayed, don't you think? "

Mrs. Su repeatedly praised Yinghui for her beauty and kindness, and said that her medical skills were excellent, and her son had obviously improved, and she asked her daughter-in-law to promise that they would never tell the story.

After all, I still want Cheng Zehao to take another look.

The two left the room chatting and laughing, the woman glanced indifferently at the unconscious man lying on the bed, and continued to weave the cloth "creakingly".

Out of the house, Yinghui seemed to remember something, and said to the old lady Su: "Grandma Su, my elder sister is the most suspicious. When others say a few words, she suspects that they are talking about her. Those young masters, They are all clean-eyed and noble-minded, so the matter of Su Yun must never be brought up again.

Otherwise, if my sister misunderstands that you are ridiculing her for being ambiguous with men, there will be trouble, and other people will think that these are obscene words and dirty ears.

Grandma Su and I hit it off right away, I don't want you to have a conflict with them, Grandma Su, when you talk to my sister and the others, try to be more alert.

By the way, you'd better tell your family members and Mrs. Kong next door. When talking to them, you'd better be cautious, so as not to cause any trouble. "

Grandma Su assured her again and again that she immediately reprimanded her family, and then went to the next door to talk to Mrs. Kong.

And Ying Hui, taking advantage of Xiao Ling'er's return, sneaked into Mrs. Kong's house next door.

There must be a man next door. If it is true that Mrs. Su said that she is also a minister under Su Yun's skirt, the situation will not be much better than that of Mrs. Su's son.

She had to clean up the corpse before Cheng Zehao and others found out.

It was noon at this time, Mrs. Kong's daughter-in-law was cooking in the kitchen, several children were grilling sweet potatoes around the stove, and there was only one comatose man left in the room.

Yinghui used the water mist technique and entered the inner room very smoothly.

Pulling out all the corpse energy of the other party, Ying Hui quickly climbed over the wall and returned to the house.

Two shots in a row nearly exhausted her spiritual power, so she took out a Pei Ling Dan and took it, and quickly meditated to restore her spiritual power.

Before the elixir was fully absorbed, there was movement outside, Xiao Ling'er and the others finally came back.

"Why did you come back so soon? Didn't you ask for news? You dare to come back after you find out something? Don't think that you can't do anything and just rely on others to pass the military test.

If I had known that you were such a sneaky, sneaky person, I shouldn't have pitied you and accepted you into the team! "

Xiao Ling'er indiscriminately reprimanded her like a cannonball, more like venting her emotions. Obviously, their trip was not very smooth.

Just as Ying Hui guessed, Xiao Linger and his party were not going well. Originally, Fang Yi had a magic weapon on his body, which could detect the four yin qi, that is hostile qi, monster qi, resentment qi, and evil qi.

They thought that with such a powerful magic weapon, they would definitely be able to find clues, so Xiao Ling'er pushed Ying Hui away, not wanting to be taken advantage of by her.

Who knew that the resentment in Sujia Village was quite strong, and almost every woman had resentment, but it seemed that they were all within the normal range, not abnormal.

As for hostility, evil spirits and evil spirits, they were even more insignificant. The strongest evil spirit was actually from the pig butcher in the village.

Haoxuan had a big oolong.

Da Neng, who watched the martial arts test, couldn't help laughing, and Duanyu complained mercilessly. These four magic weapons are good, but they are not as good as the information obtained by Ying Huila.

They couldn't help but reflect, as monks, did they rely too much on the methods of the immortal family?
"Junior brother, do you think the little girl Yinghui has discovered something a long time ago? I saw how she was deliberately guiding the old lady to say this, and I didn't see her using any spells. Could it be that she also brought something special?" magic weapon?"

Yuan Chen shook his head, "Probably not."

But he couldn't tell what was going on, after all, both of them came a little later, and neither of them saw the part where everyone entered the formation.

It is also because Zhiwei Zhenren came earlier, and after seeing the beginning, he guessed, but did not say it.

In the Sujia Village, the disgraced four had no choice but to give up the magic weapon in the end. When they saw a family decorating with lanterns and festoons preparing for a happy event, they went in to join in the fun as soon as they discussed it.

Originally, I wanted to say a few words of congratulations first, and then inquire about the news, but as a result, the auspicious words were just uttered, and they were typed out.

Xiao Ling'er had never been so embarrassed before, if it wasn't because she was still in the martial arts test at this time, she would have killed these unscrupulous people a long time ago, so there is no room for them to be humiliated.

Cheng Zehao and others reassured her for a long time, saying that it was just a phantom formation, and it was not worth getting angry. They also advised her not to do anything casually for the sake of the exam, so as not to speed up the tragedy of destroying the village and affect their passing.

Xiao Ling'er finally endured it.

Several people discussed, since they couldn't find any other suitable breakthrough in the village, they simply started with the two families they borrowed.

Cheng Zehao regretted it even more. He came out in a hurry before, but was urged by Xiao Linger, so he refused Old Madam Su's request to ask him to see a doctor for his son. After returning, he would take the initiative to ask.

And after reprimanding Yinghui, Xiao Ling'er didn't care about her, the martial arts test was the most important thing, even if she didn't like Yinghui, she wouldn't delay her future because of such a muddy person.

It's just that although the few people let go of their reserve and were very enthusiastic about Mrs. Su's family, Mrs. Su remembered Yinghui's explanation, and she didn't want to continue living in their house for fear of offending these young masters and ladies.

Therefore, she didn't dare to mention anything about Su Yun.

Several people refused to give up. Mrs. Su talked about another scandal in the village, thinking about the generous accommodation fee.

There is a family of three in Sujia Village. The husband has read some books and runs a private school in the village. The wife is virtuous and gentle.

A few days ago, the wife was diagnosed to be pregnant again, and her belly gradually swelled up. I heard that she was very acidophilic these days, and it was rumored that this baby was a baby.

The husband and wife are loving, they have both children, and they have a good job. Anyone who sees them is respectful. Who in the village does not envy such a good life?

But it was such a good day, but Su Qiming didn't want to live it.

(End of this chapter)

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