This fairy has some tea

Chapter 41 Father's Monologue

Chapter 41 Father's Monologue

Just yesterday, he beheaded his wife who was pregnant with Liujia, and followed an old way.

Fortunately, his youngest daughter, Su Ru, was lucky enough not to be at home, otherwise, she might have been murdered too.

The four people's eyes lit up immediately, and they asked a lot about Su Qiming's family, and they hurried out to find Su Ru while it was still early.

With the clue, Xiao Ling'er's impatient heart calmed down. Looking at Yinghui who was following them, she rolled her eyes and said to Yinghui: "Sister Yinghui, just now we saw a family decorated with lanterns in the village. , seems to be preparing for a wedding, but you said this wedding, how can you do it in the afternoon? It's just that my sister doesn't know the etiquette here, and she annoyed the host who handles the affairs, so it's inconvenient for us to inquire about the news.

Seeing that my sister is submissive, I will definitely be able to find out the news. This is a rare clue. Why don't my sister and us split up and let us work together to solve the mystery of the village destruction as soon as possible. "

Although Xiao Ling'er had doubts about the family who hosted the wedding, she thought that maybe it was the custom of this village, and it was Su Qiming who suddenly killed his wife who was the most suspicious.

Besides, depending on Yinghui's determination to flatter her, even if she really found a clue, she would definitely tell her.

At that time, if she takes action to solve it, the score will still not be low.

But if Su Qiming's side is the key, I will definitely not let her be affected in the slightest. By then, she will not do anything, and her grades will definitely be at the bottom.

If there is a chance, it would be even better to just get her out of the game.

Ying Hui was exactly as she thought, he only hesitated for a moment, and in her increasingly dissatisfied face, she agreed obligingly.

Xiao Ling'er left with the other three in a hurry, while Ying Hui turned around and went to find Mrs. Su, and followed the old man to attend this unusual wedding.

The bright red letter of happiness, the pitch-black coffin, the bound bride, the thick night, and the silent crowd all outline a strange scene in this small village courtyard.

There is nothing wrong with the people in the painting, they are close together, eager to try, at the moment the master of ceremonies said to send them to the bridal chamber, a group of women immediately rushed forward and pushed the struggling bride into the opened coffin.

The bride kept struggling and howling like a wolf, but she couldn't say anything. She even tried to sit up from the coffin, but was pushed down by the women.

Then, the lid of the coffin was quickly covered, and the long and thick iron nails were driven deep into the coffin, sealing off all the way out for the bride.

Ying Hui listened to the constant thumping sound coming from the coffin, as well as the vague sobs of despair, and felt a little astringent in his heart, but that was all.

Even if this is not an illusion, but a real existence, she is the same, and she will not rescue her.

Everything in Sujia Village has already become a foregone conclusion.

Even if they found out early, when they could do it, they just barely delayed.

Ying Hui followed Grandma Su and watched the burial of Su Yun's coffin with her own eyes, and it was already midnight.

The clouds above the head were so thick that not even a starlight could be seen. The villagers couldn't help but shrink back a little, pushing each other towards the village, boldly.

Ying Hui was separated from Mrs. Su "accidentally" by the crowd.

Old Mrs. Su called her twice, seeing that she couldn't squeeze in, thinking that the village was not big and people couldn't be lost, so she gave up.

Ying Hui landed at the end very smoothly, turned around and turned back to Su Xun's grave.

In the dense night, in front of the tomb, incense candles flickered, and in the dim and dancing candlelight, an old figure was standing in front of the tomb, sighing leisurely, as if with indescribable melancholy.

And in the tomb, the faint sound of "bang bang" can be heard endlessly.

"Xian'er, don't blame dad, dad is only your daughter, how can he not love you, but you also know that dad is old, seeing half of his body buried in loess, dad is not reconciled.

Father has searched for the fairy fate all his life, and finally found a way to escape from the world, and he must never give up.

You are a body of Xuanyin, didn't the heavens make it clear that you were sent to help your father fulfill his wish? "

Speaking of this, I couldn't help sighing again, and continued: "Don't blame Dad for pulling out your tongue, Dad has not accomplished anything, if you let you yell out, Dad will be in vain.

Don't worry, father remembers your contribution in his heart and will take care of Yao Su. In the future, father will also train her into a flying corpse, won't you be able to be together forever?

When you were alive, you always liked to make your father angry, and when your father told you not to provoke outsiders, you insisted on not listening, and devoted all your attention to being in love with a fairy, and even gave birth to a wicked child, completely disregarding your own father's life and death.

But so what?Didn't he still leave you mother and daughter behind?

Dad has said long ago that there are no good things for men, and only your own dad cares about you the most.

Xing'er, Dad doesn't blame you anymore, just wait a little longer, Dad will rescue you soon, and won't let you stay with the toad like Iron Hammer for long. "

After finishing speaking, he took the pannier by his feet and took out a jar from it. As soon as he opened it, the pungent smell of blood floated to the tip of Ying Hui's nose with the breeze.

Ying Hui sneered in his heart, thinking that the other party was talking nonsense, wasting her time to go back to sleep.

It wasn't until Yinshi, when the sky was slightly brighter, and a white belly appeared on the horizon, that he finally finished drawing the corpse array.

Ying Hui yawned, and when everything had settled down, he calculated the time before turning back to the village.

Passing by the door of Tie Hammer's house, he saw that the red happy character had been torn off long ago and replaced with a piece of pure white.

A little girl about five or six years old with disheveled hair and her shoes on backwards was clawing at the crack of the door, trying to look inside.

Although she was a little girl, she was full of yang energy, Ying Hui felt a shudder in her heart, and realized that this little girl should be Su Xun's daughter, Yao Su, a flying corpse reserve.

The village head didn't know what kind of shit luck he had, but he actually had a blood relative with a body of Yuan Yin and Pure Yang.

If he is really trained to become a yin and yang double corpse, let alone these Qi training monks, I am afraid that Master Zhuji will not have a way to escape.

Even so, a single Yin corpse that can manipulate hundreds of human corpses is not something they can resist in the middle stage of Qi training.

Therefore, if those who entered the Sujia Village examination room could not find clues in advance, they would be in a desperate situation.

It's no wonder that there are clues to the Sujia Village tragedy everywhere. If it wasn't for his repeated actions, Xiao Ling'er and the others would have discovered it long ago.

After thinking about this, Yinghui sneered secretly, Su Ru disappeared, Su Qiming fled far away from the village, Xiao Ling'er and the others could only pin their hopes on Su Ru, and they couldn't care less about the village chief's family.

When they cleared up the doubts over there, the village chief's side should also be settled.

In fact, even if Ying Hui had already guessed the cause of the tragedy in Sujia Village, there is no perfect way to solve it.

(End of this chapter)

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