This fairy has some tea

Chapter 42 Yao Su

Chapter 42 Yao Su
Su Yun, as the object of refining the flying corpse, has long been corroded by corpse aura. It is not an exaggeration to say that she is a living corpse, otherwise she would not have passed the corpse aura to the men in the village.

It's just that the corpse qi is stored in the body, and it is hidden but not released.

This is like a normal person.

At this point in time when they came in, even if they found out the mystery of the extermination of the village on the day they came in, and took immediate action, whether it was killing the village chief or killing Su Yun, it would only weaken Su Yun's strength after the corpse transformation, but could not stop her evil Dead.

Once Su Yun's corpse is transformed, the corpse energy in the men of the whole village will be detonated and become human corpses, and the family members who live with them will not be spared either.

The entire village will no longer have a living.

It's just that, in that case, they still have the strength to resist. If they plan properly, it won't be a problem to persist until the end of the military test.

Besides, it is impossible for the old and weak women and children in this village to leave their pillars and escape. Even if she speaks the truth outright, no one will believe it.

And by that time, the village chief, who has been hiding in the dark, will inevitably attack in advance.

In any case, it's all people in this village, and it's a dead end.

Ying Hui could see it clearly, so he didn't hesitate to dismantle the stage.

I also have to sigh with emotion, the entry test of Taiwei Xianzong is really difficult.

Looking at the little girl who was still intent on picking at the crack of the door, Ying Hui called out in a low voice, "Yao Su."

The little girl trembled violently, as if she was frightened and wanted to run away.

"Yao Su, come here."

Yao Su turned around and saw a young girl in a white dress, smiling and waving at him. There was no coldness and disgust in the eyes of the villagers, but a trace of tenderness, just like when his mother was not sick.

She couldn't help but stop her stride, and unconsciously walked towards Ying Hui.

"Who are you and how do you know my name?"

"My name is Yinghui. I heard someone mention you. Are you here looking for your mother?"

Immediately, Yao Su's eyes turned red, and he let out a low "hmm".

Seeing that it was still early, Ying Hui pulled the little girl to sit on the stone steps, untied the little girl's hair, smoothed it with a comb, tied it into a cute bun, and bent down to take off the other's shoes , put it on again.

In the past, when she was wronged by her mother, Fu Bo always coaxed her like this, tied her a beautiful pigtail, and washed her crying face clean.

She knew that this place was just an illusion, but she was somewhat nostalgic about the past.

"Sister Yinghui, did you come to the wedding yesterday? Yes, how did you see my mother?"

Yinghui's hand was combing the little girl's hair at that time, he paused when he heard this, and only said, "See you."

The little girl seemed to understand everything, so she fell silent, and it took a long time before she asked the second sentence.

"Sister, do you know where my mother is buried? I want to go and see. Grandpa said that I am a child and should not meddle in the affairs of adults, so he locked me at home. I finally ran out. I want to see Look at my mother."

Ying Hui shook his head, the flying corpse has not yet been cultivated, and the desperate situation has not yet come, besides, "Your grandfather is guarding by the grave."

As expected, the little girl didn't dare to ask any more questions, tears were streaming down her face, and she didn't dare to ask any more questions.

"It's almost dawn, your grandfather will definitely go home for breakfast, you..."

Before Yinghui finished speaking, the little girl had already stood up and said, "Sister Yinghui, thank you, grandpa will beat me to death if he finds out that I have sneaked away. I will go home first."

Watching the little girl go away, Ying Hui felt for the first time that this assessment formation was sometimes too realistic, and the realism was a bit tear-jerking, and he didn't know why his hard-hearted self suddenly softened.

Let her have the urge to take the little girl away from right and wrong several times.

When she returned to Mrs. Su's house, the old lady immediately came out to meet her. Seeing her coming back, she hurried forward and pulled her back to the house, and asked in a low voice, "Miss Ahui, why did you come back so late? The village chief asked us I brought them all at home, saying that I was afraid that Su Yun would have resentment, and I had to do something to eliminate the resentment, so that she would not turn into a ghost to harm others.

I didn't dare to go out to find you, I didn't dare to sleep all night, and your sister didn't come back all night?Didn't you come across them? "

Ying Hui smiled, helped the old lady into the house, and said as he walked: "Grandma Su, after I got separated from you last night, I ran into a little girl who was hiding in front of Tie Hammer's house alone. Poor thing, I stayed with her for a long time before coaxing her back home, and it was too late.

Fortunately, it was safe and sound, and nothing strange happened. "

As he spoke, he shivered in fear.

When the old lady asked Yinghui repeatedly about the other person's appearance, Yinghui said roughly, and said with emotion: "Grandma Su, that little girl is Yao Su. I just want to see her mother. This child is so distressing. I don’t know how Su Yun raised such a good child.”

"Hmph, with Su Yun's temperament, the village chief may teach any good children he can teach."

Ying Hui secretly thought that the children Su Yun taught would be a hundred times better than that wicked village chief, but he smiled and said yes.

"By the way, Grandma Su, my sister and the others haven't come back yet? They said yesterday that they were going to collect herbs. I'm not good at martial arts, so they didn't let me follow. Why haven't they come back yet? What should I do?"

"Going to gather medicine? No wonder I didn't come back this night. I heard that there are big insects in the back of the mountain. Oh, I didn't come back this night. It can't be, it can't be..."

Mrs. Su is really worried, after all, the money has not been earned yet.

"My sister and the others are strong in martial arts, even if they encounter a big bug, they will not be in danger. I am only worried that they are not familiar with the terrain and lost their way.

It's all my fault that I didn't come back earlier, otherwise, I would have been able to find them. "

"There are four of them, you are only one, and your martial arts are not as good as theirs. They are not familiar with it, and it's not like you don't know the way. It's dangerous to go there. Miss Ah Hui, don't be sad."

Ying Huifeng frowned slightly, still a little embarrassed, "That's the case, but my sister will definitely blame me."

The old lady Su was more flexible than ever, and said to Yinghui: "It's not easy, Miss Ahui, you get up now, go around the back of the mountain, scratch your clothes, and come back at dawn, just say you have attended the wedding, Seeing that they never came back, I searched for them all night.

If they don't come back, I'll find some good hunters to help you find them. Anyway, let's just say that you also stayed in the mountain for one night, so don't talk about meeting Yao Su again. "

Yinghui nodded, and said softly, "I listen to you, by the way, Grandma Su, I have a gold bracelet, the color is solemn and elegant, it is suitable for you to wear, but it is me, a little girl, who can't hold back the atmosphere A dignified bracelet, it would be a waste of money to keep it with me, I think it's best to give it to you."

(End of this chapter)

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