This fairy has some tea

Chapter 43 Reunion

Chapter 43 Reunion

The big gold bracelet was extremely heavy to hold, and it was two or two heavy. Old Madam Su was overjoyed, and said repeatedly: "How did this happen, how did this happen."

But the bracelet was tightly clutched in his hand, and the veins were slightly bulging, which showed how hard he was exerting force.

Ying Hui took the other party's hand, put the bracelet on the other party's hand, and said: "Grandma Su, what are you talking about, you and I hit each other so well, you treat me like a granddaughter, it's not right for me to honor you ?

Besides, I can't say that I have to work for you to find some staff for me later. I'm so busy, but I can't help me with my work, and I can't let you help me, but still take money out, don't you think so? "

At first, the old lady thought that Ying Hui wanted to take back the bracelet, but she insisted on holding on for a long time. Later, she realized that she let go of her hand, and couldn't help but blush, saying yes again and again.

In fact, Yinghui is not a lie. Xiao Linger and the others really went to the back mountain. After Su Qiming killed his wife, he fled to another country and disappeared. Maybe only his daughter Su was left alive. For example, Su Ru, before Su Qiming killed his wife, had already disappeared in the back mountain.

Therefore, if the four want to find Su Ru, they can only go to the back mountain.

The shimmering morning light was blocked by the dense branches and leaves, and the forest was still pitch black. On the ground, the dragon's claws on the twigs were winding and criss-crossing, which could trip people up if they were not careful. It can be seen that there are few people here.

Ying Hui stepped on the ground covered with leaves, rustling.

As he walked, he tore off the dress hanging from the branch.

Xiao Ling'er walked in the dense forest with a sullen face, she thought she had the upper hand, that she was playing with Ying Hui in her hands, who knew that she searched all night in such a state of embarrassment, but the little girl she found was just an ordinary girl. village girl.

She and Cheng Zehao checked the little girl from head to toe, inside and out, but they still didn't find anything abnormal.

Needless to say, they must have gone in the wrong direction.

Xiao Ling'er was angry and hated, but luckily she hadn't completely lost her mind, and didn't vent her anger on Cheng Zehao and others.

She seems to have the temperament of a young lady, but her father is just a guest, and she can make a good living in Canglan's family, after all, she knows how to measure.

Su Ru followed a few people, and saw the four boys and girls in front suddenly stop. She saw a girl in a white skirt suddenly appearing in front of her through the gap between the people. Wei Wei is in a bit of a panic, a little different from the people who rescued her, um, specifically, they are a little down-to-earth.

"How did you come?"

In Xiao Ling'er's tone, there was deep disgust and guard, hiding the trace of embarrassment in her heart.

"I came back from the wedding with Grandma Su and found that you hadn't come back yet. I was a little worried, so I wanted to come and look for you. I walked for a long time and got lost. Sister Ling'er, luckily I found you, woo woo woo."

Yinghui was crying with pear blossoms in the rain, but Xiao Ling'er didn't appreciate it. In her mind, Yinghui must have found nothing, so she hurriedly came over to claim credit from them. She said it was so pitiful, she was really pretending.

Fang Yi and the others are young at heart. Looking at Yinghui's pear blossoms with rain, in the dark dense forest, she looks like a fairy who has fallen into the mortal world, and after getting along with them, although they all feel that Yinghui is indeed too weak, but there are also some Seeing the tenderness that Xiao Ling'er didn't have.

Thinking about her alone, running into the dense forest to find them, she seemed to be a little soft-hearted with a hint of strength in her frailty.

Fang Yi took the initiative to take a step forward and comforted him: "It's good that people are fine. There are only wild animals in this forest at most. With your cultivation level, there is no need to be afraid. We have already found Su Ru. Let's go out first and go back to the village." I'll talk about it later."

As he spoke, he turned his head and pointed to the young girl who was following the crowd. With her round face, there was a hint of panic. Seeing Ying Hui looking over, she quickly lowered her head.

Ying Hui reluctantly smiled at the other party, looked away, and said with a slight choke, "Thank you, brother Fang Yi."

Xiao Ling'er listened to the question and answer of the two, and her angry eyes couldn't help bursting into flames. Fang Yi is a teammate he found, and he has always admired him. How could he be so good to Ying Hui? He clearly knew that he hated the other party.

The hatred of being betrayed burned her chest, but she still managed to maintain her last sanity.

not the right time yet.

Xiao Ling'er thought to herself, just wait, I will make all those who betray me pay the price.

But all the anger was collected on his face, he smiled and stepped forward to pull Yinghui's hand, and said: "Sister Yinghui, my sister was just a little worried about you just now, she was anxious for a while, and her tone was a little bad, you won't be angry with my sister Bar?"

But that hand was extremely hard, wishing to crush Ying Hui's hand.

Yinghui's face was pale, and she said softly: "I know, Sister Ling'er also cares about me."

As she said that, she put her other hand on top of the clasped hands and squeezed it hard. Xiao Ling'er cried out in pain, before she could speak, Ying Hui had already taken the lead and said: "Ling'er Sister, what's wrong with you, but I was too hard just now, did it hurt you?"

But the tip of his eyebrows was raised, revealing a provocative smile.

Then he stretched out his pinched red little hand, as if he wanted to take Xiao Ling'er's hand to have a look.

The few people who didn't notice the lawsuit in the hands of the two people almost focused their eyes on the hands of the two people.

Immediately, everything became a little subtle.

After all, Ying Hui came here because he was worried about them, and he didn't know why Xiao Ling'er was so angry that he pinched people's hands like this and beat him upside down.

This girl Yinghui is really too soft-tempered, she is like this, she is still thinking about others, and she is intriguing in the world of cultivating immortals. There are too few such innocent girls.

Xiao Ling'er's pent-up anger could no longer be controlled, she stretched out her hand, and slapped Ying Hui's hand fiercely. The sharp palm wind contained sharp gold-type spiritual power, and there was nothing wrong with this palm. If you are on guard, you may lose your hand.

Fang Yi couldn't help reminding, "Be careful!" He even made a move, trying to stop Xiao Ling'er.

But, it was too late, Ying Hui's hand had already been stretched out in front of Xiao Ling'er, the distance between the two sides was too close.

Liu Lian looked away, unable to bear to watch the bloody scene that was about to appear.

In my heart, I feel that Xiao Ling'er has gone too far. Yinghui's hands were pinched like that, and they all cared about her. Why is she so tolerant? After all, she has been bullying Yinghui, and Yinghui is still caring about her. The kind girl herself, even if she is weaker, has provoked you again.

Looking at Xiao Ling'er's domineering face with a cruel smile, he suddenly felt that this girl didn't seem so beautiful anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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