This fairy has some tea

Chapter 44 Infighting

Chapter 44 Infighting

A cry of pain mixed with shock and anger resounded in the dense forest, and everyone realized that something was wrong with this voice.

Ying Hui's voice was soft and waxy, while Xiao Ling'er was born into him, and his voice was crisp and clear. This call clearly belonged to Xiao Ling'er.

Everyone looked at the two of them one after another, Ying Hui was at a loss, tried to go up to look at Xiao Ling'er unharmed, and then retreated a few steps timidly and sadly.

It seems that he was really hurt by this accident.

As for Xiao Ling'er, a gash was cut in her abdomen, and blood was dripping.

Isn't the gold-type aura on it the masterpiece she just created?

Although I didn't see what happened, it goes without saying that Ying Hui used some secret method to avoid the attack, but Xiao Ling'er didn't hold back the palm wind and seriously injured herself.

Although she felt that she was doing it on her own, but after all, she was a teammate and had to take the exam together, so she couldn't let it go.

Cheng Zehao stepped forward to treat her wound.

Xiao Ling'er was injured, but like a mad tigress, she roared to kill Ying Hui.

"Bitch, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you."

The red eyes, full of hatred gushing out, made people feel terrified, and made her beautiful face look like a devil.


Liu Lian, who had always been relatively silent, suddenly reprimanded: "The seniors of the Taiwei Xianzong are watching our farce in front of the water mirror at this moment. They came in for a day and a night. They didn't find a clue, but they hurt themselves. What a shame! Big tooth that makes people laugh, what else have you done besides forming cliques, bullying others, and helping others?"

"What did you say?"

Xiao Ling'er was stunned for a while, and then popped out these words from between her teeth.

"I said you are useless, not even as good as Yinghui, at least Yinghui has the advantage of being obedient, how about you?
I thought you were from an aristocratic family and knew some secrets of customs clearance, so I listened to your instructions, but what did you do besides wasting everyone's time?
Obviously we should act separately, but you insisted on tying us all together. I thought that you had some clues that we didn't know. Now it seems that I was wrong. I will not listen to you in the next action. that's it.

Fang Yi, Cheng Zehao, what are your thoughts?Do you want to team up with me, or continue to follow her? "

Liu Lian's sudden attack made everyone fall silent, Xiao Ling'er almost vomited blood, how dare they, how dare they compare me to Ying Hui, how can a servile bitch deserve it!
Her eyes seemed to be poisoned, and she wished to cut Liu Lian and Yinghui into pieces.

However, before she could vent her anger, Fang Yi suddenly said, "I'm with you."

Cheng Zehao's hands that bandaged her slowly stopped, hesitating a little, as if he didn't know what to do.

Xiao Ling'er finally panicked, she stretched out her hand to grab Cheng Zehao's hands, shed tears, and cried: "No, no, brother Zehao, I know I was wrong, I apologize to you, I will not be willful in the future , please don’t throw me away.”

Xiao Ling'er lowered her head and sobbed. The proud person, letting go of his pride and apologizing in a small way, really has an impact, and it is far more distressing than a girl like Ying Hui who has always been wronged.

Just like now, the three teenagers suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Cheng Zehao repeatedly comforted him and even signaled Liu Lian to come over to apologize with his eyes.

Liu Lianben wanted to refuse, but Xiao Ling'er called Brother Lian with tears in her eyes, and the words that came out of her mouth turned into words of comfort.

A farce ended hastily, and the four reconciled as before.

Xiao Ling'er glanced at Ying Hui provocatively, but saw that the other party was smiling at her, as if she was very pleased that they had solved the conflict, Xiao Ling'er didn't believe that she had such a good intention, she was so angry that she wanted to grit her teeth Broken, but still holding on to a smiling face.

Speaking to Yinglai, Xiao Ling'er was hurt by her stimulation, which intensified the conflict between the four of them, and it was a bloody profit.

As for whether it will arouse Xiao Ling'er's vigilance, she doesn't care at all, Xiao Ling'er herself hates her very much, and never wants to let her get close, no matter how flattering she is, it's useless.

After wasting so much time, Xiao Ling'er and the others were very anxious. They wanted to return to the village quickly and search for clues again, so they walked in a hurry in the dense forest.

By the time a few people realized that the surrounding scenery was very familiar, as if they had just passed by, it was already too late.

"We are trapped by the maze!" Liu Lian said suddenly.

The attainment of the formation method seems to be good, and it is slightly earlier than the time when Yinghui was expected to be discovered.

"Maze? Where is the maze?"

Cheng Zehao looked around and asked suspiciously.

The others also looked at him, wanting to hear what was going on.

"Look at the trees around us, they all look exactly the same."

When everyone looked up, they saw that the towering trees seemed to be copied and pasted. Even the weeds under the trees and the birds on the trees were the same.

Liu Lian casually picked up a stone on the ground and smacked it at the birds on the tree. All the birds on the tree were flapping their wings and hovering in the sky, chirping non-stop.

Then, as if he had received some order, he swooped down fiercely and flew towards the crowd.

Everyone shot down one after another to shoot down these birds, but it was the only mortal who suffered.

Su Ru was pecked bloody by the sharp beak of the bird, and waved her hands vigorously, trying to drive these ferocious birds away.

The others naturally saw it too, but no one cared. Since they had confirmed that Su Ru had nothing to do with the massacre, they hardly paid any attention to him.

The reason why they didn't separate was because the little girl followed by herself.

At this moment, everyone's attention was on the formation that suddenly appeared, and they didn't even bother to pay attention to her.

Except for winning.

A fine icy rain fell and covered Su Ru's body, and the birds that bit her torn apart fell to the ground, turned into a cloud of smoke, and disappeared.

Yinghui pulled the little girl to her side casually, and cast spells one after another. Every time she made a move, bird carcasses would fall on the ground, and then, before they had a chance to breathe, new birds would rush forward , which is annoying.

"Liu Lian, what's going on here, don't you say it's a maze? Why are you still attacking?"

Xiao Ling'er resisted the flock of birds and couldn't help questioning, she was already dissatisfied with Liu Lian's sudden attack, and she had to bear the humiliation for the martial arts test, and now she finally had a chance to attack, her sharp voice soared into the sky.

"Who told you that Maze won't attack people?"

Liu Lian was caught in the hands and feet again and again, and his heart was already burning with anger. Xiao Ling'er hit the muzzle of the gun and became the target of his venting.

The already fragile friendship fell apart again.

(End of this chapter)

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