This fairy has some tea

Chapter 45 Xiao Ling'er Humiliated

Chapter 45 Xiao Ling'er Humiliated

Xiao Ling'er was still waiting to refute, Fang Yi interrupted directly: "Okay, what's the point of saying this, the important thing is to think about how to break the formation, Liu Lian, do you have any ideas?"

"Help me block the flock of birds, and I will break the formation."

Fang Yi and Cheng Zehao immediately approached Liu Lian, blocking him in the middle.

Liu Lian freed himself up and finally had a chance to observe his surroundings.

These birds are only the size of sparrows, and they are mortals. As monks, they can kill hundreds of them with a single shot. The number did not decrease at all.

This is not normal.

Liu Lian squeezed the formula, and a long flame dragon rose into the sky, and large areas of birds were burned to death. There was a brief blank space in the sky, and then, it was filled again by the birds that followed one after another.

Liu Lian frowned, and suddenly said: "You don't need to kill them, these birds are inexhaustible. There is a breathing formation in this formation. We will kill the birds here, and the birds will turn into smoke. It will be resurrected on the tree in an instant."

"So what, even if we know that they will be resurrected, so what, we still have to kill them. We are not brawny and iron arms. If these birds peck at random, it's all your fault. It's okay to provoke these birds."

Xiao Ling'er complained dissatisfied.

Just at this time, a bird suddenly dropped a puddle of guano for no reason, and landed on Xiao Ling'er's nose who was whining.

Xiao Ling'er broke down and screamed, but as if she heard some signal, dung rained down all over the sky.

The others had a bad premonition the moment the bird droppings fell, and cast defensive spells one after another.

Especially Liu Lian, who almost immediately cast an enchantment on his head.

Ying Hui directly formed a large wooden plank to firmly block himself and Su Ru.

Almost at the moment when everyone put the protection in place, the dung rain had already fallen.

Because Xiao Ling'er was stimulated by the first bubble of bird droppings, her reaction was a bit slow, and then her head was covered in bird droppings.

Xiao Ling'er went mad directly, but Cheng Zehao couldn't bear it and pulled her into his defense.

She gradually calmed down, and frantically applied cleaning techniques to herself.

In the hall, seeing this scene, Zhenjun Duanyu couldn't help sighing, "What a narrow-minded ghost."

But in the dense forest, Xiao Ling'er was already outraged.

"Liu Lian, don't you claim to be a genius in formations? How come you can't even handle a maze until now. If I had known that you were so fancy and useless, I shouldn't have formed a team with you."

Liu Lian snorted coldly, and replied unceremoniously, "I feel the same way about each other."

Xiao Ling'er fell down angrily, and wanted to quarrel again, Ying Hui suddenly said: "Sister Ling'er, don't be angry, Brother Liu Lian is already thinking of a way, he discovered the abnormality of the birds so quickly, and then He was the first to discover the formation, I think he will soon find a way to break the formation, you will bother him if you keep making trouble with him."

This tea talk hit the soul directly, and it was a critical blow to Xiao Ling'er's violent temper.

Sure enough, Xiao Ling'er quickly shifted the target of anger.

Before Yinghui, in order to destroy the clues and prevent them from discovering the reason for the village's destruction, Yinghui had been playing tricks with them all the time, lying down and being a small boy. Now, everyone is trapped here by her. The flying corpse is about to grow, and she doesn't need to suppress it anymore. Now , it is regarded as collecting some interest.

"We are talking, there is no place for you to intervene, why do you think I brought you together to form a team, tell you, just to see that you can serve people, put yourself in a position, and then intervene I will tear your face and tear your face Skin."

Xiao Ling'er's face was full of hostility, and she even wanted to fight her.

"Sister Ling'er, you, how can you talk like that, I, I am also a monk after all, after passing the martial arts test, we are the same door, why do you..."

"Martial arts test? It's up to you? Besides serving people, what else can you do?
It's a martial arts test, do you think that I pulled you into the team so that you could follow us and win? Hahaha, what a joke, I never thought of letting you pass the martial arts test.

You, too, want to enter the Taiwei Immortal Sect, bah, you deserve it too! "

The more Cheng Zehao listened, the more he frowned. Finally, he directly reprimanded in a low voice: "Ling'er, stop talking. This is a martial arts test. There are examiners outside and seniors in the sect are all watching."

"So what if they see it? I'm not wrong. Even if a person like her enters the sect, she will embarrass the sect. I have dealt with him for the sect. Maybe she will be rewarded."

Cheng Zehao was unable to take care of it any more, Yinghui looked hurt, "Sister Ling'er, how can you talk like that, I treat you sincerely."

Xiao Ling'er was about to step forward to teach Ying Hui a lesson, but Liu Lian's voice suddenly sounded, "I thought about it, the breathing formation is endless, the formation is not broken, and the breathing is endless. Everyone hide your breath and stay still. Birds If you can't find the target, it will all fall back naturally."

As he said that, he restrained his whole body breath first.

Ying Hui and the others followed quickly. Su Ru was a mortal who didn't know how to restrain her breath, so Ying Hui asked her to hold her breath.

Anyway, she didn't have spiritual power, and the birds didn't care much about her.

Xiao Ling'er refused at first, worrying about taking off the protection, and then being dragged all over in bird droppings.

It can be seen that the birds around other people are gradually dispersing, and they have to leave.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she took off the protective cover, she was pulled all over in shit.

Yinghui Haoxuan didn't hold back his laughter, and brought the bird back.

Xiao Ling'er's eyes burst into flames, but she had to endure the sharp eyes of others.

When the birds finally dispersed completely, standing on the top of the tree, the time was quiet, Xiao Ling'er kept throwing cleaning techniques on her body again.

"Sister Ling'er, even if you smell like bird droppings, none of us will dislike you."

"What did you say? I'll tear your mouth apart."

"Don't yell, do you want to bring the bird back?"

Liu Lian scolded unceremoniously.

Then, he took a soft breath and said to Yinghui: "Sister Yinghui, you don't need to talk to Xiao Ling'er anymore, if you care about her, she will just bite around like a mad dog and won't take you at all." Affection."

Ying Hui said: "I see, brother Liu Lian, I won't talk anymore, so as not to annoy sister Ling'er and delay your breakout."

Xiao Ling'er was already stimulated one after another, and she was the most proud. At this moment, being compared to a mad dog was even more uncomfortable than bird droppings falling on her body.

At this moment, the hatred for being insulted by Liu Lian has even far surpassed the disgust for Yinghui.

Xiao Ling'er bit her lip tightly, wishing to chop off the other party directly, but she couldn't.

Liu Lian is not Yinghui's kind of pitiful person who can be bullied at will. He is not bad in his own cultivation, and he is even a formation master. Everyone here, including herself, is still counting on the other party to break the formation.

(End of this chapter)

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