This fairy has some tea

Chapter 4 Spirit Roots Changed

Chapter 4 Spirit Roots Changed
The visualization picture in the Lingtai that Yinghui had visualized countless times materialized instantly, and Yinghui seemed to be pulled into a new world.

Here, there are sandy sponges that stretch for thousands of miles, snow-capped mountains that are piercingly cold, grass that breaks through rocks and grows tenaciously, sparks that spread like a prairie fire, thunder that destroys demons and monsters, water droplets that penetrate rocks, gold and iron horses, and forests that listen to the waves...

The shocking scenes made the spiritual seeds in Yinghui's body quickly take root and sprout into five thick spiritual roots.


Because he has already practiced once, coupled with the rich and sufficient spiritual energy, Yinghui completed the germination of the spiritual seed in just a few hours.

Ying Hui opened his eyes, and his eyes were full of unfinished thoughts.

Right now, this place is really not a place where you can practice freely, otherwise, it would be better to consolidate and consolidate.

The spiritual roots have sprouted, each nine inches thick, the same as those in the Langhuan world, but they are no longer ordinary five-element spiritual roots.

Among them, the fire element mutated into thunder root, the water element mutated into ice element, the earth element mutated into sand element, only the wood element and metal element did not mutate.

It seems that the spiritual root of awakening has a lot to do with one's own experience and perception.

She has experienced many desperate situations. When she visualized, she was unconsciously attracted by thunder, snow-capped mountains, and seas of sand, which created the mutation of her spiritual root.

I heard earlier that the entrance exams for those big sects are usually to send children who have not yet practiced to survive in a desperate situation.

She thought it was just a simple test of xinxing before, but now that she thinks about it, it seems that some of the big sects have made a little effort to visualize the mutated spiritual roots for their disciples, which can be said to serve multiple purposes.

It's ridiculous that when her father wanted to send them to take this kind of entry test, only his eldest sister went, and she herself was not willing to admit defeat, and wanted to follow her eldest sister's way and go through that entry test again.

But because her younger brother just turned one year old, Su Liuliu was worried that she would leave and no one would take care of his younger brother, so she abruptly stopped her at home.

Yinghui sneered, her father had taken pregnant fruit, which was different from other monks' offspring. His offspring were thriving, not to mention those without qualifications. Over the years, there were five qualified ones, but her mother always He wanted a qualified male to consolidate his position, but he never got his wish all his life. After her, he gave birth to a series of sons. Every time he gave birth to a son, he squeezed her full of hope and asked her for spiritual things to nourish his son. physical body.

As a result, each one has no spiritual seeds.

She often inadvertently resented that it was because of her spiritual roots that robbed her of all her luck, so that her younger brothers were all mortals.

Really ridiculous.

As for her father, although she is the most qualified child among her father's qualified children, except for the eldest sister, she hates her even more because she hurt people impulsively that day, sent her to the island, and provoked someone with a heart. .

Later, she was simply ignored or even directly ignored. After going to Qiyunmen, there was no contact with her anymore.

Her relationship is really shallow.

It's ridiculous that she was young at the time, and because of her father's estrangement, she became more attached to her mother, and her younger brother, who was a compatriot, was also brainwashed by her mother.

"It's so cutely stupid."

Take back your thoughts.

The spiritual energy entered the body, every inch of the body's skin was nourished by the spiritual energy, and the pain on the body was eased a lot.

She lay on the kang for a while longer, thinking of ways to quickly restore her body and improve her cultivation.

The spiritual energy in the Langhuan world is thin, and the pills are precious. Although Ying's father is a monk in the early stage of foundation establishment, and because of his eldest daughter Yingxi, he has a very important position in the clan, but he has to care about his own cultivation and has a big family to support him. There are not many subsidies for Yinghui.

After being assigned to a deserted island, all her cultivation resources were cut off.

And before she was distributed, all the spiritual objects she got were sent to nourish her brother's body by his mother who cried, made trouble, and hanged herself.

Therefore, there is only a small piece of dog skin plaster that can be used in the entire storage bag.

It is really sad for those who hear it, and tears for those who see it.

At this moment, there was a sound from the gate of the courtyard, the sound of the lock being opened.

Then, a thin woman with gray hair, dark face, and a gray bunt opened the door and walked in.

This woman must be the one who bought her.

It should be because she was seriously injured. The window was not closed. The wide open window was facing the courtyard door. Ying Hui heard the noise and straightened up and looked out. When she saw Wang Osmanthus, Wang Osmanthus also saw her .

Then, Wang Guihua saw that the little girl she bought lay down leisurely while looking at her.

Thinking of the farm work I had done all day staring at the big sun, this girl was lucky, she pretended to be dead when she was able to move, she was so angry that her liver was about to explode.

Throwing down the pole, he swept his eyes in the yard, and found the broom for sweeping the floor. When he picked it up, he wanted to teach Ying Hui a lesson.

"You lowly whore, you still dare to pretend to be dead, let me see if I don't beat you to death."

The broom was raised high, and Ying Hui was about to turn over and escape when a voice came from the door, stopping her in time.

"Mom, what are you doing? Why are you fighting again? If you fight again, you will be killed. Hurry up and cook for me. After playing for a long time, I'm almost starved to death."

When Wang Guihua heard her son's voice, she gave Yinghui a bitter look, and seeing her bruised nose and swollen face, she threw the broom down anyway.

"What are you doing in a daze? You are still waiting for someone to serve you. Hurry up and grab firewood to make a fire. Didn't you see if your man was hungry?"

Ying Hui didn't resist, got off the kang with a low eyebrow and followed Wang Guihua out of the house.

She has struggled to survive in the wasteland for more than ten years. She is the person who knows how to endure humiliation and seek perfection.

In a word, in order to live, she has long lost the nobility and arrogance of a monk.

Wang Guihua was a little surprised by her unprecedented obedience, and praised her, "That's right, be good, be diligent, don't cause trouble, and I won't beat you all the time, and you don't have to suffer, live your life well , in two years, give birth to a fat boy for my son, and I will treat you as my own daughter-in-law."

The jumping flames flushed her face, she silently lit the fire in front of the stove, and Wang Guihua washed vegetables and cooked in the kitchen in one go.

While doing it, I was still talking dissatisfiedly.

"Don't be like a dead person, you just know how to make a fire, watch me cook, and learn a little bit, don't just wait to eat ready-made ones, I bought you for three taels of silver, I didn't ask you to come here Enjoy the blessings, learn to cook later, I will go to work in the field, you have to cook the food at home. After a few days, you will go to the field with me, do you understand, our family does not support idlers. "

"I know mother."

(End of this chapter)

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