This fairy has some tea

Chapter 5 Dormant

Chapter 5 Dormant
The girl's sweet and waxy voice suddenly sounded, scaring Wang Guihua so much that she almost stumbled. She looked at Ying Hui who was smiling at her in surprise, and curled her lips, "Finally, I can fart. I almost thought you It's dumb."

Wang Guihua thought that after she said this, Yinghui would definitely not be able to pretend and wanted to quarrel with her, even when she had already thought about beating Yinghui with a rolling pin or a broom.

Ying Hui's sweet voice sounded again, "I was ignorant before and made my mother angry, and I won't do it in the future."

Wang Guihua paused in the air with her outstretched hand, a little annoyed that Yinghui didn't follow the routine, patted the dust on her buttocks awkwardly, snorted, and said, "Finally, I can speak a few words of human language."

The awkward atmosphere lasted until the owner of the house came back.

Wang Guihua hurriedly waited for her man to wash his face, ignoring Ying Hui's abnormality.

The male owner of this house is a little old man who is not tall, he looks to be almost sixty years old, even older, with gray hair and a stooped figure, he doesn't talk much.

Ying Hui hasn't seen him all day, so he doesn't know where this person has gone.

However, Ying Hui didn't have doubts for long. At the dinner table, the little old man angrily told the whole story.

"Those two girls, I said at the beginning that it's fine to strangle them to death, but you are the only one who can't bear it. Look, this girl's movie is the water that was thrown out, with her elbow turned outward, and my brother married a wife. I said to get some from them." Money, pay back the debts owed, one by one pretended to be poor with me, and one person gave me five silver coins. Send the beggar."

"It adds up to one or two, and it's not a lot. It's better than nothing. We borrowed a total of eight renminbi. If we pay it back, there will be some left over. It's just for you and your son to drink."

Wang Guihua said flatteringly.

I feel guilty for letting my man get angry because I saved my two daughters, and I am afraid that he will anger me because of this incident.

However, fortunately, he still got a tael of silver, which made the little old man's anger not too strong.

After Ying Hui heard that this matter was related to him, he immediately quieted down his eating voice, ate his meal wholeheartedly, and went to the kitchen to clean up in a very obedient manner.

This action made the little old man a little satisfied, feeling that the little girl didn't buy it for nothing, she finally knew how to work, unlike before, she knew how to eat.

"Now that you know how to work, don't hit it all the time in the future. If it breaks, our money will be wasted."

"Hey, you still have a good eye and a lot of ideas. This little girl from the city is quite clever when she is convinced, and she doesn't talk back. After she is raised for two days, I will take her to the field. Teach her the work in the field, and I can relax too."

Ying Hui silently listened to their conversation in the house.

She took out the big meat bun that Uncle Fu had prepared for her, and she ate it in two or three bites.

In order to praise her for being obedient today, Wang Guihua gave her a small bowl of sorghum rice just now. Not to mention the soreness in her throat, it was not enough for her to stuff her teeth.

Just now, when no one saw me, I started a small stove.

Now her body has been ruined badly, and she urgently needs to be warmed up, so she can't suffer herself anymore.

After eating, it was already dark, so Qiangzi went back to sleep directly.

Lamp oil is expensive, and it is even more impossible for such a remote village to have any nightlife.

After simply washing up and climbing back onto the kang, he realized that not only himself but also Qiangzi lived in this room.

Wang Guihua and his wife live in another bedroom.

Fortunately, Qiangzi didn't have much fun after eating. After playing cards all day, he was also tired, so he fell asleep on the kang.

Yinghui climbed onto the kang and lay down on her own bedding. The pungent smell came again, making her frown.

In the dead of night, amidst the constant snoring, Ying Hui, who was finally convinced that everyone was asleep, sat up again and immersed himself in cultivation again.

Strands of spiritual energy slowly gathered from all directions, and then slowly penetrated into her body. After the body circulated for a week, it was slowly introduced into the dantian, lingering around the spiritual root, and constantly nourishing the spiritual root , let it grow slowly.

After three days like this, Yinghui's spiritual roots were completely stabilized, and his cultivation finally officially entered the first level of Qi training.

After her cultivation was stabilized, Wang Guihua and his wife finally fulfilled their promise and took her to the ground together.

Because it rained the day before, it was time to rush to plant, so even Qiang Zi, who was like a grandfather at home, had to join in.

Several people had breakfast, cleaned up briefly, and went out together.

This village is not big. It seems that there are only [-] or [-] households. It is surrounded by mountains. The village seems to be in a small mountain depression. There is not much land that can be cultivated. It is only sporadically cultivated on relatively flat hillsides. Small patches of land came out.

In most of the fields, there are already people working.

The little old man and Wang Guihua were in charge of digging shallow pits in front, Ying Hui was in charge of spreading the seeds, and Qiang Zi followed her in charge of leveling the pits. Outside the pit, Qiangzi would jump up and scold him.

She wasn't angry either, and just said sweetly, "Brother Qiangzi, I know I made a mistake, and I will pay attention next time."

Qiangzi immediately died down.

The four of them had their own division of labor. Although Yinghui was young, he was also short, flexible in movement, and extremely fast in planting seeds. He followed closely behind the two digging holes.

It is often the first two experienced workers who are driven away by Ying Hui.

It wasn't until I reached into the jar holding the seeds that I realized that the jar was empty.

She stopped, talked to Wang Guihua, and walked to the place where the seeds were placed on the ground.

She didn't walk fast, and there was no need to worry at all, because Qiang Zi, who was in charge of leveling the pit, was two ridges behind them, and it would probably take a quarter of an hour to catch up with her progress.

Therefore, after she took the seeds, she could even take a rest on the ground and drink some water, and it would not be too late to go back.

And she really did.

However, just as she wanted to drink water, she found that the kettle was dry.

Fortunately, it just rained yesterday, and the mountains and water meandering down the ravines are still quite clear.

Ying Hui carried the kettle to the small river formed by mountains and rivers, found a flat place by the river and squatted down, bent over and submerged the kettle into the water.

"Gudu Gudu" bubbles gushed out from the mouth of the kettle.

Then gradually returned to calm.

The kettle was already full, but Ying Hui didn't get up for a long time.

His eyes were fixed on the bottom of the river.

Following her line of sight, she saw a delicate aquatic plant swaying along the water flow between the rocks at the clear bottom of the river.

Ying Hui fished the kettle out of the river and slowly put the lid back on.

But his eyes never strayed from the aquatic plant.

Throwing the kettle aside, Yinghui stepped on both sides of the narrow river. From here, you can see how narrow the river is.

After Ying Hui stood up, he bent down, carefully removed the stones next to the water plants, and then used his hands to scrape away the soil around the water plants little by little.

This delicate aquatic plant was pulled out by Yinghui without any damage to its fibrous roots. Because it was too careful, it took a long time.

 When I wrote about Wei Zi, many cuties were working hard to take the postgraduate entrance examination. Four years have passed, and I don’t know if you have graduated from graduate school. Looking back, I want to return to campus recently.

(End of this chapter)

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