Chapter 49
"But didn't you say that the relationship between master and apprentice is good for wealth? If you take her in and her fortune improves, won't she still have no shortage of cultivation resources?"

"Junior Brother Mochizuki, if I get better because of her, it means that Yinghui's own fortune is good. Even if I don't become a teacher, I won't be bad. Is it possible that you still want to steal his luck?"

Don't say that Master Mochizuki doesn't have this ability, he wouldn't even dare.

Thinking of Zhenwei Zhiwei's ass debts, even if Yinghui's fortune is really good, he has to take it away, so he is finally satisfied.

In the final analysis, Xiao Ling'er is only the daughter of Canglan family's doorman, and has no blood relationship with him. For a dead person like her, it is not wise to tear face with Zhenjun Yuanchen who obviously wants to keep Yinghui.

Zhenjun Yuanchen never thought that the apprentice he got would be lost by Mochizuki. However, although he lost a disciple, he got Zhenjun Duanyu's Butianzhi, which is not a loss.

Zhenjun Yuanchen still doesn't know how the future Ying Hui will honor the real Zhiwei, so he is really jealous again and again.

"Let me tell you, don't you think it's too early to fight now? Yinghui and the others still have more than a day to finish the martial arts test. Su Yun is getting stronger and stronger, but they have lost a manpower. Can they pass the assessment? Not sure yet."

In the hall, someone suddenly said suddenly, which made Mochizuki realize suddenly, and his brows were filled with joy. If Ying Hui failed the examination, he was not even a disciple of Taiwei Immortal Sect, so he would let their Canglan family take care of him.

However, Master Ju Ming said that Zhiwei Zhenren's apprentice will improve his fortune.

If this little girl really has such good fortune, wouldn't it be a pity to kill her directly?Xiao Ling'er's father is just a base builder, should he be absorbed into Cang Lan's family?

Master Wangyue hadn't thought about it clearly, so he heard Zhenjun Yuanchen say indifferently: "Then don't worry, Yinghui has the entrance token given by Mingyue on him, even if he fails the entrance examination, he can still enter."

Mochizuki: Okay, Shiro is entangled.

In Sujia Village, in front of the tomb, everyone was shocked by this sudden change and froze for a moment.

Even the village head who has become a corpse repairer can't figure out their brain circuits for a moment.

"Yinghui! What are you doing?"

Fang Yi stepped back abruptly, temporarily breaking away from Su Yun's entanglement.

Liu Lian and Cheng Zehao also made big moves one after another, forcing the village chief back for a moment, and joined Fang Yi.

While guarding against the attack of the village chief Su Yun, he also had to guard against Ying Hui's tricks.

The situation is even more difficult.

Ying Hui reached out to catch the butterfly dart that was approaching, and pointed to his clothes, "Do you think I'm wearing a white dress because I like white clothes?

It's because I value filial piety!

Xiao Ling'er killed my father, I kept my head down and kept my child, waiting for this day, when I have the opportunity to kill my enemy. "

"You, you, this is a martial arts test, aren't you afraid of violating the sect's discipline and being expelled from the Taiwei Immortal Sect?" Cheng Zehao said angrily.

Ying Hui sneered, "If I joined the Taiwei Immortal Sect, I would not be able to break the sect's rules and kill fellow sects, but this, isn't it that I haven't joined yet?"

"You really think that Xiao Ling'er and you have a sworn enemy, and you should settle it outside. How can you bring the grudge to the martial arts test?"

"Do I have a chance outside? Xiao Ling'er is surrounded by the cultivator who built the foundation to protect her. If I go, I will not seek revenge, but die. I have no other chances except for the martial arts test!"

"You are so daring!"

"So what, what do you think Xiao Ling'er accepted me into the team for? She just wanted to take advantage of my unpreparedness and throw me in front of Su Yun to get me out of the game. How vicious it is."

"She just wanted to get you out of the game, you can do the same to her?" Cheng Zehao's voice weakened, not as angry as before.

"Let her out? Then, go back to Cang Lan's house and continue to live a carefree life loved by my father? What about me? As I said earlier, I was born in a remote place and came to Taiwei Immortal Sect after a narrow escape. If I can’t join the sect, I’m no different from a casual cultivator, and if she lets me out, she’s ruining my future, and she’s going to kill me!”

Cheng Zehao was speechless.

"Anyway, you killed Xiao Ling'er, which indirectly increased the difficulty of our martial arts test."

"Hey, brother Zehao, if I were you, I wouldn't continue to talk about these things, why do you think the village chief would let us talk about it, so considerate?
All the men in the village had already been inhaled by corpses. At this moment, it is estimated that they have all turned into human corpses, eating their own family members, and increasing their strength.

Well, it shouldn't be that they are surrounded here now, village chief, don't you think so? "

"Jie Jie Jie, you actually know so much, but it's already too late, all of you must stay here, the human corpse turned into by a monk is definitely not weaker than Su Yun."

The shriveled old man smiled strangely, Ying Hui took the lead and rushed into the dense forest.

Several other people looked at each other and followed closely behind. No matter how late, they were besieged by corpses from a village. With the three of them, it was too difficult to escape unscathed.

The village chief didn't catch up. For him, he had more important things to do, so he only sent a few corpses to wander in the dense forest.

"Yinghui, what happened at the wedding banquet? When did you know that the man in the village had corpse aura? And the formation in the dense forest..."

Yinghui kicked the branch on the ground, still had the same little face that I felt pity for, but his temperament was completely different, without the pretentiousness before, he said very simply: "You don't need to ask, I did it all. Xiao Ling'er hated me from the beginning, no matter how small I try to flatter her, it doesn't work, I can't really love her, even if it's acting, I can't do it, so I can only borrow the power of martial arts , Consume her strength, beheading her in one fell swoop.

If you want to blame, blame your bad luck, you formed a team with Xiao Ling'er.

Clues to the tragedy in Sujia Village are everywhere. The men of Aunt Kong’s family and the son of Aunt Su’s family all have corpses. If you had answered the request to see a doctor for them before you went out to find clues, you would have discovered it long ago.

But you didn't. After you left, I cleaned up all the corpses of the two families.

Su Yun, that's right, it's the flying corpse. She is the village head's daughter. The whole village knows about her. The reason why the wedding banquet took place at night was because of her shady marriage with Tie Hammer.

I watched her being buried alive with my own eyes, and I watched the village head draw a corpse array in front of her grave. "

"You, you, you are too vicious."

Cheng Zehao didn't choose what to say.

Liu Lian was very calm, stopped Cheng Zehao from continuing to curse, and asked: "Is there anything else you haven't said? If you have any other ways to help us pass the martial arts test, I owe you a favor."

 Thanks to Xingyun Lifang for the reward
(End of this chapter)

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