This fairy has some tea

Chapter 50 smooth

Chapter 50 smooth
"Liu Lian, are you crazy? You still owe her a favor, not because of her, we would have passed the assessment long ago."

"Cheng Zehao, are you too naive?

In the martial arts test in Sujia Village, the reason why clues are everywhere is because even if you find out, you can't stop Su Yun's corpse transformation.

When Su Yun was alive, he was already a half-corpse, and the whole village had already been infected by the aura of corpses. Even if you killed them at the beginning of the assessment, it would not change, but it would be relatively simple That's all. "

Cheng Zehao was still waiting to quarrel, Fang Yi also interrupted suddenly: "I think the same as Liu Lian, if you can help us pass the assessment, I owe you a favor."

Cheng Zehao opened his mouth in disbelief, but he didn't know what to say.

Ying Hui shook his head, and when the two of them wanted to increase their stakes, he said: "This time, the grievances between Xiao Ling'er and I are indeed implicating you, I will help you survive the disaster of destroying the village together, and live for three days , I don’t need your favors, it’s my apology.”

Ying Hui's attitude suddenly softened, Fang Yi and the two were still doing nothing, but Cheng Zehao, who had been arguing all the time, was a little embarrassed and completely shut his mouth.

"You must have noticed that Su Yun and the village chief are not that strong, the four of us faced them, we were evenly tied, and even gained the upper hand.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that Su Yun has just completed her transformation and her strength has not yet reached its peak.

However, even if her strength reaches the peak level, plus a village of human corpses, as long as we keep wandering around and not be surrounded, we can barely pass this level.

At the same time, we can also use the power of formations to deal with them.

However, the premise of all this is that the other flying corpse has not been cultivated! "

"There's another flying corpse?"

The crowd was shocked.

"Yes, and it's not an ordinary flying corpse. That person is Su Yun's daughter. The two of them have a mysterious Yin physique and a pure Yang physique. They are mother and child corpses. If the village chief were to practice it, the opponent's strength would skyrocket to the present. more than three times.

We would have no hope of surviving three days.

Therefore, the key to the assessment of Sujia Village is Su Yun's daughter Yao Su. "

Everyone's hearts sank to the bottom of the valley in an instant, and they also understood what the difficulty of the Sujia Village examination room was.

"You know where Su Yun's daughter is!"

Liu Lian used declarative sentences, Ying Hui said with a smile: "Naturally, there will be a while before the human corpses gather. As a Yin corpse, Su Yun needs to use the power of other human corpses to recover his strength and adjust to the heyday, so that Yao Su can be successfully transformed into Yang Corpse.

Therefore, we still have plenty of time, we split up into two groups, you and Cheng Zehao will arrange a hidden formation here, and Fang Yi and I will go back to the village to bring the little girl over to protect her, what do you think? "

Except for Yinghui, only Liu Lian understands formations here, and he must stay. For the remaining two, Cheng Zehao has deep opinions on himself, and his cultivation is not as good as Fang Yi. Nod in agreement.

The vengeance has been avenged, and there is no need for Ying Hui to continue to pretend, and the whole person has become crisp and neat, not as submissive as before.

The two sneaked all the way, bypassing the corpses that kept gathering at the entrance of the village, and soon arrived at the village chief's house.

The Su family village is not big, the villagers are poor, and the residences of each household are not big. Even the village head's house is more luxurious than others, but it is only three big brick houses plus two grocery stores.

When they arrived, the sky had already brightened, and Yao Su was leaning on the window of one of the woodsheds, looking out.

"Yao Su!"

Ying Hui called softly.

The little girl's braid is still the same as Yinghui's before, but it has become loose.

"Sister Yinghui, why are you here?"

Yao Su was a little surprised. Ever since her mother was dragged to marry, she had been kept in the firewood room by her grandpa. She sneaked out once among them, and ran back quickly without seeing her mother.

Grandpa came back once during the period, looked at herself, and blocked the door and windows of the firewood house tightly, and she didn't know what was spilled outside the door, which made her dizzy.

Then she never came back, and for more than a day, she didn't drink a drop of water.

She leaned on the window, trying to hear if anyone was passing by outside, so that someone could give her a drink.

Although everyone hated him, if she cried pitifully, she should be able to get some water to drink.

Who knows, as soon as he climbed up, he saw Yinghui.

As soon as Ying Hui entered the yard, he found that the ground was covered with cobweb-like ravines, and in the ravines was gurgling scarlet blood.

At this time, the formation was completed, shooting out a bright red light, covering the entire firewood room.

The method of raising a yang corpse is completely different from that of a yin corpse. The yang corpse needs to be a living person, injecting the qi of the corpse into the body, and when yin and yang intersect, the yang qi will be fully formed when it is first born.

At this time, the village chief was still gathering corpses in the village to gather corpse energy, and Yao Su was still a real person.

A moment later, and everything will be too late.

The spell in Ying Hui's hand was flying, and a thunderbolt was shot out from the palm of his hand. The tumbling red blood net gave off bursts of scorching, and the flowing blood red instantly solidified.

The bloody light that sealed the firewood room suddenly collapsed.

Ying Hui kicked open the wooden door firmly nailed with wooden boards, and the dust got into her mouth and nose, making her throat itchy.

Yao Su quickly climbed down from the high firewood pile by the window.

He said to Yinghui: "Sister Yinghui, why did you kick the door open? Grandpa will be angry when he comes back. You guys go away quickly."

"Yao Su, your grandfather has turned into a monster. We are here to save you. You should hurry up and leave with us. Your life will be lost if it is too late."

Yao Su laughed straight when he heard the "giggle", and said: "Sister Yinghui, you are so funny, my grandfather is a human being, how could he become a monster, you really hurry up, my grandfather will come back at some point, he It's the village chief who will lock you all up."

Fang Yi was a little impatient, and was about to go forward to arrest him, but was stopped by Yinghui.

"Yao Su, my sister is not joking with you. Does your grandfather often practice some kind of exercises? Do strange things at home every day? He often secretly digs up the corpses of villagers, am I right?"

Yao Su was shocked, and his body trembled with fear.

"It's these things that turned your grandfather into a monster. Moreover, she dug out your mother's body from the grave and turned it into a zombie. The reason why I came here to look for you is because you have a special physique. Your grandfather will come back soon and turn you into a zombie with no emotion and no memory. At that time, both you and your mother will become his tools for killing people.

I don't think your mother would want to see you like that.

Go with sister, she will protect you. "

With a pale face, Yao Su didn't refuse again.

Ying Hui hugged the little girl in his arms, and the two galloped towards the dense forest. When they successfully met Liu Lian and the other two, Liu Lian's formation had not even been properly arranged.

 Thank you LSun001 for the reward, happy.happy

(End of this chapter)

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