Chapter 51
After Yinghui and the others came back, Liu Lian's formation speed increased a lot with Yinghui's help.

Even before he had finished arranging this step, Ying Hui had already prepared the things he needed for the next step and handed them to him.

He even has spare energy to help him draw the formation patterns for the next step. He only needs to connect the formation patterns of the two people.

When he was setting up the formation, he needed to stop frequently and recalculate constantly, but when it came to Yinghui, he was so free and easy that Liu Lian couldn't help but feel a sense of comparison, and his subordinates became faster and faster, wanting to test out Win The limit of mental arithmetic.

Ying Huique didn't think too much about it, he only thought that he wanted to quickly arrange the formation, and the speed of his subordinates was getting faster and faster.

Liu Lian found that Yinghui seemed to be competing with him, but he couldn't win no matter what, so he couldn't help but feel a little nervous and anxious, so he lost one pattern on his hand.

When Yinghui reminded him, his face turned red and white, and it took him a while to recover.

He thought he would wait for Yinghui's ridicule, but Yinghui just lowered her head and was doing her own thing seriously and focused, without looking at him at all. If it wasn't for the poor connection of the formation lines just now, she wouldn't pay attention to her side at all.

Liu Lian suddenly felt a little ashamed, and put those miscellaneous thoughts behind him, readjusted his rhythm, and calmly drew the formation.

But maybe it was stimulated, or maybe it was inspired by seeing Ying Hui's different drawing methods of formation lines, Liu Lian's speed became faster and faster, and when the formation was over, he even faintly wanted to break through.

If you can draw for a while, maybe you will really break through.

When Liu Lian came back to his senses at this moment, he saw that everyone looked at him with complicated and envious eyes.

He looked down at the formation that had just been successfully drawn, and found that the last part was almost all done by himself.

"Yinghui sees that your state is not right, as if you have entered the state of enlightenment, so you don't want to help anymore."

Liu Lian's mind became even more complicated. If it was for the safety of everyone, there would be nothing wrong with Yinghui continuing to draw the formation.

However, she stopped and increased her time in enlightenment.

He moved his lips and thanked him in a low voice.

If it weren't for Ying Hui's sharp eyes and ears, he would almost have missed it.

Shaking his head slightly, he grabbed the hand of little girl Yao Su and stepped into the formation first.

Liu Lian sighed, feeling less uncomfortable, and followed Fang Yi into the formation.

After everyone entered, the pattern on the ground suddenly flashed, then submerged into the soil and disappeared. Here, it completely changed to what it was before, and there was no one there.

In the formation, everyone who had been nervous and busy all night and hadn't rested for a long time finally had a chance to breathe.

Meditate, rest, take advantage of this moment to adjust your state to the peak level.

Suddenly, a series of "gurgling" sounds entered Yinghui's ears.

The voice was so close at hand, Ying Hui opened his eyes to look, and saw the little girl Yao Su clutching her stomach, blushing, trying to hide the voice.

Seeing Ying Hui looking at her, he lowered his head in embarrassment, wishing to bury his head in his arms.

Ying Hui took out two buns from the storage bag, and gently touched the little girl's legs. The little girl raised her head and saw two big white buns. Dare to take.

Ying Hui took her hand, stuffed the buns in, and said softly, "Eat it, it's not enough for me, there's still a lot."

Hearing this, Yao Su just took the steamed stuffed bun and started to eat it hungrily.

When the others heard the movement, they only raised their eyes and continued to close them. To them, Yao Su was just a tool man, born of a phantom array, so they didn't need to care about it at all.

There are also some ideas that don't know how to win.

For Ying Hui, apart from her special preference for children, she is completely used to doing these things.

It's just a trivial effort, and no one knows how this little bit of good relationship that I have formed will benefit me in the future.

Although there are also those who repay kindness and hatred, they are a minority after all.

Good causes yield good results.

Ying Hui withdrew her scattered thoughts, her sixth sense was strengthened a lot, since she picked up Yao Su back, she has been a little impetuous.

He expressed his worries.

The monk senses the world, and often has a premonition about his own danger, but this is just a martial arts test, and his life is not really in danger, so the others don't have any special premonition.

After Ying Hui expressed her hunch, others would not think she was aimless, but only focused on whether she had a strong hunch and whether she had a deep understanding of the laws of heaven.

"Do you think the danger will come from this little girl? Could she be a spy?"

Fang Yi thought for a long time and said.

When Yao Su heard this, his mouth was full of steamed stuffed buns, he couldn't speak, and he couldn't bear to vomit, so he shook his head anxiously.

"There was no cultivator involved in the Sujia Village massacre, only the unilateral killing by the village chief. There is no need for him to train spies, and he didn't know we would come."

"That's not certain. We were not low-key when we wandered around Sujia Village. Ordinary villagers couldn't tell. The village chief, as a corpse repairer, could see through our identities at a glance. Just in case, it would be a good idea to train a spy." Not a problem."

What Cheng Zehao said was reasonable and well-founded, but Yinghui still shook his head, told about the meeting between the two, and said, "I can guarantee that the village chief didn't find out about my whereabouts. Yao Su really went to Looking for her mother didn't mean to get close to me.

The village head has kept her locked up at home. We have never seen her, so we naturally don't know how special she is, let alone go looking for her at this critical moment. Why did the village head bother?

Besides, she is just a child, and her mother was buried alive. I don't believe she can pretend so well and act as a spy for the enemy. "

Yao Su nodded again and again, expressing that it was indeed as Yinghui said.

Yinghui patted her on the head, and continued: "Besides, you and I should be careful along the way. If she really wants to do something small, we have already discovered it, and we don't need to guess it. As for what will happen later I won't do anything, I really can't guarantee it, but I trust her."

Everyone was silent, the premonition came from Ying Hui, so she believed Yao Su, the possibility of this little girl's betrayal was indeed not high.

Moreover, she is only a mortal after all, and everyone really doesn't believe what she can do.

Therefore, everyone's thinking was deadlocked again.

"Could it be that you feel wrong?"

Liu Lian held back for a long time, but couldn't figure it out, so he asked hesitantly.

Ying Hui shook his head, Liu Lian also knew that he was whimsical, so he continued to think hard.

At this moment, Cheng Zehao, who had been silent all this time, looked at Yao Su who was at a loss, and suddenly said: "I think the problem still lies with Yao Su."

(End of this chapter)

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