Chapter 52
As soon as he spoke, everyone looked at him in unison, Fang Yi and the two even felt that he was deliberately targeting Ying Hui.

After all, among the three, he and Xiao Ling'er have the best relationship and are the closest, and they have been targeting Yinghui all the time, but when is this time, if the internal strife continues, don't even think about clearing the level.

Fang Yi frowned, and was about to stop Cheng Zehao, but Yinghui asked very calmly, "What do you say?"

Cheng Zehao was a little surprised and calm, and continued: "You also said that Yao Su is the granddaughter of the village chief and Su Yun's own daughter. Su Yun became a yin corpse, so Yao Su, the daughter of a pure yang body, There must be some induction."

In the end, everyone's hearts sank to the bottom.

It has to be said that Cheng Zehao's speculation is too likely.

Therefore, they have been busy for a long time, and the hidden formation they drew may not be of any use. As long as they have Yao Su by their side, it will be a breeze for them to be found by the village chief.

Yao Su's body trembled slightly in fear. "What do you think? The village chief will come over at any time, we have to find a solution quickly."

Cheng Zehao urged.

Everyone fell silent.

In fact, there was a thought in several people's minds, but no one said it. In the end, it was Cheng Zehao who broke the silence first.

He glanced at Yao Su who was hiding behind Yinghui, and said hesitantly, "How about..."

Before Yinghui objected, Fang Yi had already interrupted: "No! Although this place is a phantom formation, as monks, we must not be unscrupulous and commit murder in vain. Otherwise, if we encounter similar scenes in the future, it will be the same. Is it the work of a righteous high school?"

Cheng Zehao didn't speak any more, his face was gloomy, he really couldn't think of any other way just now, he made a slip of the tongue, and even said the thought in his heart.

Although everyone present may have this idea, but only he said it, he can almost imagine how the people who are paying attention to this martial arts test think of him at this moment.

His face was pale, and he was almost desperate.

Ying Hui could see it clearly, knowing that at this moment, if Cheng Zehao gave up on himself again, or even if he wanted to pull them back because of despair, then no one would be able to pass the level.

Regardless of whether she can still get started after clearing the customs, she can't even fight for a little chance.

"Cheng Zehao, we all know that you have always regarded the martial arts test as an illusion, and there is no sense of substitution, but the martial arts test is also a kind of experience. We really blend into it and experience this desperate life. A kind of cultivation of state of mind, instead of just treating yourself as a spectator."

Yinghui's slightly dissatisfied persuasion brought Cheng Zehao back to his senses, yes, he just didn't regard Yao Su as a living person, but just a phantom, even if he just leaked out the idea of ​​killing her directly, It's not really about killing innocent people indiscriminately. At most, I will deduct some points, so that I can't get started.

Ying Hui really killed people, so it doesn't matter, I just mentioned, he is just a person in an illusion, what am I afraid of.

After figuring it out, Cheng Zehao finally woke up from despair.

However, in order to make up for the gaffe just now, his attitude towards Yao Su changed a lot.

"Time is running out. We can't delay any longer. We must protect Yao Su. As long as she is fine, we still have a chance. With the strength of the village chief and Su Yun, the four of us can handle it together. If you don't be surrounded by other people's corpses, you won't have to worry about your life."

Fang Yi quickly made a decision: "The dense forest we are in now is convenient for us to conduct wandering battles, and we can climb up the trees at any time to escape the siege, and even conduct fire attacks when necessary. The disadvantage is that we bring Yao Su, we have to wander around all the time, we can't stay in one place, it takes a lot of energy, and there is still one day and one night before the end of the martial arts test, it's hard to say whether we can persist for so long.

Another way is to find a place that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and take turns to defend directly, so that we can set aside time to rest. In this way, it is not a problem to persist for a day and a night. "

"It's just that if you really find such a place, there may be no other way to escape. You can only stay trapped, and your flexibility will be greatly reduced.

Once breached, it is very likely to be caught in the urn. "

Fang Yi analyzed all the pros and cons clearly, and everyone no longer hesitated. Which of the two plans to choose depends on whether they can find such a place to defend.

If they can't set up defenses before the village chief and the others kill them, they will only have the first way to go.

As time goes by, through the branches and leaves of the dense forest, you can already see the sunlight falling down in bits and pieces.

They still found nothing, there were many broken walls and cliffs, caves and valleys, but none of them met everyone's requirements.

Everyone is still waiting to find it, but Ying Hui has already heard the sound of "creaking and creaking" branches and leaves being trampled on.

Apparently, many "people" have already chased after them.

The only thing they can be thankful for is that the village chief has not yet reached the foundation building stage, so when manipulating the human corpse, he should not be too far away, otherwise he will lose control and his speed will be slowed down.

The four looked at each other, picked up Yao Su and left quickly.

Helplessly, the number of human corpses is huge, Yinghui and the others were chased and fled, and gradually forced to the edge of the phantom formation. The range of the phantom formation is limited, and it is impossible for them to escape endlessly.

A few people were helpless, and led Yao Su to rush out from a gap with few dead bodies, and were almost intercepted by Su Yun and the village chief who rushed over.

Relying on Fang Yi's many talismans, he threw them out like he didn't want money, forcing the opponent to retreat, and successfully broke through.

Got a moment to breathe.

It's not that they didn't think about splitting up, it's just that the choice of who will take Yao Su with them will become a big problem. No one wants to run around with a locator, so self-sacrificing.

Even Yinghui is not at the level of the Virgin Mary.

Besides, the four of them act together, there are many people, and there is a possibility of breaking through. If they are separated, once they are surrounded, it is simply waiting to be out.

So, no one mentioned it at all.

The four of them seized this moment of opportunity and hurriedly meditated to reply, but suddenly found someone approaching.

The visitor's footsteps were heavy, his breathing slowed down, and he seemed to be trying to cover up his whereabouts, but he didn't know that this little trick of hers had been exposed long ago.

"Su Ru, why are you here?"

That's right, the person who came was the little girl Su Ru. Hearing Yinghui's voice suddenly rang in his ears, he trembled in fright, and almost tripped over a stumped tree root. Only after he found out that it was Yinghui did he calm down down.

"I came to find you."

"Looking for me? Do you want me to take you? Su Ru, don't be afraid. Although the village chief and the others have become monsters, they are not that scary. As long as you hide in the tree, you will not be found. They are here to chase us." Yes, it's dangerous for you to follow me."

 Thanks to Xingli Fangyun for the reward, I just lost a chapter and reposted it.

(End of this chapter)

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