This fairy has some tea

Chapter 53 Goodbye Su Ru

Chapter 53 Goodbye Su Ru
"Because Yao Su is related to the village chief and the others, she will be found wherever she hides, so we have to take her with me. You, be careful."

Ying Hui was not impatient because Su Ru was young and an ordinary village girl, but explained the cause and effect clearly.

Fang Yi and the two couldn't wait any longer.

"Ying Hui, what are you talking about with her so much, we have to leave quickly, we have stayed here long enough."

Ying Hui nodded, patted Su Ru's head, and was about to say goodbye to her.

But Su Ru said: "Sister Yinghui, I didn't come to you to ask you to take me away with you.

I know a very safe place. You will hide there, and you will definitely not be caught by the village chief. "

Ying Hui was a little surprised, smiled and shook his head, "Su Ru, the village chief is not an ordinary person, he has become like a monster now, and ordinary caves can't stop him."

Ying Hui thought that the little girl knew about some hidden cave, so she explained it seriously.

"No, it's not a cave. Sister Yinghui, you believe me, it's really safe there, just go with me and have a look."

Ying Hui's heart moved, he looked back at the two of them, and said: "Anyway, we are wandering, why don't we just go over and take a look, without delaying anything, if it is really as safe as Su Ru said, it will be a surprise .”

Liu Lian frowned, but finally agreed.

With the two little girls, he galloped again in the dense forest.

The place Su Ru mentioned was exactly where she was rescued by Fang Yi and others.

It's just that when Fang Yi and others found her, they were in a deep pit. At that time, they thought that the pit was a trap set by some hunter, and they brought her up directly, but when Su Ru mentioned it, the bottom of the pit seemed to be It's another world.

Because the three of Fang Yi had been there before, they didn't even need to give directions, and the distance between the two was not too far, so they arrived soon.

Fang Yi and the others stood on the top of the pit with Yao Su, watching Ying Hui and Su Ru jump down into the pit.

Not long after, there was a call from Ying Hui for surprise.

"Come down quickly, this is an underground labyrinth built with natural formations."

Fang Yi and the three looked at each other, and they fell down together with Yao Su.

The scattered footsteps kicked over the animal remains scattered at the bottom of the pit, stepped on the rotten branches and leaves, and made a "creaking" sound, and the pungent smell rushed into the human nasal cavity.

Suppressing the discomfort, the three of them set their eyes on the wall at the bottom of the pit.

There, at some point, a small hole was dug out, allowing only one person to climb in.

The faces of Fang Yi and the other three turned dark immediately. The scene was really not very beautiful, as if they were going through a dog's hole.

Although the three of them are not from aristocratic families, they are also young geniuses praised by everyone, and they are young at heart. It is time to save face, and for a while, no one is willing to bow down.

"Hurry up and come in, what are you waiting for? Don't touch the entrance of the cave. There are restrictions there. Once you touch the formation, it will change. Don't be found by the village chief before you die."

Yinghui's voice came faintly from the cave.

The two people who were about to move were all relieved.

They looked at each other, and in the end, Cheng Zehao, who had a slightly lower cultivation base, took the lead and climbed in one after another.

After I really went in, I found that there is a cave in this cave, which is as tall as a person, and they have not grown up in stature, so they can move around here very freely.

Seeing that several people had come in, Ying Hui took out the turf that had been removed earlier, and sealed the entrance of the cave.

Everyone looked at this Fangdongtian, only to see the dark and long corridor, winding forward continuously, disappearing at the turning.

"Have you been inside?"

Ying Hui asked.

"I've been there. I can't climb up from the bottom of the pit. After I found this place, I tried to walk out from here. Going straight forward, many forks will gradually diverge. When I walk, if I encounter a fork At the intersection, choose the left side. If you come to a dead end, turn back and try the next road. After walking for some time, you will come across a stone room. The door of the stone room is as heavy as a thousand gold. That's why I brought you here."

According to what Su Ru said, when she came to the stone room, she tried various methods but failed to open the door of the stone room, so she came out of the maze again. She wanted to use this place as a secret base for her own exploration, so after coming out , then sealed the entrance to the bottom of the pit with turf.

Fang Yi and others went to look for her, but they didn't think that there would be another universe in this pit, so they brought her out directly.

In the dense forest, Su Ru came across corpses turned into by villagers several times. She originally wanted to hide in the underground maze, but she was small and lonely, and did not dare to go back to the village to get food. She fell into the big pit by herself. There is no guarantee that her life will be as good as last time, and someone will come to save her in time.

In addition, when the birds attacked her, Ying Hui was willing to protect her, a worthless person like her, which made her feel reliable, so when she made up her mind to go to the underground palace to hide, she immediately thought of Ying Hui this group of people.

Of course, in her opinion, Yinghui and the others might be the only living people in the whole village.

She wasn't sure if they were still in the dense forest. If she couldn't find them, she thought about going to the village to see.

Fortunately, just before she was about to go to the village, she finally found their traces.

Although Su Ru didn't directly say the reason, but everyone can basically guess. Although Su Ru is only about ten years old, he is so thoughtful. If he has the qualifications, he might become a great power in the world.

It's just that I don't know where the real Su Ru went, and whether she survived the massacre of killing the village.

Su Ru's memory is excellent. Although she only walked through it once, she clearly remembers where each corridor leads to.

It took less than half an hour for everyone to reach the depths of the underground palace, in front of the stone chamber Su Ru mentioned.

At the beginning, you could still hear the movement on the ground, and the endless explosions came from above the ground.

This made the two little girls very alarmed, especially Yao Su, she knew more, knew that it was her grandfather and mother who discovered their whereabouts through the power of blood, and tried to sneak into the ground to catch her. Panic, afraid that everyone would throw her down, and she would become that inhuman and ghost-like person.

Ying Hui, who was still carrying her on his back, felt her small body trembling constantly and softly comforted her, which made her relax.

However, as they continued to go deeper, their position became lower and lower, and they could no longer hear the movement from the ground.

Of course, it is also possible that the village chief gave up his plan to dig the ground directly and went to find the entrance to the underground palace.

Thinking about the formation that he had adjusted, Ying Hui raised his lips slightly, as long as the other party found the entrance, he would give him a big gift first.

(End of this chapter)

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