Chapter 54
I don't know if the bones of the corpse repairer are hard or not, so Yinghui has some small expectations.

The door of the stone room is as thick as Su Ru said, and it is even more tightly stitched without a single crack.

The surrounding walls are clean and there is nothing unusual about it.

Everyone lit a fire and kept searching in front of the gate, but it was impossible to start with the clear space.

Everyone else was at a loss. They thought that Su Ru was an ordinary person, so they couldn't find the mechanism to open the door. As monks, they must be able to find a way. Who knows, even if they searched every inch with their spiritual sense, they still couldn't find any mechanism.

The only clue is that above the stone gate, there seems to be formation runes surging.

Liu Lian played several spells intermittently, the runes on the stone gate flickered on and off intermittently, and the stone gate shook a few times, but remained motionless like a mountain.

"How about it, can you open it?"

Cheng Zehao asked eagerly, and the eyes of other people also fell on him expectantly.

"Yes, it can, but I have to try a few more times, and it may take a long time."

Everyone hesitated for a while, what they lack most is time.

But if he turned around now and was blocked by the village chief, he would have nowhere to go.

Difficult to advance or retreat, everyone became anxious, only Ying Hui kept staring at the door, lost in thought.

Without it, this door, she has seen it before.

Just in her previous life, in the wilderness, she accidentally learned of a monk's residence, which is said to be the place where the seniors who built the foundation sat down.

However, the Yifu Mansion has been explored long ago.

When she was in the wasteland, she got a storage bag by chance, and one of the essays clearly recorded how several people explored the ruins, how they entered, how they snatched treasures, and how they killed people to snatch treasures. All of his friends were killed, and he complacently wrote a whole jade slip.

After seeing it, Yinghui was very yearning for the treasures in the Yifu. Even though he knew that there would be nothing valuable in the Yifu that had already been explored, he still went in to have a look when passing by.

It was also because of her great luck that she actually discovered the treasure left in the sea and found a magic weapon.

It's not a waste of time.

And the gate of the remaining mansion is exactly the same as the one in front of you.

The exact same door, presumably, opened in the same way.

Yinghui typed out the spells one after another, and as the memory was awakened, the speed of the hand became faster and faster. Everyone saw that there were runes on the stone gate that lit up continuously until they covered the entire stone gate. Wen Hu's head to tail connected to form a dense network of light, and then, with a sudden flash, the light filled the entire stone gate.

The light was so dazzling that everyone couldn't help but close their eyes.

Afterwards, the sound of "click, click" came continuously, and the stone gate, which was as stable as Mount Tai, just opened.

Everyone was overjoyed, and their eyes on Ying Hui became more and more complicated.

If it wasn't for revenge, she would definitely be able to shine in this martial arts test. It's a pity, and I don't know if she will be able to worship in the sect.

However, this kind of thought just flashed through everyone's hearts. No one was in the mood to think about other people's affairs. The most important thing was to pass the level by yourself.

Although the stone gate in front of them was wide open, everyone was very cautious and did not move casually.

They still remember that there is a formation at the entrance of the secret passage, who knows if the stone chamber is safe.

And Yinghui looked like he knew something inside, so after the stone gate opened, everyone was waiting for Yinghui's next move.

After an incense stick of time, Cheng Zehao finally couldn't help seeing Ying Hui still motionless with pensive eyes.

"Win Hui, can you get in?"

Ying Hui looked at him quietly and said, "I'm waiting."

"Wait for what?"

Cheng Zehao asked a question.

"Wait for you to advance, who knows if there will be any danger here, you don't want me, a weak little girl, to take the lead?"

Ying Hui spoke resentfully, with bright eyes and slightly opened mouth, expressing his shock.

Cheng Zehao blushed immediately, and said embarrassingly that he didn't mean it that way.

After all, the door was opened by others, and the rest of them couldn't just sit back and enjoy the benefits so confidently.

However, although he understands this truth, thinking about Yinghui's familiarity with opening the stone gate, he also resents her for not giving others any hints. In his opinion, Yinghui must know something, maybe he also knows what is inside It's dangerous, so I refuse to go in.

Thinking about it this way, he didn't even want to take the lead.

He looked up at Fang Yi and the other two, and saw that the other two had already shifted their gaze and looked at him very earnestly, and the corners of their mouths twitched immediately.

He originally wanted to push Liu Lian out first on the grounds that Liu Lian knew formation techniques. He is good at medical skills, so he should be protected even more.

He complained a little in his heart, because he was good at medical skills outside, he was very respected by others, whoever saw him didn't want to have a good relationship with him.

Who knows if they will be useful in the future, but these people don't take themselves seriously at all, and even want to make themselves a pathfinder.

The more he thought about it, the more he became annoyed, but he never thought about it. The casual practitioners outside have limited friends and the possibility of meeting serious medical practitioners is extremely small. A half-assed person like him who is good at medical skills is naturally a favorite and highly respected.

But I don't think, after entering the sect, there will be so many pure medical practitioners, and there are even special medical halls, which are full of pure medical practitioners for consultation, which is unmatched by a half-assed person like him.

Things that can be solved by spending a few spirit stones are even more professional, so why are you fawning on me?

Especially Yinghui, she and Cheng Zehao don't really have any deep hatred, but because of Xiao Ling'er, the two of them are very at odds, it would be good if they didn't dig holes for you, and they still spoil you?
What's more, Yinghui is not a kind person at all.

Before Cheng Zehao could say anything, Liu Lian had already said: "Cheng Zehao, I don't see anything wrong with this, and I can't help you. Be careful when you go in."

Cheng Zehao's thousands of words turned into a long sigh of disappointment.

He took a deep look at Yinghui, and his lowered eyes were full of resentment.

Tentatively, he stretched out his foot towards the door, and as soon as he stepped in, he found that the stars in front of him had changed, and the world had changed.

My childhood sweetheart suddenly appeared in front of my eyes somehow.

"Myolie, why are you here?"

"Brother Hao, didn't you promise to go to test the spirit seeds with me? Why did you forget such an important matter?"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to touch Cheng Zehao's head, "I don't have a fever, why are you still confused?"

Cheng Zehao's trance consciousness slowly came back, and he said gently to Xing'er: "I just woke up, I didn't realize it for a while, let's go, it's getting late, if I don't go, I don't know how long the queue will be."

(End of this chapter)

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