This fairy has some tea

Chapter 55 Unbearable

Chapter 55 Unbearable
Xing'er muttered, "We were late because brother Hao slept in, brother Hao, you are blaming him."

Cheng Zehao coaxed: "I can't blame you, our Xinger is the cutest, let's go quickly."

When they got out of the room, they saw a middle-aged couple waiting for them.

The two people's cultivation bases are not high, the man will have five levels of Qi refining, and the woman will only have two levels of Qi refining.

When Cheng Zehao saw the two of them, he hurriedly greeted them: "Morning uncle and aunt, I read medical books last night, it was a bit late, I couldn't get up for a while, and I missed the time."

In fact, he doesn't quite remember why he got up late, but he knows how to say it so as not to annoy others.

Sure enough, the two not only didn't criticize him, they also kept praising him for his hard work and asked Myolie to learn from him.

"Father, mother, you are biased, you only like Brother Hao, you don't love Xing'er anymore, hum."

Xing'er is delicate and cute, which made the man laugh out loud. He grabbed the little girl into his arms and tied it with his beard, making the little girl "giggle" laughing non-stop.

It was the woman who saw that Cheng Zehao was anxious, interrupted the playful father and daughter, and urged them to leave the house.

However, it was still too late. Almost all the school-age children in the town got up early and came to line up to test the spirit seeds before dawn. When they came, they were almost at the end of the line.

Cheng Zehao's face was a bit ugly, and the woman comforted, "Zehao, it's okay, you've been smart since you were young, and it's very easy to sense the spirit seed, so it's definitely not a fake spirit seed."

Cheng Zehao reluctantly pulled the corner of his mouth and smiled.

Children born to ordinary mortals can only be judged to be different by tests.

Someone taught him that he had been cultivating the communication spirit seed since he was a child, and he already knew the general idea before the test.

He is a dual-attribute spiritual species, and it is very easy to communicate with him, so it shouldn't be bad.

As long as you pass this test and confirm that it is not a fake spiritual seed, you can start looking for a suitable visualization map, awaken your spiritual root, and start practicing officially.

However, Xing'er also has a spiritual species, or a single spiritual species, and the attributes are completely different from her own. Uncles and aunts are Xing'er's biological parents, and she is just the son of a friend. They will try their best to find a suitable visualization map for themselves. ?

Cheng Zehao became worried and thought to himself, it would be fine if Xing'er didn't have spiritual roots.

The price of multi-element visualization diagrams is cheap, but if there are more elements that are not contained in one's own spirit-seed, or even mutually restraining attributes, it may interfere with the awakening of the spirit root and turn the spirit-seed into a dead species.

Therefore, in order to ensure the awakening of the spiritual root, it is best to have a visualization that is completely consistent with the attributes of your own spiritual seed, which is the safest.

In other words, he and Xing'er had to buy two visualization pictures that were completely consistent with the attributes of their spiritual roots.

"Zehao, what are you thinking, it's your turn now."

When the man's voice sounded, Cheng Zehao quickly put back his scattered thoughts.

When it was his turn to go up for the test, he even nervously held hands and feet together.

When the tester clearly told him that he was a water-wood dual-attribute spiritual species, and both spiritual species were true spiritual species, he almost shed tears.

He hadn't been excited for too long, when the next test, Xing'er, was found to be a true spirit seed of fire attribute, his excited heart gradually cooled down.

The visualization map pays attention to the artistic conception. Only when the concept is formed, can it be visualized. It is very difficult for a single element to become a concept.

Therefore, most visualizations are multi-element visualizations.

A visualization with fewer elements is more precious.

Xing'er's father and mother are just casual cultivators, and it is difficult to find a dual-attribute visualization, let alone a single-attribute one.

Therefore, there must be a choice between the two, how can I be against my own daughter.

Cheng Zehao is young and has little experience. He can only see the limited resources in front of him, and wants to fight for them with all his strength.

The middle-aged couple was immersed in the joy that both children were true spirits, and they didn't realize at all that Cheng Zehao, who was always gentle, looked at Xing'er with a different look.

After the two children fell asleep, the couple discussed in a low voice which sect to take the two children to apprentice. The two children have one single spiritual root and one double spiritual root. Once they pass the entrance test, as long as the awakened spiritual root is not special The possibility of becoming a serious inner disciple is extremely high.

The more the two talked, the more excited they became. Their aptitude is not good, and this will be the case in this life, but the child is promising, so they can't let the child delay.

"Although Xing'er has better qualifications, she has a squeamish temper. Ze Hao is a little sensitive. It's just for Xing'er to accompany him more. In the future, the brother and sister will enter the big sect and support each other, and they will surely achieve something."

The couple were so excited that they didn't sleep well all night. Although they always knew the attributes of the two soul-seeds, they hadn't been tested, and they were always worried that they might be fake soul-seeds. Now that the dust has settled, it is really gratifying.

It's just that the couple still don't know that what awaits them is not a bright future.

But the nightmare of a lifetime.

Because they didn't sleep well all night, the couple got up late without any accident.

Until the two of them were called out by a panicked cry, they got up from the bed suddenly, and ran out the door, only to see Cheng Zehao running in from the courtyard wet all over.

"Uncle and aunt are not well, Xing'er fell into the river, you all go and save her, I can't pull her out, uncle and aunt, I can't pull her up."

Cheng Zehao was sobbing while shouting, and in the end he was sobbing.

The couple's liver and gallbladder were broken, how could they watch his performance, and rushed to the river like crazy.

Cheng Zehao wiped the tears from his face, looking at the couple who didn't care about him and treated him like nothing, there was no trace of sadness.

He thought to himself, I can't blame myself for this, you are partial, and I have no choice but to do so.

The couple came to the river, but there was no shadow of their daughter in the rushing water.

The two "Peng Peng" twice, jumped into the water one after another, and kept searching.

After half a day, I finally found my daughter who was entangled by water plants at a turning point. The little person was already swollen from the bubbles and had already lost her breath.

The daughter who has been spoiled for so many years, the daughter who has been on the cusp of my heart, the daughter who has just detected the true spirit seed, why is it gone?

The couple couldn't figure it out, the woman grabbed Cheng Zehao and kept asking why she brought Xing'er to the river.

The man scratched his head in pain and squatted on the ground without saying a word.

Cheng Zehao felt more and more that he was right.

Ying Hui and the others stood at the door of the stone room, their jaws stunned by the scenes of illusions in front of them.

It is said that doctors are benevolent, but no one thought that he, who is good at medicine and always looks gentle on the surface, would have such an unbearable side.

If we talk about the previous performance, after Cheng Zehao passed the examination, if there is still a possibility of entering the sect, at this moment, with such a bad side, it is absolutely impossible for Cheng Zehao to enter the sect.

 Thanks to Xingli Fangyun for the reward
(End of this chapter)

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