This fairy has some tea

Chapter 56 Fierce Battle

Chapter 56 Fierce Battle

Seeing that the couple had been forgiven in the illusion, Cheng Zehao, who knew the couple's original plan, didn't feel guilty at all, he just sighed in the deserted place, Sister Xing'er is still a little less fortunate, just like the neighbor's The three aunts and six wives sighed with emotion.

He seemed to have completely forgotten how he suddenly pushed the little girl into the river, pinned her head and watched her drown in the river, washed away by the current.

It's just that after this incident, the couple was hit, their will was depressed, and their bodies gradually stepped down. After all, they failed to bring him to the sect, but spent all their savings to find him a pair of water and wood. The picture is the most common and common visualization picture, and it is the only one the couple can afford.

Although the visualization picture is ordinary and the artistic conception is not particularly smooth, but Cheng Zehao's spiritual species is highly active and his comprehension is not bad, he still successfully visualized the Mizuki spirit root.

The two husbands and wives taught each other all their money, and passed on all their medical skills to him.

Until his cultivation surpassed the two, and the two could no longer teach him, he took the property they had sold off and went all the way to Mount Taiwei to learn from him.

Everything went so smoothly, until the Zongmen illusion came to the entry test, came to this underground palace, and Cheng Zehao's consciousness finally saw him struggling out of the illusion.

The illusion dissipated, and what he saw was Fang Yi's unabashed disdain, while Su Ru and Yao Su hid behind Ying Hui.

Only Ying Hui, who was still calm and breezy, stepped into the door of the stone room first after he woke up.

The two little girls followed Ying Hui closely, unwavering.

Fang Yi and Liu Lian looked at each other, seeing that the phantom formation seemed to be broken, they followed closely behind and walked in.

"What did you just see?"

Cheng Zehao's voice was no longer as gentle as before, and he swept across the crowd sinisterly, his eyes finally stayed on Ying Hui, and he no longer concealed his malice.

"You knew there was a phantom formation here, didn't you!"

Ying Hui tilted his head, and said confidently: "Of course."

"Then why didn't you crack the formation, why did you trick me into it?"

"of course……"

Ying Hui looked at the gazes that were all focused on him, as if he was waiting for a reasonable explanation from himself.

She elongated her voice, looked at the people's probing eyes with evil humor, and smiled innocently.

"Of course I can't."

Cheng Zehao didn't believe it, and just continued to stare at her gloomyly.

"Are you really complaining for Xiao Ling'er when you targeted me several times before?
You should be doing it to show your hatred of evil.

Hey, actually, what you think, what you plan, really has nothing to do with me. I am the most understanding person, and I repay grievances with kindness. I never forced you to come in at the door before, did I?

Brother Zehao took the initiative to find out, and we are all very grateful. Now that you look like a victim, others should think that we are really bullying you.

Brother Zehao, your sacrifice was in vain. "

Yinghui seems to feel sorry for Cheng Zehao.

Cheng Zehao hid all the resentment in his eyes, and said lightly, "It seems that I am stingy, but I still don't understand, you know everything, why don't you say anything?

Do you regard us as teammates in this way?Or, in your eyes, we are just a tool for you to pass the level? "

Cheng Zehao wanted to hold back when he was about to die. He had a bad heart, and he wanted to drag the person who harmed him into the water. No one should think about it.

However, this is what Fang Yi and the two want to ask. With Ying Hui's approach, no one knows if they will be the next one to be tricked.

Ying Hui looked at him like an idiot, "Who dares to enter this fantasy formation?

Even if you don't do anything wrong, who isn't afraid that your chance will be exposed in secret?

Do you think that such a good test of xinxing, why doesn't the sect use it, instead it is a variety of tests?

I really concealed the phantom array here on purpose, but we all know that at this moment, if we want to pass the level, there is only one way to go.

Although I know this phantom formation, there is no way to break it.

And although I am still in the martial arts test, you all know that even if I pass the customs, it will be difficult for me to enter the sect. The purpose of continuing the martial arts test at this time is just to make up for what I have done before.

What's more, I said long ago that I opened the door, and I can't bear all the dangers. If you don't enjoy the benefits, you all come to resent me. I'm not a mother, there is no such reason.

Therefore, I will not leave this phantom array no matter what.

But if I tell the truth, among you three, who will take the initiative to break the formation? "

Ying Hui looked around at the three of them, seeing that they all had averted eyes, which already explained everything.

"Instead of wasting time talking about it, you fight over each other, push each other, but there will be no solution, why can't you cut the mess quickly?
Anyway, this phantom array itself is not dangerous. "

Ying Hui spread his hands, and there was still one sentence that he didn't say.

Don't do bad things, don't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door, if he hasn't done such evil things, can the phantom array arrange him?

It is wrong to say that Yinghui is completely right, she holds the right to choose in her own hands, and does not give others a chance to choose.

But Cheng Zehao kept embarrassing himself again and again, if she didn't cheat, then she would not be green tea, but the Holy Mother White Lotus.

She has never been a kind person, and at this moment, she is letting herself go and doing whatever she wants.

Cheng Zehao smiled, and he really felt a bit suave, romantic and gentle like jade, which was much better than the previous pretending.

"What you said makes sense."

However, the next moment.

A black water arrow shot out fiercely, heading straight for the Yinghui basin.

The dark luster, quite malicious, came surging.

Ying Hui had been stimulating for a long time, and she had been prepared for a long time. A jumping fire wall was built in front of her almost at the same time as the water arrow was shot.

I saw that the water arrow fell on the wall of fire, making a "squeaky" sound, piercing through the wall of fire little by little, until the last thin layer of the wall of fire was left, the water arrow exhausted its energy and gradually dissipated. At the same time, there was a burst of gray smoke steaming out, passing through the thin wall of fire in an instant, and heading straight for Yinghui.

There is still a backhand for this blow!

Cheng Zehao sneered, as if he was sure of winning.

Fang Yi and the other two saw him suddenly attacking him, knowing that this moment must not be good at this moment, they both jumped forward, and they were already besieging him.

However, Cheng Zehao had no intention of continuing to entangle with them at all, he jumped up, took a piece of magic amulet on each of his legs, jumped out of the surrounding of the two in an instant, grabbed Yao Su who was watching the accident in front of him in a daze, To escape from the stone chamber.

Yao Su was suddenly arrested, and immediately cried out in panic.

At this moment, in the depths of the secret passage, there were noisy footsteps approaching.

The village chief's army of human corpses finally arrived.

 Thanks to Xingli Fangyun for the reward
(End of this chapter)

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