This fairy has some tea

Chapter 57 Touching the corpse?

Chapter 57 Touching the corpse?
Fang Yi and the two became more and more anxious. If Yao Su was taken away, everything they had done would be in vain. They didn't think that at this moment, Cheng Zehao took Yao Su away to protect her.

He is going to burn jade and stone together!

Cheng Zehao's feet were extremely fast, and when he was about to step out of the stone gate, he couldn't help but look back.

He wanted to keep these people's terrified, helpless, and resentful expressions in his heart, and let them also taste the taste of despair.

However, when his eyes fell on Ying Hui, he only saw that Ying Hui, who was supposed to be poisonous, was just looking at him leisurely, eyes full of sarcasm.

He was about to quicken his pace with a sudden heart attack, but he saw that the stone door that had been slowly opened before suddenly fell down with a "boom" as if it had suddenly lost its restraint.

He didn't have time to take back his left foot, half of the sole of his foot was crushed directly, unable to move.


Painful wailing echoed continuously in the empty stone chamber.

At this time, there is no need for Yinghui to say anything.

Either you die or I live!
Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, if Cheng Zehao cannot be removed at this moment, with his temperament and temperament, he will definitely become a serious problem for everyone present in the future.

For the Zongmen, they were also regarded as exorcising demons and defending the Dao, so there was no need to worry about whether hurting him would affect their grades.

Letting him go would definitely give him the name of being indecisive.

The two came at each other, and by the time Cheng Zehao endured the pain and cut off the sole of his foot, it was already too late.

His cultivation base was already low, and the surprise trick of using poison had been exposed just now, so there was no chance of plotting against him.

As for Yao Su, in his opinion, if he couldn't throw it to the village chief and threaten them with her life, it could be said that the other party was hoping that he could kill the little girl to avoid future troubles.

Simply throw people on the ground and fight with all your heart.

It's a pity that the hole cards were exposed too early, and he used poison several times in succession, but Fang Yi and the others easily dodged them.

Fang Yi's cultivation level overwhelmed him again, he had no hole cards, and was almost beaten by two people.

Seeing the beaten one retreating steadily, Cheng Zehao looked resentfully and stood aside, taking time to win.

If it wasn't for her, how could I be in this situation!

If it wasn't for her, how could the martial arts test be so difficult!

If it wasn't for her, I would have successfully passed the assessment, entered the sect, became a disciple of a famous sect, established a foundation, formed an alchemy, and one day would become a true emperor of Yuanying and ascend to the sky.

It was her who ruined me!

He hated more and more in his heart. When his body was stabbed by Fang Yi's sharp gold talisman again, water vapor filled his hand, and the black mist filled instantly.

The besiegers retreated quickly, and when they were about to disperse the poisonous gas, Cheng Zehao ignored them and completely exposed his body to the attacks of the two, rushing towards Yinghui like an arrow flying from the string.

With a swipe of his hand, blood gushed out like thick ink, shooting towards Yinghui like a water arrow.

"Get out of the way!"

Fang Yi roared angrily and threw out a handful of sharp gold talismans, which fell on Cheng Zehao like a rain of arrows.

After a bit of black blood, bright red blood kept gushing out and scattered all over the ground. Cheng Zehao fell to the ground with a "bang", even though he had died, he was still staring straight at Yinghui's direction.

And Ying Hui, who had been prepared for a long time, suddenly enlarged the small shield in his hand, and firmly protected it in front of Ying Hui. After colliding with the blood arrow, the blood arrow shattered like a bamboo and scattered in all directions.

Wherever it lands, it makes a sizzling sound.

So far, two people have died in this team of strong men in the eyes of everyone.

It was not the first time that Fang Yi and the two had killed people. However, they were close companions before, and they turned around and turned against each other. It still made them a little uncomfortable, and they didn't speak for a while.

Only Ying Hui saw that the two of them hadn't moved for a while, staring at Cheng Zehao's storage bag, his eyes became more and more burning.

She rubbed her hands and asked eagerly, "Dear, do you touch the corpse?"

Looking at her excited little eyes, the complicated emotions between the two of them faded away somehow.

"You go, you stopped the person, and you have a share.

However, he knows how to poison, maybe he has poison on his body, so be careful, don't get caught. "

Fang Yi warned that Ying Hui's eyes were too seductive, afraid that she would be impulsive, and their team really couldn't afford to lose their manpower.

"Brother Fang Yi, you are so kind."

Ying Hui's voice was still soft, and he looked at him with slight admiration and gratitude, but he couldn't help shivering.

I can't help but think about who was the last time she sent a good card.

Ying Hui is a good guy who is used to cards, and didn't intend to listen to his answer. He squatted down, melted the detoxification pill with water, and sprayed a stream of water mist, turning the pill water into mist, and covering Cheng Zehao's body.

There were "beeps" on his cuffs, fingertips, chest, belt and storage bag, and it took a long time to subside.

"Hehe, you are really a drug player, professional."

Fang Yi didn't know why, and he really wanted to complain at this moment, "As expected of a corpse toucher, he's really professional."

However, he dared not.

After getting the storage bag, Ying Hui was not in a hurry, but continued to sweep Cheng Zehao from head to toe, and only found a jade slip from his arms.

After the person died, the spiritual consciousness dissipated, and the storage bag became an ownerless thing. Yinghui easily opened it without looking at it, and "crashed" and dumped everything on the ground.

Things are very complicated, except for some messy daily necessities, there are only two jade slips, two bottles of panacea, and three bottles of poison.

There are no magic tools, but there are still some talismans, but they are all ordinary first-order talismans.

The distribution of the three went very smoothly. Fang Yi is a talisman master, so naturally he doesn't like these talismans. He can only choose from the pills and jade slips. He wants to choose the pills, but the pills in the Langhuan world are precious. Hui is notoriously poor, so he hesitated whether he should fight her or not.

This stone room was opened by Ying Hui, and their lives were indirectly saved by Ying Hui, and Cheng Zehao was also left by her, so no matter what, the pill should be left to Ying Hui.

Fang Yi looked away from the two bottles of pills, pretending not to care, and let Yinghui choose first.

Ying Hui glanced at the two of them, but did not strike immediately. Instead, he took out another detoxification pill and turned it into a light mist, and the "beep" sound resounded on these treasures.

Fang Yi: ...

Liu Lian: ...

Both of them were speechless. If they were the first to pick something, it's hard to say what would happen, and it's impossible to say that Yinghui was wrong. After all, they didn't do anything.

The two of them can be considered to have figured out Ying Hui's mind, as long as they abide by their duties, they shouldn't be tricked... right?
Not to mention that the two of them made up their minds that they would never take the initiative to provoke Yinghui in the future. At this moment, under Fang Yi's nervous eyes, Yinghui glanced at the elixir and took away three jade slips. Then, he raised his head and asked: " I only took the jade slip, which is not worth as much as the elixir, so is it okay to take two bottles of poison?"

 Thanks to book friends 20211224145252197 for rewarding
(End of this chapter)

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