This fairy has some tea

Chapter 58 Advanced

Chapter 58 Advanced
Yes, of course, and very much!

Fang Yi was overjoyed and took two bottles of pills and one bottle of poison, while Liu Lian took all the talismans and put two bottles of poison on them.

In the end, there was an empty storage bag left, and Ying Hui put it into his arms without changing his expression.

In fact, compared to Cheng Zehao's storage bag, she wanted to touch Xiao Ling'er's more.

But Xiao Ling'er is not as lonely as Cheng Zehao, their family has a great career, and there is a foundation cultivator following him, knowing that Xiao Ling'er is dead, they will definitely ask the sect for an explanation.

There are only five people in their team, and they can't hide it if they want to.

She killed someone, it can be said to be revenge, the reason is good, no matter what, no matter whether she passes the martial arts test or not, she will become a member of the Taiwei Immortal Sect, Cang Lan Yueheng dare not intercept and kill her in Taiwei Mountain.

However, if he took something and touched the corpse, then the other party would have a good reason to pester him and beg for it.

Killing people and touching dead bodies is not a big problem. The problem is that I am just getting started, and I am still licking my face to get started. No one will back me up, so I must spit things out.

Then why did she need to do so much to give people a chance to humiliate her.

They were in the stone room, sharing the spoils and getting treasures. The years were quiet and quiet. The village chief's army of human corpses kept hitting the stone room outside, and there were a few explosions from time to time, but the door of the stone room was as stable as Mount Tai.

In the short term, it is safe.

"There should be seven hours before the end of the martial arts test. The time is not short. I don't know if this stone room can last for such a long time. Let's find out if there are other exits from this stone room, just in case."

Liu Lian lay on the stone gate, listening to the movement outside, and made a worried proposal.

When I was talking, I sneaked a few glances at Yinghui, hoping she could give some hints, after all, she seemed to know a lot of things, if she was willing to contribute, it would definitely get twice the result with half the effort, but I don't know if she would.

"In the stone room above the bed, if there is no accident, there is indeed a mechanism that connects to the outside world. However, I advise you best not to move it."


Fang Yi was obviously on the right track, poking at the key points without any doubt about Yinghui's advice.

"Well, if there is no accident, it should be poisonous gas first, and then flood the stone chamber. The passage behind the stone chamber leads to the river outside. In addition to being filled with water, there will also be aquatic monsters and hidden weapons ambush.

With their resistance, the few of us may be able to break out if we are lucky for an hour.

However, the two little girls can't hold their breath yet. "

In other words, as long as they open the mechanism, the two little girls will surely die.

They had already lost two of their companions, and Yinghui had repeatedly erased their clues. They had been passive all the time, and their scores in the martial arts test were as low as one can imagine. Not much better.

The two quickly threw away that thought.

"You say, if these are not military tests, but real, what should we do?"

Ying Hui asked a heart-wrenching question.

Both Fang Yi fell silent.

Yes, if all this is true, what should we do?

Should he go out and fight the army of human corpses, or open the mechanism, sacrifice two mortals, and find another way of life.

Both of them became a little confused. If that time really comes, I'm afraid I won't insist on protecting two mortals like I am now. When life and death are at stake, the selfishness of human nature is most easily exposed.

"If it were you, how would you choose?"

Liu Lian couldn't help but want to ask. He felt that he was getting more and more incomprehensible to Yinghui. She was not the kind of pure and kind nun who didn't understand the world. He always plays tricks on others on purpose, but apart from taking revenge, he always follows the trend and never intentionally harms others.

It stands to reason that he was cheated, but he just couldn't hate it.

So, he wanted to know if it was her, would there be any different choices.

"If it was me..."

Ying Hui prolonged the tone, she used to like it like this, it's tempting, even the big bosses in the sect couldn't help but want to hear what she would say.

"If it were me, I wouldn't put myself in this dilemma at all.

If this was true, I would not have put myself in such a dangerous situation for revenge.

If this was real, I wouldn't run here to linger, I'd fight my way out as far as I could. "

Liu Lian was speechless, but unwilling, and continued to ask: "What if, what if you really encountered this dilemma."

Ying Hui glanced at him faintly, wondering why he was so persistent, and even suspected that he was taking revenge for the holes he had dug for them these days.

"If you really come to this situation, of course you will rush out and turn the world upside down with them.

There are dangers on both sides, why not give everyone a way out.

We don't have any chance of winning if we don't get the village chief who has the Yang Corpse, so why are we so cowardly? "

Liu Lian suddenly became enlightened, and finally let out the depression in his chest, the feeling of aggrieved and oppressed that had been lingering in his heart since the beginning of the martial arts test, finally dissipated under Ying Hui's dismissive look.

The already loose cultivation has finally advanced.

After a long time, Liu Lian, who woke up from the advanced stage, saw Yinghui leaning in front of him, and praised him with a "tsk tsk". Seeing him waking up, the first thing he asked him was "Do you want to go out and have a good time?"

His blood was surging, and his cultivation base that had just advanced almost fell again.

It is not allowed to go out. After Liu Lian advanced, he was refreshed and hid directly in the stone room, ready to lie down. The three of them chatted one after another, lying dead until dawn.

The white light flashed away, the sound of "rumbling" outside the door suddenly dissipated, the two little girls in the stone room turned into a flash of white light and disappeared without a trace, and the words "examination ended" suddenly rang in the ears of the three.

it is finally over.

Everything around them seemed to fade away, and the empty stone room turned into a stone house. After the three of them walked out, they saw the Foundation Establishment cultivator in charge of the assessment standing not far away, waving at them.

The three of them didn't delay any longer, and quickly came to each other, and got their own achievement tokens.

Both Liu Lian and Fang Yi have the same character C, while I am a Ding.

Ying Hui was a little surprised that he actually passed the test.

(End of this chapter)

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