Chapter 59 Returning to Yao Ze Realm

Although she had a vague premonition that she had not been directly thrown out of the assessment since she killed Xiao Ling'er, but until now, holding the achievement token, she was still somewhat unbelievably pleasantly surprised.

Although the result was the last Ding, it was indeed passed.

For those who have not passed the assessment, the token has no rank, only a "No".

Ying Hui held the token's hand, stroked it lightly a few times, and then put it into the storage bag.

Then they were quickly sent to the flying boat and isolated from other people waiting for the test.

It's just that their team is really special, and almost everyone immediately noticed the decrease in their number and the two corpses carried out from the examination room.

Suddenly there was an uproar.

It wasn't until Daoist Hongming released his coercion that these whispers were suppressed.

However, it would be futile for them to discuss the explanation that there is no Taiwei Xianzong.

In addition, the other teams are still normal, so the discussion gradually suppressed.

Only the teams that were also drawn to the Sujia Village examination room were facing the enemy.

While waiting on the boat, Ying Hui didn't have the time to communicate with others. Their team is too special, and they will definitely receive inquiries from all parties. Instead of wasting time dealing with others, it is better to retreat directly.

Fang Yi and Liu Lian didn't have clean hands, so they just kept making the same choice as her.

As for when the assessment is over, she will directly enroll in the sect. In a short time, it is best not to leave the sect.

The Cang Lan family may not take her seriously, but Xiao Ling'er is the only daughter, her father will definitely avenge her daughter.

She must wait until after the foundation is established.

As for wanting to go out to practice, Huo, the Yaoze world is so big and there are so many treasures, shouldn't she be opened up to practice.

But, how to give Xiaoman the token of enrolment?

Yinghui rubbed the token in his hand, put it in the storage bag he found from Cheng Zehao, got up and went to visit Liu Lian.

Liu Lian was finally overwhelmed by her words "You are so kind", and hurriedly agreed to run errands for her.

After this incident, Ying Hui was refreshed and began her retreat career.

After a long period of training, the martial arts test was finally over.

On the way to the Zongmen, Ying Hui put all his things into the Shizhu space, and then traveled to Yaoze Realm.

The rich aura coming from the pavement made Yinghui sigh comfortably.

The aura in Langhuan Realm is really thin. These days, she practiced day and night, and almost used up all the elixirs.

There were only two high-grade yellow bud pills left, and she was not willing to waste them.

In addition to the unchangeable conditions such as talent and luck, the most important thing for a monk to practice is perseverance.

How many monks are extremely gifted, but because they can't bear the loneliness, they practice for three days fishing and two days drying the net, but they are not as fast as those with less aptitude.

Everyone knows that diligent cultivation is beneficial to the advancement of the cultivation base, the key is that few people have endured this hardship.

Most people can keep you from going out for a day, but very few people can practice in seclusion for a month or two in a row. The loneliness and boredom will make them give up cultivation at any time.

Today I was called to go to Taobao, tomorrow I went outing together, and the day after tomorrow I had a casual talk, and the days were passed day by day, but I didn't realize it.

Of course, geniuses have the right to be willful, and they can wake up and work hard at any time.

Especially for the young qi-refining cultivators, they have stumbled and stumbled in their cultivation, so they have to stop and rethink frequently.

If it is a foundation-building cultivator who retreats for a month, he is almost ignorant, it is just a flick of a finger, and he doesn't know what day and night, that's okay.

But once this practice is interrupted, I want to take a breath and relax.

If you have to do your best, the feeling of irritability and depression will be aggravated after a long time. If you can't adjust in time, you may go crazy. In addition, you will be mentally weak and need to adjust your breath.

Therefore, there are very few qi refining monks who can persist in retreat for a long time.

However, Yinghui has experienced all kinds of heartaches about Yinghui's heavy work, and cherishes the current peaceful and stable days of cultivation, and the pills are still enough, so he really didn't leave the room, let everyone wait for the news People are amazed.

And Fang Yi and her two who chose to retreat like her, seeing that she has never left the door, don't try too hard. They would rather stay in their room and read a book than step out of the door, as if they would lose average.

The three of them have not yet joined the sect, and they have become a trio of explosive liver.

Other chatterers were affected by it, and gradually reduced going out.

It seems that if you don't hide in the room and retreat, you will be taken advantage of.

At this time, Ying Hui, after returning to the Yaoze Realm, the first thing he did was to take out these jade slips he had newly obtained.

It is not easy to cultivate in Langhuan Realm, so she needs to spend more time on cultivation.

And Yaoze Realm is rich in aura, so she can get twice the result with half the effort. She can put all the things she needs to learn here.

Traveling through two worlds, time stagnates, besides having two completely different lives, what's more important is that she has doubled the time.

Learning a kind of knowledge can be used by both sides of the body. This is the most precious wealth.

Of course, it's also a way to take a break to relax your head.

While eating the snacks that Ying Rong gave her, Ying Hui flipped through these newly acquired jade slips. The alchemy jade slips that Ji Mingyue gave her were very delicate.

This jade slip is called Alchemy Essence Essentials, and it not only records in detail the [-] commonly used elixir recipes during the qi refining period, but also makes detailed notes on each elixir recipe, including how to prepare each medicinal material , the method of putting the medicinal materials into the alchemy furnace, the utensils used, the control of the flame temperature, and the tricks of playing the alchemy, when can the alchemy be collected, with both pictures and texts, vivid images, and the skills of the narration amazed Ying Hui, and often gave her suddenly Cheerful feeling.

Because of her aptitude for the Five Elements, no matter whether it is alchemy or weapon refining, or formation spells and talismans, she has dabbled in her previous life.

But she missed the opportunity to join the sect at that time. As a casual cultivator, under various opportunities, she also got some alchemy formulas and tried alchemy.

But those elixirs are obscure and difficult to understand, and the collection of elixirs is not complete, so the refining of elixirs can only be carried out with half-guessing and half-ignorance.

I don't know whether she is very talented or lucky, but this also allowed her to successfully refine a few low-grade pills.

 Thanks to Xingli Fangyun for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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