Chapter 60

She had heard people say that it is very easy to learn these skills within the great sect. In addition to the comprehensive explanations, she can also find the master to ask questions at any time, which fascinates her very much.

Therefore, knowing that Ying Rong and the others wanted to fight alchemy, even if it was just to gain insight, she was very fascinated, and hurriedly traveled back to the Langhuan Realm, just to enter the sect, find the method of alchemy, learn a little, and build a foundation. When you get to the place, you can also understand other people's tactics, so as not to miss such a great opportunity.

With the increase in the number of time travels, Yinghui's six senses continue to strengthen. For her, learning these skills is like a miracle.

For example, when refining Peiling Pill, the time to collect the pill depends on the timing of releasing the fragrance of the pill.

The moment Danxiang appears, take it out of the Dan furnace.

If you get up early, the elixir cannot be formed and will be scrapped directly. If you get up late, the properties of the medicine will be lost, and the grade will drop.

And because her sense of smell is so sensitive that it is far superior to ordinary people, she can even detect it the moment Dan Xiang first appeared. As long as her hand speed is fast enough, other steps do not make mistakes, and she can even make the best pill.

That's where her talent lies.

The Ying family is a wealthy family, and when their cultivation base is low, there will be no shortage of cultivation materials, but the parents here know that it is not reliable, so she must make plans early and plan for her own good life.

This alchemy is just an introduction, and the subsequent version does not know how exquisite it will be. Yinghui has made up his mind that after his cultivation level improves in the future, he must exchange all subsequent versions.

The Zongmen Jade Slip has a special restriction, which can be transferred as a gift, but cannot be copied privately. Once copied by force, the Jade Slip will automatically clear all content and become a blank Jade Slip.

And once the jade slips have been opened and checked with spiritual sense, they will be branded with the person's spiritual sense. If someone else wants to check the jade slips, the jade slips will explode automatically, and even seriously hurt The consciousness of the user.

This is also an important method for the high sect to protect their own inheritance.

The purpose is not to spread the law lightly. Although it cannot prevent 100% leakage of the secret law of the sect, it can prevent most of the possibilities.

Otherwise, if a few of my own disciples were intercepted and killed by others, wouldn't all the inheritance of the skills be passed on?

Of course, this method of making jade slips is time-consuming and laborious. In the Langhuan world, except for the top few sects, there is no way to make this kind of jade slips.

Even in Taiwei Xianzong, not all jade slips can use this special jade slip.

It can be seen that this alchemy essence is very precious to get started.

Of course, some people have thought about silently reciting the content of the jade slips to make new jade slips. Unfortunately, most of the secret arts are made into jade slips, not only for recording words, but also for many images, spells, and even artistic conceptions. , cannot be simply expressed in words.

Those who can record these precious secret methods at will must have mastered the secret methods, and their cultivation level must be at least one level higher than this method.

With such a huge gap in cultivation, even if low-level secret techniques are copied in batches, they will not be able to sell many spirit stones. On the contrary, once they are discovered, they will be severely punished by the sect.

The pay is not directly proportional to the income, and few people are willing to take risks on this road.

As for Yinghui, besides the alchemy essence that makes him mesmerized, the jade slip he got from Cheng Zehao is also very special.

This jade slip is a secret technique that combines poison with spells to double the damage.

Just like the black water that Cheng Zehao used that day.

Cheng Zehao didn't know what to think when he used this method. The refined poison is so obvious that people will know there is a problem at first sight. If he can refine a colorless and odorless poison and combine it with magic, it will moisten things Silent, such as being scattered into the water mist technique, nine out of ten will be hit.

When Ying Hui read more and more deeply, he almost understood what was going on.

It's not that Cheng Zehao doesn't want to keep a low profile, but that his strength really doesn't allow it. The more invisible the poison, the more precious and hard to find. He is just a small monk in the Qi refining period, even if he has earned some wealth with his medical skills, I can't afford these treasures either.

Therefore, such a good secret skill, he couldn't really use it.

Ying Hui dug out the two bottles of poison that he got from Cheng Zehao. He felt disgusted with them, but he still kept them. When he had time, he just used these two bottles of poison for practice. When did he find them? An ideal poison, then this secret technique will become a sharp weapon for his sinister.

As for the other two jade slips, one is Cheng Zehao's cultivation method. Cheng Zehao is different from her spiritual root and has no reference value, so Ying Hui directly threw it aside.

The remaining one is about medical skills, which is relatively superficial, and the method of unblocking it with only one hand's spiritual power is still subtle. Although Ying Hui didn't plan to learn medical skills, he still read it from beginning to end.

Why is there not much she can learn now?

After sorting out all the jade slips, Ying Hui took the alchemy essence and wanted to start, a little ready to move.

After hesitating for a moment, he decided to thicken his skin again.

"Brother Jiu, are you busy? I need your help with something."

Ying Rong was a little worried, and said: "Brother Jiu can't do anything if the heart of the sword is broken, Xiao Shiyi, you can't be a sword repairer, could it be that you broke the heart of the sword yourself?
It’s not right, it’s impossible to condense the sword heart, you have to build a foundation, you’re only six years old, you started training in the womb, it’s impossible to condense the sword heart, or..."

Ying Hui was in a cold sweat, why did his ninth brother fall into the sword heart and seemed to be possessed by a demon.

"Ninth brother, don't think about it, it's not about Jianxin that I came to you, that's because I read this story, I was curious, so I asked a few more words.

I want to ask you this time, if you have an unused alchemy furnace, let me use it, I want to try alchemy. "

Hearing Yinghui's words, Ying Rong really felt relieved and dispelled her original doubts.

Knowing that Ying Hui wanted to make alchemy, he asked very enthusiastically: "Sister Eleven wants to make alchemy? Have you ever made alchemy before? Do you need brother Jiu to teach you?"

Ying Hui shook his head, "I just read a little experience, I haven't refined it myself, so I want to try it."

"That's right, you've only practiced one level of qi, and you can't use a general alchemy furnace. The spiritual power is not enough, and the flame can't be maintained. In the end, it will fall short."

Ying Hui was too excited just now, and suddenly forgot that his current cultivation base is not the sixth level of Qi training, but a weak chicken at the first level of Qi training.

Not only is her cultivation insufficient, but she doesn't even have the spiritual plant to refine the most basic bigu pill, so what kind of alchemy can she use for nothing.

A ladle of cold water was poured down, and she finally calmed down. There is no real thing, so it's better to read more about the theory of alchemy before getting started.

In addition to the detailed introduction of alchemy recipes, there are also a lot of alchemy theories, common alchemy techniques, how to judge the heat, etc. She has a thorough understanding of these, and she will be able to get started when she has a chance to practice in the future.

 Thanks to Xingyun Lifang for the reward, and thanks to Qing and Yue for the reward.

(End of this chapter)

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