Chapter 61

Moreover, after understanding these things, even if you go to the Fighting Pill Contest, you can see some tricks, and it is not a waste of time.

She has calmed down, Ying Rong has not yet calmed down, there are not many people in the Ying family who are good at alchemy, they are barely able to do it among their peers.

Similar hobbies and similar smells.

Suddenly hearing that Ying Hui also knew how to make alchemy, he immediately became excited, and dragged her to the alchemy room.

As he walked, he said, "You can't use Ninth Brother's alchemy furnace. You want to use an alchemy furnace with a fire array in the alchemy room. It's just right for you to use. Its fire control is not as good as that of the flames fired by spiritual power. It has a cultivation base of one." Gao, this thing is useless, it has been left unused, just for you to practice, if you don’t understand, Brother Nine can still guide you.”

"Ninth Brother Nine Brothers, wait a minute. I was a little excited just after reading my experience. I forgot not only that I don't have a pill furnace, but also that I don't have any materials for alchemy. I'd better go back and have a look. I'll look for it later when I'm ready." Nine Brothers give pointers."

"What kind of elixir do you want to practice? I occasionally refine elixir during the Qi refining period, but I still have some materials on me, I'll give it to you to play with."

Yinghui finally confirmed this time that this ninth brother is really rich and powerful.

"I want to try the simplest Bigu Dan."

The spiritual plant needed to refine Bigu Pill is very simple, and the main medicine is only one Zhu Yucao, even if the refining fails, the loss is not too big.

"It's really a coincidence. I have the most ingredients for Bigu Dan, and there are still twenty copies. If you don't have enough, Eleventh Sister, I'm going to find my little uncle."

Ying·Zhencai·Rong not only handed over his inventory, but also directly reserved Ying Xun's.

Ying Xun didn't know that his storage bag was leaking. At this moment, he had just refined a furnace of elixir. There were twelve yellow bud elixir in a furnace, but there were only three high-grade ones.

It is said that more than [-]% of Chunyu Qianxing's pot of yellow bud pills can be top-grade.

"Is the gap really that big?"

Ying Xun murmured in a low voice, and it was almost predictable what kind of fiasco their Ying family would face in the upcoming fight against alchemy.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Ying Xun collected the elixir and said directly, "Come in."

"I guessed that the little uncle is here. Uncle Seventeen and the others are not as diligent as you."

"You don't arrange other people, and you don't necessarily come here to make alchemy."

Ying Xun glanced back at Ying Hui who was following Ying Rong as the background board, and unceremoniously exposed it.

Ying Rong's dead pig was not afraid of boiling water, so he pulled Ying Hui out and said, "I can't do it, isn't this a diligent one? Look at Eleventh Sister, she is only so young, and she has started to learn alchemy, what a good and diligent child , I can be regarded as a successor, little uncle, you can change someone to watch in the future."

Ying Xun frowned and looked at Ying Hui. He didn't think that a little girl at the first level of Qi Refining could really make alchemy. In fact, it was more likely that this little girl wanted to use alchemy to build a good relationship with himself and others. Integrating into them, when they return to the family, they can rely on the partiality of the family's parents, and they will not be helpless in the face of Bai Lian'er.

He could understand the little girl's small thoughts, but he didn't like her being so eager for quick success.

However, looking at Ying Rong's excited appearance, he didn't want to pour cold water on him, he just waited for Ying Rong to extinguish his enthusiasm in a hurry.

Ying Rong enthusiastically introduced to Ying Hui how to use the alchemy furnace, how to open the furnace cover, how to adjust the fire and so on.

Let Ying Hui familiarize himself twice.

Seeing Yinghui clumsily experimenting with the alchemy furnace, Ying Xun strengthened her mind, secretly thinking that she must enlighten Yinghui later, and she must not be too utilitarian in treating her family.

After Yinghui gradually became familiar with the alchemy furnace, he did not start alchemy right away, but took out the essentials of alchemy, found out the formula of Bigu pill, and carefully read it twice from beginning to end.

Her impromptu attitude, not to mention Ying Xun, even the corners of Ying Rong's mouth twitched.

Yinghui doesn't mind other people's thoughts. Even in Yaoze world, Lingzhi is not everywhere. She should cherish every material and take every opportunity to make alchemy seriously.

It wasn't until I understood all the details in my chest, and closed my eyes and rehearsed in my mind several times, that I finally got up.

Ying Xun looked at Yinghui's methodical step by step, which was in stark contrast to the panic just now, and was a little surprised. It seemed that he had really done his homework.

After a few years of growth, Ying Xun couldn't help but start to look forward to the possibility of refining the elixir.

When Yinghui raised the furnace fire, all the elixir slowly turned into liquid medicine, controlling the fire to be big and small, slow and fast, to purify the liquid medicine in the furnace little by little.

The formulas in his hands are flying, and one can tell that he has worked hard.

Ying Xun's thinking changed a bit again, just this alchemy formula, maybe this little girl really has some talent in alchemy, maybe she really doesn't need to wait a few more years.

When the pill furnace was opened abruptly, Yinghui used one after another method of collecting pills, and the unique medicinal fragrance of pills slowly dispersed in the whole pill room.

Ying Hui stretched out his hand to collect it, and ten bigu pills of different sizes and odd shapes were put into the medicine bottle.

Although the pills are barely made, they are all low-grade pills, not to mention erysipelas, and the effect is greatly reduced.

Ying Hui frowned, recalling the omissions he had just made. When purifying the medicinal liquid, he was timid. The fire was too small, and the medicinal liquid had already started to solidify without purifying all impurities in time, and he had to go to the next step to combine pills.

When collecting the pills, because I was not familiar with them, I actually typed a wrong formula, and the power of the medicine leaked out, which was even more embarrassing.

There are also various other small mistakes, and this batch of good herbs was blinded in vain.

Ying Hui was heartbroken, looked at this bottle of low-grade pills, and sighed.

Blinking her starry eyes, she looked at Ying Rong and said, "Brother Jiu, I want to try again, okay?"

Ying Rong pointed at the alchemy bottle tremblingly, looked at Ying Hui, and asked the soul torture: "Is this the first time you have made alchemy?"

Ying Hui thought that although he had practiced twice in his last life, it was not Bigu Pill. It could be regarded as the first time in his past and present lives, so he nodded.

Ying Rong pushed all the materials in front of her, "Try it, Eleventh Sister opened it up to try, if there are not enough materials, my little uncle has plenty."

Ying Rong never thought that Ying Xun would refuse, and Ying Xun certainly would not refuse.

He didn't even hear what Ying Rong said at this time, took the Bigu Pill in Yinghui's hand, thought about her slightly different method of alchemy from his own, and the low-grade pill that she successfully refined in the first alchemy, I was so shocked that I didn't know what to do.

Even if there was speculation before Cheng Dan, it was still extremely shocking.

At this moment, Ying Xun had a vague feeling that perhaps, Ying Hui really just wanted to make alchemy, rather than trying to get close as he imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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