This fairy has some tea

Chapter 62 Peerless Genius

Chapter 62 Peerless Genius
Fortunately, because Ying Hui is a junior who just got back and is a little girl, I didn't directly express my inner thoughts, otherwise I would be really ashamed.

Ying Hui didn't know what was going on in their hearts. After hearing Ying Rong's agreement, he began to meditate to restore his spiritual power. Then, he rehearsed the refining process twice in his mind to make sure there was no problem. Afterwards, the alchemy was started again.

This time, I did not make the same problem as last time, but there was a new mistake, the fire was a little bit bigger, causing a little damage to the medicinal liquid, and I tried my best to save it, but it was only a batch of middle-grade pills. Moreover, because of the large fire, some liquid medicine was lost, and the final product lost three pills.

Ying Hui was a little disappointed, she thought that with such a detailed method of alchemy, she practiced again and again, and gained a lot of experience, how could she reach the top grade.

Ying Hui was not in a hurry to meditate, and reviewed the details of alchemy from beginning to end. After finding out two other minor problems, he started to meditate again to restore his spiritual power, and then rehearsed it twice in his mind. It was the third time to open the furnace for alchemy.

What she didn't know was that her two alchemy sessions corresponded to the stimulation of Rong and the two of them one after another.

The two thought that the first alchemy was still a bit unfamiliar, and with a little stumbling Yinghui, it was already a talent to be able to practice low-grade alchemy. Who knew that when she refined the second furnace, she had completely faded away from the greenness and unfamiliarity. It's like a veteran in alchemy.

And successfully refined a furnace of middle-grade pills.

Seeing Yinghui who turned on the furnace again with slight dissatisfaction, both Ying Rong and Ying Rong couldn't help muttering in their hearts, could it be that she still wants to practice high-grade pills?
She is a genius, and what the Ying family needs most is a genius.

It is possible that there are only a few in the entire Ying family who have cultivated top-grade alchemy. Among them, the influence of the Qi refining stage is too small, and those who are above the golden alchemy stage, as seniors, are also inconvenient to participate in activities such as fighting alchemy.

In the foundation building period, there are only five people who can refine high-grade pills, and all of them are here.

She can refine middle-grade alchemy in the second alchemy, plus her original aptitude, she will definitely be the focus of Ying family's future training.

She doesn't need to perform, so she really has the confidence to refine the top-grade pill.

Thinking of this, Ying Xun quickly typed out the sound transmission talisman, and called Ying Yu, Ying Bing and Ying Xiao over.

After the three of them arrived, they stopped them from making a sound, so as not to disturb Yinghui's state, and only told them what had happened through sound transmission.

Needless to say, all three of them were shocked by Ying Hui's aggressiveness.

At the same time, I also look forward to her training top-grade pills.

Sure enough, Ying Hui did not disappoint them. After a batch of pills, even if they didn't check the tempting pills personally, everyone knew that it was the unique purity of top-grade pills.

Ying Hui still didn't stop, because although this furnace was full of high-grade pills, there were only five of them.

Others naturally don't know what she's thinking, otherwise they will definitely shake her head desperately and ask her if she knows what Shangpin Dan means.

That is a top-grade pill, even they have experienced many years of tempering, hundreds of thousands of furnaces of tempering, and they can barely refine the existence.

How many people in Yaoze Realm spent their entire lives without being able to refine a high-grade pill, and finally died of depression, and even became possessed by demons.

When the furnace was opened for the fourth time, when ten chubby high-grade bigu pills appeared in front of everyone, everyone felt that it was not unacceptable.

When the furnace was opened for the fifth time, among the nine top-grade pills, the top-grade Bigu pill with silver pill patterns made the five of them unable to sit still any longer.

This is the best pill, the legendary best pill.

Even geniuses like them saw the real thing for the first time, the brilliance of Bigu Pills with pill patterns circulated, but no trace of medicinal fragrance leaked out, and all of them were sealed in the pills.

Such a bigu pill, even if it is kept for thousands of years, will still have medicinal power.

Relying on the proud status of his little uncle, Ying Xun overwhelmed everyone, grabbed this top-grade pill in his hand, and swept it inch by inch, wishing to peel it open to see what was inside, but he couldn't bear it. , this is the ultimate pill.

At this moment, he started to complain a little, why Yinghui's cultivation was so low, what was to be refined was not Bigu Pill, but Huangya Pill, Yangyuan Pill, even Peiling Pill.

However, Yinghui didn't pay attention to their contention, she seemed to be ignorant, and continued to open the stove.

The sixth furnace, the seventh furnace, and the eighth furnace, every furnace will have the ultimate pill.

But no matter how hard she tried, there were always a few grains of top-grade Danshen mixed in.

Ying Xun and the others were so excited that they couldn't help themselves, lost their demeanor and almost fought, but finally looked at all this dumbly, as if the best pill had become so normal.

Even, several of them boldly pinched a piece and tasted it.

Well, it is better than top grade Danxiang.

"Ying Hui should have entered the state of enlightenment. This talent, this talent, is really against the sky."

Ying Rong said with emotion.

Ying Xun frowned, and said to several people: "Ying Hui's aptitude and alchemy talent, you all must keep secrets, especially the alchemy talent, this time the alchemy fight, we must not let her make a move in front of outsiders!"

But Ying Rong first cried out in disapproval: "She is so talented, she will definitely be able to save our Ying family's decline and kill Chunyu's family's spirit. After returning, she will definitely have a better life in the clan. The elders must pay more attention to her.

Uncle Thirteen and Aunt Thirteen obviously favor the little white lotus. Eleventh Sister has her own skills, so why don't you let her compete? "

Before Ying Xun could speak, Ying Yu had already knocked him on the head: "What are you talking about? Let me ask you, what qualifications does Little Eleven have?"

Before Ying Rong could reply, he continued: "That is the best of the best, even if she doesn't know alchemy, who would dare to treat her poorly?
Who will treat her poorly?
Besides, she has such a monstrous talent for alchemy, whether it's my uncle or the rest of us, who would watch her suffer?

The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will urge it. Xiao Shiyi is no longer just a genius.

If her talent grows up, it will be enough to bring the entire Ying family to another level. Do you think that people who see her talent will let her grow up?
If you really think about her, join us in persuading her to hide this talent for a while, for the sake of the family, and even more for herself, never take any risks. "

Ying Rong was stunned, he really didn't expect that there were so many twists and turns, but he was not stupid, when Ying Yu said this, he immediately understood.

It's just: "Ying Hui is still young after all, children can't help showing off, I'm afraid she won't be able to..."

"That's why I want you to mention a little more. She was brought back by you, and she is the closest to you. I don't think she is a little girl who doesn't know the world. If you tell her clearly about the relationship, I think she will pay attention. Let's talk more." Take care, don't let her come into contact with outsiders casually."

(End of this chapter)

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